Title: Write Down Possibilities
Pairing/Characters: Margaret, mentions of Alan, Don, Charlie.
Rating: G
Summary: She always said chocolate was better than flowers.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none
Prompt: "Chocolate" at
Notes/Warnings: Unbeta'd. Title from "You Treat Me Like Chocolate" by 30 Odd Foot of Grunts, who, I must admit, I'd never even heard of before. I found the lyrics in Google. *is lame* Cross-posted at
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is only for fun.
She always said chocolate was better than flowers, even if it did add a few inches to her hips that she couldn't afford.
He always insisted she was too damn skinny as it was, and she should be eating chocolate every day.
A couple of babies took care of the skinniness, and soon she discovered three red cards by the box of candy every year, where there had been one.
Now she still receives three cards, one written in numbers, one nearly blank, and while everybody around her displays their flowers, an unopened box of chocolates sits by her name.