Foody Thursday - Chocolate Croissant

Aug 29, 2013 15:05

Welcome back to Foody Thursdays! Today we are making chocolate croissants, using the dough I introduced last week.

Khrushchev Dough - Recipe here!

1. Roll out the dough and cut into triangles using pizza cutter

2. Place 1 tsp of chocolate cream cheese as shown. I used Philadelphia.
3. And roll it up to form a croissant.

4. Place your formed croissants on a cookie sheet and let it sit for about 15 min.

5. Preheat the oven to 200 C.
6. Prepare the crumbs (optional) 1 tbsp butter + 1 tbsp sugar + 1 tbsp flour, rub together till the crumbs form.
7. Apply egg wash (1 egg + bit of water + bit of sugar and salt) and spread the crumbs

8. Now bake-bake-bake for about 10 min.

9. Enjoy!!!!

Compliments of Marina Gavrylyuk
Real Estate Agent with Sutton Group Summit Realty

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