Numb3rs drabble: Everyone Knows Anything Goes (Don/Amita)

Feb 24, 2007 20:13

Title: Everyone Knows Anything Goes
Pairing/Characters: Don/Amita, mention of Charlie/Amita
Rating: PG-13
Summary: As soon as she's within reach, he grabs her arm and pulls her around the corner.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none
Prompt: "Kiss" at numb3rs100.
Notes/Warnings: Part of the Isosceles 'verse. Title from "Midnight" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. Unbetaed. Crossposted to numb3rs100. Maybe kind of awful? :-)
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. This is only for fun.

As soon as she's within reach, he grabs her arm and pulls her around the corner, into the next room, pressing her against the wall and claiming her mouth with his, imparting his taste in her mouth above her lipgloss and champagne and his brother.

She pushes him away, hisses, "Not now, please." She looks nervous. "Someone will see."

He kisses her again, softly, and pulls back. "Sorry," he whispers, then smiles. "You look beautiful."

She reaches out a hand, traces his lips. "Just one more hour."

They leave the room, and he wishes his brother a happy new year.

numb3rs100, fanfiction, n3 fic, drabbles, don/amita, numb3rs, isosceles

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