GL - Movie Night - Part 69

Nov 22, 2010 16:06

Title: Movie Night
Author: critic2000
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: PG-13 to start, for violence (non-sexual) and language. I am not any kind of a medical expert so if there are some glaring errors, please forgive me.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the Guiding Light characters, they belong to CBS and Proctor and Gamble.
Summary: This is set in the spring of 2009. I’ve taking some liberties with the storyline, mainly Natalia never slept with Frank, hence no engagement etc. So our girls have been just continuing forward raising Emma and getting closer to each other though they are still technically just friends, but that will change… This is a hurt/comfort story so they are headed on a rough ride.
Author’s Note: This is my first fan fiction so please be gentle. This would not have been possible if not for the persistent nudging and awesome editing of my beta/great friend croftlara. Comments are welcome.

( Part 1 ) ( Parts 2 & 3 ) ( Part 4 ) ( Parts 5 & 6 ) ( Part 7 ) ( Part 8 ) ( Part 9 ) ( Part 10 ) ( Part 11 ) ( Part 12 ) ( Part 13 ) ( Parts 14 & 15 ) ( Part 16 ) ( Part 17 ) ( Part 18 ) ( Part 19 ) ( Part 20 ) ( Part 21 ) ( Part 22 ) ( Part 23 ) ( Part 24 ) ( Part 25 ) ( Part 26 ) ( Part 27 ) ( Part 28 ) ( Part 29 ) ( Part 30 ) ( Part 31 ) ( Part 32 ) ( Part 33 ) ( Chapter 34 ) ( Part 35 ) ( Part 36 ) ( Part 37 ) ( Part 38 ) ( Part 39 ) ( Part 40 ) ( Part 41 ) ( Part 42 ) ( Part 43 ) ( Part 44 ) ( Part 45 ) ( Part 46 ) ( Part 47 ) ( Part 48 ) ( Part 49 ) ( Part 50 ) ( Chapter51)(  Chapter52) (  Part 53 ) (  Chapter 54 ) (  Part 55 )(  Part 56 )(  Part 57 ) (  Part 58 ) (  Part 59 ) (  Part 60 A )(  Part 60 B ) (  Part 61 ) (  Part 62 ) (  Part 63 )(Part 64 )  Part 65 A )(  Part 65 B ) (  Part 66 )(  Part 67 ) (  Part 68 A )(  Part 68 B )

Chapter 69

When the door opened Emma peeked cautiously into the living room. “It’s all different.”

“Yes it is.” Olivia agreed. “Yes it is.”

The women held their breath while Emma looked all around the room then tentatively took a step inside. “Is my bedroom the same?”

“Yes.” Natalia answered, “This is the room that’s changed but everything else looks the same.”

Emma let go of her mother’s hand and went over to the couch, she seemed to take a long time inspecting the furniture then finding it fit she sat down to test it. “It’s comfy.”

Olivia looked into Natalia’s eyes and they both released the breath they were holding. “Yes it is comfy.”

“I like it better than the other one.” Emma said then stood, “Can I go up to my bedroom?”

“Would you like us to come with you?” Natalia asked.


Emma slowly walked up the stairs, occasionally glancing down into the living room.   Finding everything safe and normal she continued.

Neither woman knew what the little girl was thinking, Emma walked slowly down the hall to her room, she looked into her mother’s bedroom for a long moment but continued forward until she stopped at her room. She leaned into the room and looked around. “Mommy?”

“Yes honey.”

“Can you look under the bed and in the closet?”

Olivia swallowed the huge lump that had formed in her throat and felt Natalia squeeze her hand before she let it go. “Of course, will you help me?”

Emma took Olivia’s hand and they entered her room. Carefully they inspected every inch of the room for monsters; they opened drawers, uncovered the bed, looked into the deep recesses of the closet until Emma felt it was secure.

“How’s that? Are we all set?” Olivia asked.

“It’s okay, thanks.” Emma grinned.

Natalia had watched the painful ‘looking for monsters’ process and wondered if it would be okay to go and get their things from the car and ‘officially’ move in.

“So girls, what do we think? Should we bring our things in?”

