Numb3rs drabble: Over The Moon (Charlie/Amita, Don/Amita)

Feb 24, 2007 20:02

Okay, first there was Don't Make A Sound (Don POV), and then there was Telling Me It's Time (Amita POV), and now, to properly round out this triangle (and because akussaset told me to), I present Over The Moon, which is Charlie's POV. (And then there'll be one last one from Don that's almost too awful to post, but I'm going to anyway. Because, you know... squares are more fun than triangles? Whatever!) After these two, no more New Year's fic, I promise. There might be more in this 'verse, though, because, well... you know me. :-)

Title: Over The Moon
Pairing/Characters: Charlie/Amita, implied Don/Amita
Rating: PG
Summary: At midnight, he leans over and presses a kiss to her lips.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none
Prompt: "Midnight" at numb3rs100.
Notes/Warnings: Part of the Isosceles 'verse. Title from "Midnight" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. Unbetaed. Crossposted to numb3rs100.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. This is only for fun.

At midnight, he leans over and presses a kiss to her lips, then pulls away, smiling, tasting candy where her lipgloss lingers.

The other guests crowd around, clapping him on the back, all good wishes and champagne cheer.

He sees her move away, but before he can wonder at it, somebody is asking which awards he's resolved to win this year, and he has to concentrate on finding the appropriate mix of humor and humility to respond with.

He finds his brother, gives him a hug, and sees her standing behind him.

She looks flushed.

"Too much champagne?" he teases.

numb3rs100, n3 fic, drabbles, don/amita, numb3rs, isosceles

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