I *heart* my TV

Oct 05, 2007 23:38

Okay, first off: CHECK OUT MY ICON YOU GUYS. Finally, finally, finally I have an icon of Colby. I love him to PIECES. Um. It is POSSIBLE that I actually said "HI COLBY" when he appeared on the screen tonight. Stop looking at me like that. *cries*

So, yeah. I watched Friday Night Lights (reaction: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and Numb3rs (reaction: Oh, COLBY. Oh, DAVID. Oh, DON. Oh, SHOW.) and I probably technically have longer reactions and Things To Say, but I'm a little tired right now so I think they'll have to wait for later! Like, tomorrow.

Last night I was in the worst mood ever (there were tears involved!) for no apparent reason, but I looked at some pictures of Frank Iero, read a bit of SPN fanfic, and went to sleep, and when I woke up I felt better. Then my sister called and I talked to her for about an hour and a half and I felt even better. Very calm. Tomorrow I'm going to go spend the day studying at her house, because I have a religions test on Monday and a Spanish test on Thursday.

I got an idea today for a Jo drabble, so maybe I'll go try to write that now and then go to bed.

P.S. in case you're wondering the keywords for this icon are "Colby sexy as fuck." :-D

real life, friday night lights, numb3rs

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