Olivia looked down at Emma, who was still clutching her hand. “Do you want to stay here?”

Emma looked around her room longingly, “I want to stay here mommy but…”

“What honey?”

“Those bad men won’t come back tonight, will they?”

Olivia’s heart clenched while Natalia closed her eyes and willed herself not to scream at the pain this poor kid was dealing with.

She allowed herself a moment to remember the feel of man’s head in her hands as she smashed it repeatedly into the floor. Olivia fought the shudder that threatened to overcome her. No. No I’d do it all again, over and over if I could stop my little girl from being afraid in her own home. She knelt in front of Emma and looked into her eyes, “Baby, those men are never coming back here again. Never.”

A flash of fear crossed Emma’s face, “Do you promise?”

“I swear to you Emma, they won’t hurt us again.”

Emma looked up at Natalia who was nodding in agreement. She trusted her mommy and Natalia, “Okay mommy, I want to stay here.”

“Okay.” Olivia hugged her daughter and let a few tears escape. She released Emma and asked, “Should we go get our things then?”

“Yep.” Emma smiled.

“How about after we get all unpacked, we make some cookies?”

Emma’s smile grew as she looked at Natalia, “Really?” She had missed helping Natalia in the kitchen even more than the ducks. “Yes please!”

Emma ran out of her room and for the stairs to get her things so they could start baking as soon as possible.

“Don’t run on the stairs!” Natalia called to her and was relieved to find the pounding steps slow.

Olivia approached Natalia, unsure she could speak without her heart breaking. She simply lowered her head onto Natalia’s chest and allowed the younger woman to hold her quietly sure it would only be a moment before they would have to follow Emma to the car.


“I’m ready to make cookies!” Emma exclaimed standing in the doorway of her mothers’ bedroom. Natalia was putting some things in her closet while Olivia was putting clothes in the dresser.

Olivia turned to the door, “Have you put all of your clothes away?”

“Well they’re in my room and out of the suitcase.” With a smile on her face, Emma rocked onto her toes, hopeful they would buy her explanation.

Olivia looked over at Natalia with a half grin, “I think I better check on this.”

Natalia giggled, “Good idea. Emma we’ll make cookies after your mommy’s sure everything is put away okay.”

“Okay.” Emma groaned knowing she had left things not quite as she was supposed to.

They started down the hall to the child’s bedroom when Emma asked, “Mommy why were you putting your clothes in Natalia’s room?”

Natalia heard the question and wondered if she should go help Olivia explain.

“Ummm… well Emma, I’m going to sleep in Natalia’s room from now on.”

“Where will Natalia sleep?” came the innocent reply.

“In the room too, we’re going to share it now.”

Natalia had moved to the doorframe in case she was needed, she waited for Emma’s response.

Natalia didn’t have to wait long; she heard the child’s giggles followed by her carefree response, “Okay.”


“See Emma isn’t that much better than having your clothes all over the place?”

Both Olivia and Emma surveyed the clean room.

“They weren’t on the floor mommy.” Emma casually replied in that ‘duh’ type tone kids like to employ.

“Honey, piled on your bed, dresser and desk still isn’t put away.”

“But mommy…”

“Don’t ‘but mommy’ me, you know better.”

Natalia could hear the beginnings of an argument as she came toward Emma’s room. She too had finished putting away her and Olivia’s things so she wanted to check on Emma’s progress.

Peeking in the doorway Natalia noticed little Emma with her hands on her hips standing up to Olivia clearly prepared to make the next volley.

“You’re room looks perfect Emma.” Natalia spoke to interrupt the potential argument. The distraction seemed to work as both mother and daughter turned to look at the doorway.

“Is anybody ready to make cookies?”

“I am!” Emma’s hand flew into the air.

“Well your room sure seems to be in order.” Natalia addressed Olivia as a show of authority for the older woman, “Well Olivia, is Emma finished here?”


Emma begged, “Oh please mommy.”

“We did say after your things were put away and they are away, now. So go ahead.”

“Thank you mommy!” Emma exclaimed excitedly then kissed her mother’s cheek before she followed Natalia into the hall and toward the kitchen.


