SPN 2x15: "Tall Tales"

Feb 15, 2007 22:18


Wow. I was flailing and laughing and giggling all over the place tonight! I don't really have much to SAY, just...

Man, Dean might as well have not even been wearing a shirt in that last fight scene, he was showing so much skin. *loves*

I was getting a little freaked out about "Starla" and Dean before I realized what was going on, because while I like trashy!Dean as much as the next girl... that was a little too trashy. :-) I LOVE how smooth and serious Dean thinks he is.

God, I can't wait to watch this episode again. And again. And again. And again. And one more time.

Really, I can't get over that there was anal probing on this show AND that Dean called Sam a tightass. Like, I know that's an EXPRESSION, but fuck, fangirls have dirty minds! He can't just SAY things like that.

Also, "I had lots of sex last night, if you know what I mean." ROFLMAO. Oh, god.

Really, I loved EVERYTHING tonight. I love this show.


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