Foody Thursday - Booblik + Bonus Challah Bread

Nov 21, 2013 22:53

Ok, so here is the story. I had to run out and present an appraisal on a home later in the evening (it went really great, if you want to know) and kindly asked my husband Andriy to take pictures for my Thursday post. Well, male creativity has no limits and situation came out of control - enjoy if you can! Booblik  - traditional Russian pastry, somewhat similar to a bagel, but way better!

We will be using my favorite Khrushchev Dough. Recipe and instructions right here.
1. Once done, divide the dough into pieces - size of the medium apple if you please

2. Form your Booblik! Watch a quick video. According to Andriy I am not spelling the word right, as it has to have "e" at the end or "c" before "k". I wonder, what men are thinking about....

image Click to view

3. Also, Andriy decided to photograph the required temperature for you! So, make sure you preheat your oven

4. Place your Boobliks on a slightly greased cookie sheet and let them raise for about 15 min.

5. And here Andriy shows you how to crack an egg! Oops, I said "crack", sorry Mister Ford! Oh, and I said "Ford" that's a bad word too...

6. Apply egg wash to your Boobliks and sprinkle with sugar and poppy seeds. Ready to bake! Baking would take about 15-20 min

7. Tisha is patiently waiting. Guess what? He is not getting any! His waist line is out of control too....

8. Now, BONUS!!! Quick video on how to form a Challah Bread. I was using same dough.

image Click to view

9. And here is ready baked Challah! Enjoy!

Here are some more baked goods. Now sure what possessed Andriy to place them like this! So sorry!

Bon Appetite!

Compliments of Marina Gavrylyuk
Real Estate Agent with Sutton Group Summit Realty

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