Foody Thursdays - Meatballs

Dec 05, 2013 09:26

It won't be anything new if a say that you need your systems in place to make the most of your time. My today's post about my systems, as everyone knows how to make meatballs. Well, I make them from scratch, so this part might be new.


1.5 lbs ground beef
1.5 lbs ground pork
2 large minced onions

1. Mix it all, form your meat balls, bake at 220C on the cookie sheets covered with baking paper. Will take about 10 min.

2. Make sauce

2 cups tomato sauce
2 tbsp honey
1/2 cup sunflower oil
4 cloves garlic minced
4 tbsp soy sauce
bay leaf

3. Throw it all in your slow cooker / crock pot - 2 hours at HIGH

4. My side dish for today - just boiled buckwheat. You can also use couscous, rice, pasta, I will be cooking buckwheat at the same time using my Panasonic Multicooker.

5. we are out of bread, so I will be using this baby as well

6. Ok, so all ingredients are in, systems in place and I am out for the meeting. By the time kiddos get home from school - hot fresh food would be ready! Bon Appetite!

Compliments of Marina Gavrylyuk
Real Estate Agent with Sutton Group Summit Realty

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