GL - Movie Night - Part 54

Jan 02, 2010 16:45

Title: Movie Night
Author: critic2000
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: PG-13 to start, for violence (non-sexual) and language. I am not any kind of a medical expert so if there are some glaring errors, please forgive me.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the Guiding Light characters, they belong to CBS and Proctor and Gamble.
Summary: This is set in the spring of 2009. I’ve taking some liberties with the storyline, mainly Natalia never slept with Frank, hence no engagement etc. So our girls have been just continuing forward raising Emma and getting closer to each other though they are still technically just friends, but that will change… This is a hurt/comfort story so they are headed on a rough ride.
Author’s Note: This is my first fan fiction so please be gentle. This would not have been possible if not for the persistent nudging and awesome editing of my beta/great friend laracroft. Comments are welcome.

Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday!

( Part 1 ) ( Parts 2 & 3 ) ( Part 4 ) ( Parts 5 & 6 ) ( Part 7 ) ( Part 8 ) ( Part 9 ) ( Part 10 ) ( Part 11 ) ( Part 12 ) ( Part 13 ) ( Parts 14 & 15 ) ( Part 16 ) ( Part 17 ) ( Part 18 ) ( Part 19 ) ( Part 20 ) ( Part 21 ) ( Part 22 ) ( Part 23 ) ( Part 24 ) ( Part 25 ) ( Part 26 ) ( Part 27 ) ( Part 28 ) ( Part 29 ) ( Part 30 ) ( Part 31 ) ( Part 32 ) ( Part 33 ) ( Chapter 34 ) ( Part 35 ) ( Part 36 ) ( Part 37 ) ( Part 38 ) ( Part 39 ) ( Part 40 ) ( Part 41 ) ( Part 42 ) ( Part 43 ) ( Part 44 ) ( Part 45 ) ( Part 46 ) ( Part 47 ) ( Part 48 ) ( Part 49 ) ( Part 50 ) ( Chapter51)(  Chapter52) (  Part 53 )

Chapter 54

Natalia awoke and even before she opened her eyes recognized that she was lying with her head on Olivia’s chest. It made her smile until she realized that her left hand was resting on a very soft, rather large mound. Natalia’s eyes went wide, “Oh my God” she breathed. The urge to just pull her hand away nearly won out, she didn’t want Olivia to wake up and think she was taking inappropriate liberties considering their current situation but she also didn’t want to startle her awake.

Okay, I just need to lift my hand off. That’s all it’s easy. Natalia swallowed then slid her hand from Olivia’s right breast down safely to her stomach so she could still keep physical contact. She paused to make sure Olivia was still asleep before she breathed again. Oh thank God.   Natalia’s brow creased. Why did I just freak out? I mean it was an accident, I’m sure Olivia would have understood. Maybe she would have even liked it.  Natalia mused a small grin lighting her face. It was kind of nice. Mentally shaking her head Natalia decided those thoughts were better kept for a time when she wasn’t so physically close to the object of those particular thoughts. I should get up but if I do she might think… oh heck I’m just going to stay here, it’s where I want to be. Natalia settled herself more comfortably into Olivia and closed her eyes again ready to try to go back to sleep.

“What are you thinking?”

“Ah!” Natalia jerked up with a start as the body under her shook with laughter, “You scared the pants off of me!”

Really? I’ll have to think of other ways to get that same result. “Sorry.” Olivia managed through her laughter and lascivious thoughts.

“How long have you been awake? How did you know I was awake?” Natalia asked afraid the answer might have something to do with where her hand had recently been laying.

Olivia’s laughter died down and she answered, “I just woke up and I don’t know, I just knew you were awake.” Well that and sadly you just moved your hand from my breast after you freaked out a little.

Oh thank God. “Did you sleep okay? No nightmares?” Natalia asked as she looked up to Olivia’s face without moving from her position.

“I slept great and no nightmares.” Thankfully no bad dreams this time, in fact, I had some very pleasant ones. Olivia answered before she tightened her arm around Natalia. “Did you have a good nap?”

“Mmm, yes I did. I suppose we should think about having something to eat? Any idea what time it is?” Natalia’s back was to the clock, she could feel Olivia angle her head to look over her head.

“Wow, it’s almost five.”

“Well I guess we missed lunch.”

“But we’re just in time for dinner.”

“Or we could just stay in bed and go back to sleep.” Natalia surprised herself with her boldness.

