Numb3rs drabble: Never Be Told

Mar 20, 2007 01:41

First of all: the Charlie/Amita, Don/Amita drabbles I've been writing now have their own tag-- Iscosceles. :-)

Title: Never Be Told
Pairing/Characters: Charlie/Amita, Don/Amita
Rating: PG
Summary: She trembles, already knowing it’s about his brother, already knowing something’s wrong.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none
Prompt: "Accident" at numb3rs100.
Notes/Warnings: Part of the Isosceles 'verse. Unbetaed. Cross-posted to numb3rs100, numb3rs_het, and all_about_amita.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. This is only for fun.

“There was a...” his voice breaks over the phone line and she trembles, already knowing it’s about his brother, already knowing something’s wrong. “An accident,” he finishes roughly. “And I just... can you come?”

“Yeah,” she says, not even thinking to say no, not thinking of classes and deadlines, as bloodstained images flash into her mind. “How bad?”

“Not sure,” he whispers. “We only just got here. They said something about... friendly fire?” He sounds like he’s barely breathing, voice high-pitched and panicked.

She soothes him, murmuring assurances even as she tries to catch her own breath, blinking away tears.

rated pg, drabbles, numb3rs, fanfiction, numb3rs100, n3 fic, don/amita, isosceles

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