SPN drabble: Only To See You Live To Regret (gen, Ellen POV)

Mar 09, 2007 00:31

So there's this comm, spn_outsidepov, that I found a few weeks ago, and I thought, "Ha, how cool. But challenges make me nervous. Oh, they accept drabbles? And you don't have to sign up? Weeell... I'll just take a peek at the prompts." As soon as I read this prompt, I opened up my WP and wrote this. Since then I've been sitting on it, kind of nervous about it for some reason. But tonight I decided to stop being ridiculous, because it's not like I don't like it. Anyway.

Title: Only To See You Live To Regret
Pairing/Characters: John, Ellen, Jo
Rating: G
Summary: By the end of the night, she lets him hold Jo.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Only inasmuch as Ellen and Jo exist.
Notes/Warnings: Pre-series. Unbetaed. Crossposted at spn_outsidepov. Title from "Cold As It Gets" by Patty Griffin.
Prompt: "Ellen's first encounter w/John hearing him talk about his boys."
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. This is only for fun.

Business like this, you learn not to ask personal questions, so it's not until the fourth time she sees John that she discovers he has kids. Her baby's been fussing all night and he keeps glancing over, curious.

"Teething?" he asks, finally. When she nods, he smiles. "My oldest nearly chewed my finger off. You tried a frozen rag?"

By the end of the night, she lets him hold Jo, watching how focused he is, staring into the baby's eyes, letting her cling to his beard and collar and drool all over his hands.

He seems like a good father.

baby!fic, fanfiction, supernatural, rated g, drabbles, spn fic

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