Olivia had been sitting on the couch with her laptop, working on Beacon business and enjoying the sounds and smells coming from the kitchen for some time. She knew the first batch of cookies were out of the oven and should be just about cool enough to eat by now.

She had held back from entering the fray while the heavy work was being done, not because she didn’t want to help, but because she knew her girls needed this special time and was therefore happy to sit back and wait.

The last round of giggles almost made her give in and join the fun but she forced herself to stay where she was as long as she could, at least until the amazing smell of Natalia’s chocolate chip cookies made it into the living room full force.

Like drifting on a cloud of aroma Olivia nearly floated from her seat on the couch into the kitchen.   “Oh it smells so good in here.” She reached out and snagged one of the cooking treats.

“Mommy!” Emma scolded as she watched her mother stuff the whole warm cookie into her mouth.

“Mmmm… you girlths did a goo yob.” Olivia managed around her full mouth.

Natalia bit back a smart response, walked over and using her thumb wiped the melted remnants of chocolate from the older woman’s lower lip. She then sucked the deliciously sweet confection from her thumb. “Mmmm… It is good.”

Olivia’s mouth dropped open at the vision before her.

Hiding a smile, Natalia reached out put her finger on Olivia’s chin to close her mouth and whispered, “You’re gaping dear and about to lose that precious cookie.”

With reddened cheeks, Olivia closed her mouth and swallowed the cookie.

“Mommy.” Emma looked up at Olivia, her little hands on her hips again. “Mommy!” She yelled to draw Olivia from her trance.

“What?”  Olivia snapped back to reality.

“Can I have one? Natalia said they had to cool off but if you ate one, I think I should too.”

“Of course, honey just take one of the coolest ones.”

She watched Emma take a cookie and blow on it to make sure it was cool enough, then jumped as the buzzer went off on the stove.

“Time to take the next batch out.” Natalia pointed out.

When a contentedly chewing Emma picked up the spatula to be ready to take them off the cookie sheet, Natalia suggested she sit this one out while she ate.

“Mommy can I havth sthom milk?” Emma asked around the chewed cookie.

Olivia, who had been intently watching Natalia bend over and take the cookies from the oven, quickly recovered and went to the fridge for the milk.

“I think we should all sit down and have some cookies and milk while they’re still warm.”

Natalia quickly put the next batch in the oven, sat down at the table and picked out a cookie. She tested the temperature with a tiny bite.

Olivia poured the glasses of milk, noticing the tiny nibbles Natalia was taking, “Oh come on honey, just go for it.”

Both Olivia and Emma laughed uncontrollably as Natalia shoved not one but three cookies into her mouth in rapid succession then struggled to chew.

She tried not to laugh with her mouth full but watching her family enjoying the moment so much Natalia fell into laughter as well then before she could control it, a clump of chewed cookie fell out of her mouth and onto the table.

Momentarily stunned and mortified Natalia sat wide-eyed looking at the chewed cookie sitting impolitely on the table but when she realized both Olivia and Emma were laughing even harder at her misfortune, she couldn’t control her own giggles that followed.


“Okay, I’m officially stuffed.” Olivia sat back on the couch, her hands covering her stomach.

“I know. You’ve said it about six times since dinner actually.” Natalia said with a wink while she walked in from the kitchen and moved to sit next to Olivia.

“Oh but it was so good. Chicken and rice followed by homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert. What more could a person ask for?”

“Well I’ll take that as a compliment. And suggest two cookies, maybe three next time… not seven.”

“Oh this from the woman who shoved three into her mouth at one time?” Olivia teased.

“Well…” A flustered Natalia searched for some response, “I just… I…”

“Was acting silly.” Olivia cut in with a smile. “And I loved it.” She leaned over to kiss Natalia sweetly on the cheek. “Thank you for making this day fun for Emma… and for me. I think we all needed it.”

“Yes we did but I didn’t do it alone.”

Olivia opened her arms and Natalia was drawn into them. She laid her head on Olivia’s chest and closed her eyes. It had been a long day. In the end a good one but it had its stressful and anxious moments as well but they had endured it, together.

