Foody Thursday - Potato Pancakes!

Jul 11, 2013 22:33

As a true daughter of my land, which is Ukraine, I totally have to get this recipe out. There has been endless arguments as to whether this belongs to Ukrainian or Belorussian cuisine. But I am pretty positive - Ukrainian.

Garth Miller, you especially Sir - enjoy! :)

As usual, a list of the ingredients:

Eggs - 3
Flour - 1 cup
Garlic - minced for garnish
Sour cream - a lot
Oil - I use sunflower - for frying

Potatoes and onions normally have to be grated on a small grater, but I am lazy - so blender it is! Ninja is the one I am using if you are curious :) Add eggs, salt, pepper, flour to your grated or blended potato-onion mixture, stir well. Ready butter would look as below

Now get your frying pans out - the bigger - the better. I use 2 at a time. But Garth can start with one, LOL. Heat up the frying pans, add about 1 tsp of oil and spoon your potato pancake mixture. When the edges on the pancake turn golden - flip over! Just like this:

Mince garlic over hot pancakes and serve immediately with veggies and lots of sour cream.
And here is a kiddy version of a plate. Enjoy!!!

Compliments of Marina Gavrylyuk
Real Estate Agent with Sutton Group Summit Realty

homes, entertainment, food, ukrainian cuisine, recipe

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