(no subject)

Mar 20, 2007 19:08

So I signed up for spn_dailylife earlier. Hopefully I won't have too much trouble writing a 500(+) word story by April 15th. (Erm, I think that's the deadline. Anyway.) My prompt is "jewelry," and while I don't have any immediate full-grown plot bunnies, I do have a ton of little tiny ideas, because I can think of about a thousand pieces of jewelry that might be related to SPN. Like, seriously, I can think of a lot of possibilities here. :-)

So yeah.

I'm planning on watching The Unit tonight, which I've actually never done before, heh. I'm kind of an oddly big fan of Max Martini for having never watched his show. :-) But seriously, how can you not love the man? I was checking out his message board the other day, and this woman asked, "Hey, where can I get an autographed picture?" and he responded, all, "Oh, just send me your address." Hee! What a guy.

Things for me To Do tonight:
--Beta fic(s) for Ely.
--Post het stories to numb3rs_het (because seriously, not using your own comm? Lame, girl.)
--Take a shower.
--Watch The Unit.
--NOT buy It Takes Two on half.com. Even though it's only 75 cents. *bites lip*
--Make pudding? I don't know, I've been wanting to for a few days now.
--Write. Or at the very least, brainstorm for spn_dailylife. Also consider numb3rs_het prompt. Heh.
--Think about homework? NAH. :-)

Dude. This song is giving me a bunny for some N3 fic. This is ridiculous. I'm not this susceptible. I'm not. I don't write that much. REALLY. *sigh* ... *pulls out notebook*

fanfiction, max martini, to do

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