Afraid she might fall asleep Natalia opened her eyes, “Where’s Emma? Has she gone to bed already?”

“I sent her up to brush her teeth and put her jammies on; we were going to watch an episode of Hannah Montana.”

Natalia moved to sit up, “I better go check on her.”

“No no, you stay here and relax, I’ll go.”

“Honey, you’re stuffed. I’ll be right back.” Natalia lifted herself with a groan and smiled back at Olivia giving her a special little wiggle as she made her way slowly to the stairs.

Olivia grinned lecherously and watched every step Natalia took until she vanished at the top of the stairs.

Olivia shook her head, it was fun to be able to flirt and act normally now with Natalia.   They didn’t have to tiptoe around each other and their feelings any more. Olivia tipped her head back against the couch, closed her eyes and reflected on everything that had brought them here.


“Emma?” Natalia was still smiling when she got to the top of the stairs. She loved teasing Olivia and it thrilled her to know how much the older woman seemed to love it too. Soon… soon I want to show you just how much I love you Olivia.

Natalia hadn’t heard a reply from Emma so she assumed the child had fallen asleep. Poor thing it really was a long day, I bet you’re curled up in your bed asleep.

She headed right for Emma’s room but was surprised when the little girl was nowhere to be found.

“Emma!” She called out again. Her clothes were on the floor so she must have put her pajamas on, Natalia reasoned. She had just walked by the bathroom and didn’t see her so she went to look more closely. She pulled across the shower curtain, looked behind the door, in case Emma was hiding. She did like to play ‘hide and seek’ but usually she let Natalia and Olivia know when she was playing it, after all what fun is it if nobody looks for you?

“Emma!” She yelled louder. Natalia was starting to panic. Had she snuck out? Emma was independent; nothing held her back when she had a mind to do something.

“Olivia!” Natalia called as she checked Emma’s bedroom for a second time. This wasn’t funny, she was worried.

Olivia was halfway up the stairs when she heard her name being called. She could tell by Natalia’s tone when she was calling for Emma, something was wrong.

“Natalia what’s going on?” Olivia skidded to a stop outside of Emma’s bedroom.

Natalia spun frantically toward the door, “I can’t find her. I don’t know where she is.”

Olivia’s heart started to pound, “Emma honey?” She called out, “We’re not playing right now, come out please!”

Olivia inspected the child’s bedroom herself then raced to the bathroom.

“I’ve already looked there.” Natalia exclaimed as she ran down the hall to her own bedroom.

“God where is she?” Olivia spoke under her breath as she ran to her former bedroom, threw open the closet and rifled through it.

She heard Natalia calling out to her asking if she had found anything, she couldn’t, nor did she try to, hide the fear in her voice when she answered.

After going through the closet she turned back toward the bed. She took two steps toward the hall, intending to go downstairs and tear the house apart, when she heard a quiet whimper.

Emma? It struck her like a ‘Mac’ truck. “Oh dear God.” She dropped to her knees at the side of the bed and looked under it.

There, curled in the fetal position, eyes wide and teary lay Emma clutching her teddy bear.

“Baby, it’s okay, come out of there.” Olivia reached toward her daughter but Emma didn’t move.

“Natalia, I’ve found her!” Olivia yelled into the hallway, a half a second later she could hear Natalia’s pounding footsteps come toward her.

Olivia lay down on her stomach and reached under the bed again, “Honey, it’s okay, mommy and Natalia are here.” She was close but just couldn’t reach her. About ready to flip the entire bed on its end, she heard Natalia come into the room.

“She’s under the bed, go around the other side and see if you can reach her.”

Natalia stifled a cry and did as she was told. She could see the tiny form turned into a ball. “Honey, we’re here, it’s safe.” Natalia reached under the bed and grabbed the back of her pajamas and began to drag her from out from under the bed, slow enough so that if Emma’s head came up she wouldn’t hit it on the underside of the box spring.

“I got her!” Natalia called over to Olivia.

Whether it was because she couldn’t see who was pulling her or the movement itself, Emma snapped and began to scream and claw at the floor to get away from Natalia’s grip on the back of her clothes.

