drive-by ficlet

Mar 30, 2007 16:28

It's possible this'll turn into something more. The first line of it came to me a few minutes ago and I figured I'd write it down. It's all very... off the cuff. Pretty much written just for me, but I figured why not post it.

It's funny, Don thinks, though not in a ha-ha way, that he's experiencing the craziest, most intense math problem of his life, and he can't ask Charlie about it. Lately Charlie's been looking more like a factor whose place in the equation has yet to be figured out.

Say, Charlie... Say two people have sex... (a pause here for the obligatory boys-will-be-boys grin) A few times, maybe ten over a few weeks. Nothing serious, right? (And Charlie would nod, because he hasn't figured it out yet) Nine out of ten times, they use a condom; one time they forget. (Charlie would frown probably, mind working now that there's math involved) But they're not stupid, Charlie, they're not stupid, so they go... they get the morning after pill, you know? Good chances with that, right, they say like eighty-nine percent or something. But she still gets pregnant... (Charlie would think he knew the problem now, would be figuring out the odds in his head) So here's the question, Charlie--it's got numbers, so you'll like it...

How many months do they wait to tell her boyfriend?

fanfiction, n3 fic, rated pg-15, don/amita, numb3rs

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