Numb3rs drabble: "Just Want You Near" (Megan/Amita w00t!)

Apr 10, 2007 14:38

There's a sequel coming in a minute. Heh.

Title: Just Want You Near
Pairing: implied Megan/Amita \o/
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Just tell me."
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none
Prompt: "Interrogation" at numb3rs100.
Notes/Warnings: Unbetaed. Cross-posted at numb3rs100. Femmeslash. First time writing this pairing. No sex (yet). Part one of Say It Again series.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I just think these women are hot together. :-)

"Tell me something..." Megan starts. She stops, takes a swig from her bottle. "Tell me something you've never told anyone. No!" she says, holding up a hand before Amita can even think to respond. "No no no. Tell me your deepest, darkest sexual fantasy. Tell me that."

Amita looks down for a minute, thinking, shifting under Megan's stare. She's drunk, they're both drunk, maybe, and the only thing she can think of is...

"My deepest, darkest fantasy?" she asks. Megan nods and Amita bites her lip.

"Just tell me," Megan whispers, grinning and oh, she's closer now. "What is it?"

say it again, rated pg-13, drabbles, megan/amita, numb3rs, numb3rs100, fanfiction, n3 fic, femmeslash

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