SPN drabble: your touch is with me always, burnt into my skin

Feb 14, 2007 23:26

Here, it's still technically before midnight. :-)

Title: your touch is with me always, burnt into my skin
Pairing/Characters: John/Mary, Dean
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: Unbeta'd. Title from About You by Nicola May Tucker. Yes, I Googled again for a title. Heh.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is only for fun.

Red construction paper hearts his father had to help him cut out, covered with stickers and glitter and big block letters that spell out "I Love You Mommy Love Dean," in four-year-old handwriting.

Glitter and paper scraps all over the carpet and stuck in his hair, but he's grinning so widely when he hands her the valentine that she barely notices the mess.

Red roses on the table, champagne and sparkling cider at dinner, and then chocolate-covered yawns mean it's time for bed. A sweet kiss goodnight, music in the living room, a traditional dance like the night they met.

fanfiction, supernatural, rated g, drabbles, spn fic

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