Fic: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Jun 23, 2011 17:26

Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Author: lit_chick08
Pairing: Nina/Ian
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The people in this story are real; the events described are not
Word Count: 1400
Summary: The unseen events of the MMVAs
A/N: written for a prompt from earnmysong, which was "building castles in the air"

She gets off the plane from Pittsburgh and literally jumps into the limo which will take her to the MMVAs. Her dress and shoes are in the backseat, and Nina groans aloud when she sees the nude heels. She shimmies out of her street clothes and begins the arduous process of attempting to dress herself in the backseat of a limo; by the time she hears the roar of the crowd, her hair is still in the ponytail she wore to fly and she cannot find her lipstick.

There are few events Nina is ever adament she does not want to miss, but this is at the top of her list. Since shooting started in Atlanta two years earlier, she feels like she never gets to go home, to see the people she loves and who supported her when she was "the teen mom on Degrassi." And even though she knows she is going to have to return to Pennsylvania in less than sixteen hours, Nina is happy to do this.

The happiness only fully blooms when she exits the limo to find Ian exiting his, the devastatingly sexy smile on his face making her stomach twist in want.

Candace teases her all the time about her and Ian's seeming inability to be separated; Nina would like to blame it on spending nine months out of the year working and living together (though, if her father asks, Ian spends all of his nights in his apartment and not in the condo he refers to as "our place"), but the truth is, she and Ian just like each other. When she's with Ian, she feels more like the person she is and less like the person everyone thinks she is, and this summer of separation has been incredibly hard for her.

Nina knows he feels it too. Despite almost constant texting and Skype dates, it just isn't the same. He had offered to fly to Pittsburgh one weekend so they could have some alone time, but the paparazzi has been crazy on the set, all desperate to get a shot of Emma, and Nina has no desire to have a photo of their time together to end up on the pages of US Weekly.

But as he turns to face her, his eyes sparkling with happiness, lips twisting into a familiar smirk, Nina is willing to jump him right there on the red carpet, something he clearly feels as well given the way his gaze narrows as he takes in her dress.

They're flirtier on the red carpet than they usually are, and Nina chalks it up to their separation. Paul always teases them that he had been able to track the course of their relationship by how affectionate and flirtatious they were; in the beginning, when he was still with Meghan and she was keeping a respectful distance, they had always been touching, always been teasing and posing for pictures so wrapped around each other, they were like one super-stylish animal. After they had finally gotten together (the result of a little alcohol, Paul's meddling, and that house party at Ian's place in LA everyone still talks about), they tempered themselves in public, always conscious of the eyes on them, on the rumors which were already starting.

There will be more "Are They or Aren't They" articles on-line tomorrow but Nina doesn't care, not tonight.

Once inside the venue, she ducks into one of the bathrooms backstage to fix her hair, apply her make-up, and try to salvage the fashion disaster she has presented so far. The door isn't fully closed when Ian slips his way in, twisting the lock into place. Her mouth is already opening to protest, not wanting to end up an x-rated blind item, when Ian seals his mouth over hers, backing her up against the wall.

His mouth tastes like scotch and the cinnamon altoids he loves, and she moans despite herself, her fingers sliding into his shaggy hair, and, as he grinds himself against her pelvis, Nina wonders how much time they have before comes looking.

"I have to get ready," she groans in protest, half-heatedly pushing at his chest before tugging the elastic out of her hair.

"I know," Ian assures her, stepping into her once again, his hands catching the bottom of her dress and sliding it upwards. "I'm helping."

"How is this helping?" she counters, her breath catching as his fingers find the side ties of the pretty lace panties she had worn just for him.

As the material falls away, Ian tucking it neatly into his pocket, he presses a wet kiss against her throat, his stubble scraping deliciously against her sensitized skin. "Because I want you to look your best."


"And," he drawls out playfully, slipping his hands beneath her haunches and setting her on cool edge of the sink, "you look your best after sex."

Nina's hands jerk at the button his jeans, taking him out as he hisses his pleasure through his teeth. She knows this is impractical and crazy and if anyone finds out about this, she's going to end up in one of those "CW Girls Gone Wild" exposes, but she cannot remember ever needing someone as desperately as she needs Ian Somerhalder in that moment.

He slides into her easily, and, under different circumstances, Nina would be embarrassed at how ready she was from him, how little it took for her to be on the edge of orgasm. Sometimes Ian teases her about how young she is, how that kind of stuff isn't something she needs to worry about; she told him once how he is her first "real" relationship, how she gets nervous sometimes that she is not going to be enough for him.

He had kissed her deeply then and corrected her by saying, "I'm going to be your only real relationship."

She buries her face in his shoulder as she comes, trying to stifle the sharp cries coming from her mouth, but it has been almost two weeks, two weeks of being apart, two weeks of him trying to coax her into phone sex or clandestine meet-ups in the Keystone state. Ian follows almost immediately and, as they both clutch at each other, twisting their hips restlessly, somehow her heel becomes lodged in his suspenders, prompting it to whip over his shoulder and smack her in the shoulder.

"Ow!" she cries more out of surprise than anything else, and then they are both laughing, their mouths meeting softly.

"I missed you, babe," Ian murmurs against her jawline, his voice roughened from shouting, that adorable twinge of Lousiana slipping into his syllables.

He tries to salvage his suspenders as she cleans up; when she asks him for her panties back, he smirks and shakes his head silently. As she goes to tie her hair back up, Ian stills her hands, letting the waves fall over her shoulders in what Nina is certain everyone will recognized as "just been fucked" hair.

"You're beautiful," he states firmly, meeting her gaze in the mirror, and Nina loves him so much in that moment it scares her.

Later, when they are onstage and Selena Gomez is talking, Nina feels his hand settle on her ass and she cannot help but smile. Backstage, as she dodges questions about their relationship, she catches his eye and decides, "The hell with it."

As he leaves his interview, she bounces over to him and kisses him. It is not the longest, most sensual kiss they have ever shared, but it is enough for his eyes to darken, enough for him to quirk a brow in surprise. She has always been the one who is adament about staying out of the public eye with their relationship, the one who wants to give "no comment" answers and pretend like they are nothing more than brother and sister.

Nina is in love with him, and she is done acting like she isn't, especially when she has to leave him against in nine hours and she doesn't have a moment to waste.

character: nina dobrev, warning: rpf!, character: ian somerhalder, rating: r, pairing: ian/nina

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