SPN drabble: Cut and Dry (Sam, Dean, PG-13)

Oct 15, 2007 23:16

I write such silly stories. :-)

Title: Cut and Dry
Characters: Sam, Dean, reference to OFC
Rating: PG-13 for one swear word
Summary: Sam worked the shampoo into his hair, smiling to himself. He had a good feeling about today.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: 1x17 "Hell House"
Prompt: From chrismouse: give me the details of the SamnDean prank war they talked about in Hell House.
Notes/Warnings: Written for chrismouse, for her birthday. Which was, uh, a couple of weeks ago. *cough* Unbetaed. Pre-series.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

Sam lathered his body with soap, paying extra attention to his armpits because today was important, and he didn't want to stink. Julie Wills had been smiling at him for over a week now and he'd finally worked up the courage to ask her out. They shared a math class and he'd been going over his strategy all night, how he'd casually stop her after class, smoothly ask her to a movie... She'd giggle, maybe blush, and say yes. Sam tilted his head, contemplating. If he was really suave maybe he'd get a kiss on the cheek out of it.

He'd stayed up late doing laundry so that he'd have a nice shirt to wear. As he picked up the shampoo he tried to decide whether to steal some of Dad's cologne or Dean's. Girls liked guys who smelled good; Dean had taught him that.

Sam worked the shampoo into his hair, smiling to himself. He had a good feeling about today.

Five minutes later, he stared at himself in the mirror, horrified at what he saw.

"DEAN!" he shouted. His brother's chuckling reached him from the other side of the door.

"Need something, Sammy?"

"I will fucking KILL YOU."

rated pg-13, supernatural, drabbles, spn fic, gen

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