Numb3rs drabble: A Life Lost

Jan 25, 2007 00:42

This one took quite a bit more work than the last one. I have such a weird attitude towards drabbles--part of me thinks it's silly to spend much time and effort on them, because they're so short, but the other half loves them so much that, well. I think that side won out today. :-) Eventually, I'm sure, I'll get to writing a slashy one, but not yet.

Title: A Life Lost
Pairing/Characters: Don, Kim (well, mostly Don)
Rating: G
Summary: This meant he was alone, and she wasn't.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Counterfeit Reality (1x07)
Prompt: "Mother" at numb3rs100.
Notes: I had no idea that the actress who played Kim, Sarah Wayne Callies, had recently announced that she's pregnant when I wrote this; emmademarais mentioned it during her amazingly helpful beta. But it's kind of a funny coincidence. :-) Thanks to Emma for the beta and help with the title, and putting up with my usual craziness. ;-) Cross-posted at numb3rs100.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. I'm only using them for fun.

It arrived in the mail on Friday, giving him the whole weekend to wonder about what might have been before he cleaned himself up and headed to work.

He should have expected it, really. He'd gotten the wedding announcement--not invitation--about a year ago.

But this was real. Permanent. She'd left him in the dust, never looking back. This meant he was alone, and she wasn't.

We are proud to announce the birth of our daughter, Elizabeth Hall Robson....

He drafted a letter and threw it out, opting for a card instead.


numb3rs100, fanfiction, n3 fic, rated g, drabbles, het, numb3rs

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