Olivia ran around the other side of the bed, “Where is she?”

“She’s fighting me; I don’t want to hurt her by pulling harder.”

“Do it!” Olivia yelled as she bent down, straining as she lifted the side of the bed, exposing the frantic child and allowing Natalia to pull her into her arms in one swift motion.

“It’s okay honey, it’s okay. Calm down.” Natalia tried to sooth and she struggled to hold the child while Olivia dropped the heavy bed to the floor with a crash before falling to her knees next to Natalia.

“Emma!” Olivia grabbed the sides of the child’s face.

“No!” Emma cried, “Don’t hurt me!”

“I would never hurt you baby. It’s mommy, look at me.”

Emma continued to struggle in Natalia’s strained arms.   Natalia was being scratched, kicked at and punched but refused to let go for fear Emma would try to run away and get hurt.

Natalia tried to rock the distraught child, tried to ‘shhh’ her but she could not be calmed.

Olivia continued to call out to Emma then realized what the child was wearing. Ducky pajamas.   Emma loved ducks and Natalia had only been able to find two different kinds for Christmas but they were very similar. This pair was almost the exact pair she wore that night.

Olivia looked up at Natalia, “The pajama’s?”

Natalia looked at them for the first time. “I don’t know… I… I just… I don’t know.”

Hoping it might help rather than upset her more, Olivia began to pull the pajamas off the thrashing child. “They’re gone honey! It’s okay, it’s not that night! You’re safe!”

Olivia threw the pajamas behind her and pulled the duvet from the bed to wrap it around Emma and keep her warm.

To her relief Emma calmed slightly though she was still crying uncontrollably.

Watery brown eyes met green and Natalia begged, “Help her.”

Olivia’s strong facade fell along with her tears; she put her arms around both Natalia and Emma and rocked them; “Shhhh, it’s okay, it’s okay…”


It took time but finally Emma tired herself out and stopped trying to get free. Her cries became whimpers and eventually she simply fell asleep.

When Natalia noticed the deep breathing coming from the frail creature in her arms she lifted her head and whispered to Olivia that she was out.

Olivia nodded, released her hold on her bundle and slid back against the bed. She looked around the room as if trying to get her bearings. “I’ll carry her to her room.”

Natalia nodded a little unsure of how she would make the muscles in her arms let go of the child after clinging to her for so long.

Olivia bent to one knee then accepted the child from Natalia. Emma began to stir but once in Olivia’s arms she relaxed again.

Carefully, Olivia rose and started for Emma’s room. Natalia sat there a moment longer, to wipe her tears and make her stiff muscles move. When she made it to Emma’s room Olivia had just deposited the child on the bed and turned to get another pair of pajamas.

“I’ll get those.” Natalia offered then pulled out a plain green nightie the child rarely wore and helped Olivia put it on Emma.

They tucked Emma into bed then each sat on either side of her, unsure of what to do next other than be there just in case.


They sat in quiet vigil for what seemed like hours. It very well could have been neither woman was sure of the time.   Natalia glanced over at Olivia yet again and noticed the older woman’s eyes were closing.

Carefully, Natalia rose from the bed and walked around to Olivia. “Honey lay down.” Natalia eased Olivia down so she lay next to Emma.

Olivia wanted to protest, wanted to stay awake in case Emma stirred but her body was exhausted so she gave in and allowed herself to be tucked in next to her daughter.

She thought she felt lips brush against her forehead but she was so tired she wasn’t sure and before she could say goodnight she was asleep.

Natalia crept from the room and into the bathroom. She washed the dried tears from her eyes before heading downstairs to lock up.   She was ready to drop herself and after locking the doors considered just curling up on the couch but decided her own bed would be so much more comfortable though sadly empty.

Dragging herself back upstairs she took one last peek into Emma’s room and was pleased to find the two forms still fast asleep. What a night. Why can’t we just get one night of peace?

That thought followed her into bed and when she said her prayers that’s exactly what she prayed for; peace in her home and peace for her family.

To Be Continued...

guiding light

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