Master Post: Fic of 2007

Dec 26, 2007 01:04

It's that time of year, you know, when all the cool kids are posting year-end fic round-ups! And you guys know how I like to be cool. SO. I took a bit of time to go through and add up ALL the fic I've posted in the last year, and... Compared to some people, it's not a lot! But considering this is my first year posting fic, and my first year really writing it seriously, instead of concocting silly Mary Sue fantasies involving Justin Timberlake *cough*, I'm pretty pleased with how much I've posted! :-D Here is a quick breakdown:

Numb3rs fics posted: 35
Supernatural fics posted: 10
RPS fics posted: 3
Unspecified fandom fics posted: 1
N3/SPN crossover fics posted: 2

Total fics posted: 51

Word Counts:
N3: 12,294
SPN: 4,740
RPS: 2,360
Unspecified: 140
N3/SPN: 300

Total fic word count: 19,834

So now here, month by month, is my fic of 2007:


Don't Make A Sound. N3. Don/Amita. Rated PG-13. 100 words. (Part of Isosceles 'verse.)
A Life Lost. N3. Don. Rated G. 100 words.
Billy Cooper Is A Don H0r. N3. Don/Coop. Rated PG-15. 100 words.


The Principal Is Your Pal. N3. Don. Rated PG-13. 100 words.
Telling Me It's Time. N3. Don/Amita. Rated R. 100 words. (Part of Isosceles 'verse.)
Seems I Had My Mind On You. N3. Don/Charlie. Rated NC-17. 1727 words. (My first porn! I was terrified.)
Write Down Possibilities. N3. Margaret. Rated G. 100 words.
your touch is with me always, burnt into my skin. SPN. John/Mary, Dean. Rated G. 100 words.
Roses So Red, Lilies So Fair. N3. Don/unspecified female character. Rated PG-15. 100 words.
Over The Moon. N3. Charlie/Amita, implied Don/Amita. Rated PG. 100 words. (Part of Isosceles 'verse.)
Everyone Knows Anything Goes. N3. Don/Amita, mentions of Charlie/Amita. Rated PG-13. 100 words. (Part of Isosceles 'verse.)
Untitled Airport Porn. RPS. Jared/Jensen. Rated NC-17. 1830 words.


We Can Be Like They Are. SPN. Sam, Dean. Rated G. 100 words.
Sometimes So Sweet. N3. Don/Charlie. Rated R. 100 words.
Only To See You Live To Regret. SPN. John, Ellen, Jo. Rated G. 100 words.
Impromptu N3 Crackfic. N3. Don, Charlie. PG-13. 240 words.
Grab On Tight. N3. Don/Amita. Rated NC-17. 1536 words. (Co-written with neur0vanity.)
Never Be Told. N3. Charlie/Amita, Don/Amita. Rated PG. 100 words. (Part of Isosceles 'verse.)
Impromptu ficlet. N3. Don/Amita, Charlie/Amita. Rated PG-15ish.


Untitled pegging porn. Unspecified fandom/pairing. Rated NC-17. 140 words.
Just Want You Near. N3. Megan/Amita. Rated PG-13. 100 words.
Falling Into Place. N3. Megan/Amita. Rated PG-15. 100 words.
Until It Sleeps. SPN. Dean, Sam, Jo. Rated PG. 800 words. Baby!fic.
Anything You Say. N3. Megan/Amita. Rated PG-13. 100 words.
Hold Me Here. N3. Megan/Amita. Rated NC-17. 100 words.


I Memorize and I Forget. N3. Charlie/Amita. Rated R. 630 words.
Guaranteed To Satisfy. N3. Don, Coop. Rated G. 300 words. Baby!fic.
Fast As You Can. N3. Colby/Charlie. Rated PG. 150 words.
Whatever I Knew. SPN. Sam/Dean (SORT OF). Rated PG-13. 1215 words.
I Want To Be Undone For You. N3. Don/Charlie. Rated NC-17. 100 words.
Doing No Good. N3. Charlie. Rated PG-15. 100 words.
Give It A Shot. N3. Charlie/Anonymous. Rated NC-17. 100 words. Gun!porn.
When I Come To You. N3. Don/Charlie. Rated NC-17. 350 words.


No Rest At All In Freedom. SPN. Dean/OFC. Rated PG-13. 1125 words.


Play It Again. SPN. Dean, Sam. Rated G. 200 words.
One For Every Year (part 1/2). RPS. Jared/Jensen. Rated PG. 430 words. will hopefully be finished sometime, but don't hold your breath.


Everything Nice. N3/SPN. Jo/Amita. Rated G. 100 words.


Zanahorias. SPN. Dean, Sam, OCs. Rated PG. 800 words.
As The Storm Descends. N3. Don/Charlie. Rated PG. 100 words.
With Honors. N3. Coop/Don. Rated NC-17. 2806 words. (Co-written with neur0vanity.)
Turn Your Head. N3. Don/Terry. Rated PG-15. 300 words.
See The One Beside You. RPS. Jared/Jensen. Rated PG-13. 100 words.


Not Even One Tomato (She Must Have A Terrible Life). N3. Colby, Megan. Rated G. 100 words.
This Very Minute. N3/SPN. Jo/Amita. Rated PG. 200 words.
Now You Know. SPN. Jo. Rated PG. 100 words.
5 Things Amita Does to Forget Charlie. N3. Amita/OFC, OCs. Rated PG-15. 200 words.
Cut and Dry. SPN. Sam, Dean. Rated PG-13. 200 words.
Tonight. N3. Terry, Don (sort of D/T). Rated PG. 725 words.


Getting Closer Now. N3. David/Amita. Rated PG. 300 words.
Is This Seat Taken? N3. Implied Alan/Terry, Charlie. Rated PG. 100 words. *facepalm*
One Thing In Common. N3. Don/Coop, Coop/OFC. Rated NC-17. 740 words.


NONE. But, you know. 4000+ words of essays, if you're looking for an excuse. ;-)

So right here is a good place to very sincerely thank everybody who's helped me brainstorm, betaed, collaborated, listened to me whine, and of course, read! You've all made a world of difference. :-) Special thanks in particular go to (in no particular order): neur0vanity, leda-speaks, elysium1996, emmademarais, melissima, and mercilynn.

Here's to a happy New Year full of fun, friends, and more porn! (Seriously, only 10 of those 51 fics were NC-17. What's up with that? Haha.) *kisses all around*

fanfiction, writing, fic of 2007, master list

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