N3/SPN drabble: "This Very Minute" (Jo/Amita, PG-13)

Oct 03, 2007 23:18

Oh hi guys. I was late for my class today. :-( But other than that I had a good day! And then I saw this on my computer and remembered that I told melissima that I would post it. So. Have some femmeslash. :-)

Title: This Very Minute
Pairing: Jo/Amita \o/
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "I thought you might be hungry."
Word Count: 200
Prompt: "Chocolate" from melissima, in exchange for her help with Everything Nice.
Notes/Warnings: I feel like this could still probably be a lot better than it is! But since (as I just realized) I kept melissima waiting over a month for a drabble, well. That is a little ridiculous. :-) Part of my as yet unwritten Jo/Amita AU which I may have chosen a title for today!!
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

It's nearly 11:00 when Amita gets home, vowing never to sub for an evening class again. In her mind a hot shower is already running, a mug of tea brewing to fill her empty stomach, a bed warmed by a soft body waiting for her to slip under the covers.

She drops her bag by the door and unbuttons the top of her blouse before pausing. Jo's not in bed, waiting for her; she's in the kitchen, steady click of metal on metal sounding through the apartment.

She looks up and smiles when Amita enters the kitchen. Amita glances at the clock, double-checking the time.

"You're... baking, at 11:00 PM?" she says, raising an eyebrow and half-failing to keep a straight face.

Jo laughs unabashedly and lifts her hands. They're streaked with melted chocolate. "I made you brownies," she says. "Thought you might be hungry."

Amita wraps her fingers around Jo's wrist and raises her hand to her mouth. She licks lightly at the tip of her fingers, then sucks one into her mouth, tasting rich chocolate while Jo watches her, grinning.

Amita pulls off. "You were right," she says, and Jo laughs and kisses her.

rated pg-13, drabbles, numb3rs/supernatural, jo/amita, fanfiction, n3 fic, spn fic, femmeslash

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