Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 14, 2007 21:37

OMG there are so many Jo stories since BUABS and I am very happy about it. I'm really enjoying them. Yay! :-) I haven't written any Jo stories (yet?) but seeing as it's Valentine's Day (for another two and a half hours, here on the West Coast), and seeing as in my experience, Valentine's Day is all about MOMMA, I wrote a N3 Margaret-centric Valentine's drabble, which I'm about to make a separate post for, and a SPN Mary-centric drabble, which... isn't quite finished yet, but once I can get these few last words in, I think I'll be happy with it.

Oh, shit, I just realized I have to come up with titles for these. Dammit! *sigh*

In other news, I don't remember if I mentioned my bio exam last week, but I got it back today and got an 'A' on it! *is boggled* I am smrt? I also got back my first paper of the semester for my English class and got an 'A-' on it, so. Wow. I'm on a roll. :-)

The teacher had us write about our writing, like about what we thought our weaknesses were, etc., and I wrote, "I abuse commas," and he wrote, "they need to be" and drew a little smiley face. :-)

I really like my teacher. Both of them, actually. Although my bio teacher wears socks with his sandals, which. No. :-/

Okay, now to do drabble stuff.


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