Olivia chuckled, “I would love that, really but I’m afraid we both need to eat and take some medication, otherwise I would be more than happy to stay here with you.” To punctuate her feelings she leaned over and kissed the top of Natalia’s head.

Natalia groaned, “Okay I’m getting up.” Only she didn’t move. “Now, I’m getting up now.” Natalia threatened as Olivia started to laugh.

“I’m going to start to think that I’ve become your favourite pillow.” And I’m really enjoying it.

Uh oh. “Umm… I really am getting up, I’m just comfortable.”

“I can tell and I’m quite okay with it.” More than just okay, I’m thrilled you’re so comfortable.

“You are?” Natalia questioned.

“Of course Natalia. Why are you surprised?” You must know I feel something for you even though I’ve been too afraid to say it out loud.

“I…ah… I don’t know.” I know we need to have a talk but now?

Sensing Natalia’s discomfort at the direction the conversation was taking and acknowledging her own fears about it Olivia changed the topic, “Well do you know what you’d like for dinner? It’s my treat.”

Natalia couldn’t help but chuckle, “You own the hotel Olivia when we order from room service, it’s always your treat.”

“Okay well let’s not order from room service.” Olivia suggested. “How about this, why don’t we order from Towers.”

“That’s a great idea but they don’t deliver.”

“So I’ll have one of my many intimidated employees run out and get it for us.”

“Oh that’s nice Olivia order someone to go pick up our dinner.”

“Well why don’t you ask someone? They’ll do it because you asked, not because they were told to. They’d do it in a heartbeat.” Olivia could almost feel Natalia’s blush. “You know they all love you, right?”

“Um… really?” Natalia pulled a half-dimpled expression that showed her surprise and genuine astonishment.

“Yes, really.”

“I… I don’t know why, I haven’t done anything special.” Natalia’s face reddened.

“You’re kidding right?” Olivia, thinking Natalia looked incredibly adorable with a blush, was amazed that Natalia honestly didn’t know this.

Natalia shrugged, “Sure, I just do my job and be myself right?”

“Exactly,” Olivia placed a finger to the end of Natalia’s nose, smiling at how Natalia had made her point for her, “and that’s why they all love you, because of who you are.”

Natalia shyly averted her eyes.

“Right. Well in any case, we’ll order from Towers and ask someone to run over and pick it up, okay?”

“Okay. Guess that means getting up?”

“Yep. And since you’re pinning me down you have to make the first move.”

Natalia sat up slowly, her body working out the stiffness.

“You okay?” Olivia asked at seeing Natalia move so cautiously.

“Yeah, just a bit stiff. How about you?”

Olivia sat up and answered, “I’m good thanks, is there anything I can do to help?”

After gradually getting to her feet Natalia looked back as she straightened her rumpled clothes, “No, I’m okay.”

Olivia followed her out of bed and reached for her phone, “Ok so what would you like?”

“Spaghetti and meatballs.” Natalia grinned on her stiff walk toward the bathroom.

Olivia chuckled, “Okay.” Dialing the number from memory when the call was answered Olivia placed their order, spaghetti for Natalia, roast beef for her and a big piece of chocolate cake to share for dessert.

The bathroom door opened and Natalia walked out yawning and noticed Olivia holding the phone toward her.

“Okay you’re on.”


“I called and ordered the food, now you have to find an employee to go pick it up in a half hour.”

“Olivia.” Natalia gently chided, dimples flashing as an indication of playfulness.

“Nope, you’re right I shouldn’t be ordering anyone to do my errands.” Olivia slumped and pouted as though she had been scolded.

“That’s not quite what I meant.” Natalia backtracked a little to let Olivia off the hook.

Grinning, Olivia responded, “I know…”

“Oh fine, give me the phone.” Natalia said as she shook her head, accepted the phone and dialed a number. She squinted in mock anger as she watched Olivia. “Anthony hi, it’s Natalia how are you… no, no, we’re fine just a question, would you mind doing me a favour?”

Olivia loved watching Natalia just be herself. She’s so sweet and kind… I told you there’s no way anyone could refuse you, I certainly couldn’t.

“You’re a lifesaver Anthony, yep it’s already charged to Ms. Spencer’s account, perfect thank you.” Natalia hung up the phone and turned to a still grinning Olivia. “What?”

“Nothing. Just watching you do your magic.”

“Magic, eh?”


“Wish I had some magic.” Natalia said wistfully as she sat back down on the bed.

Olivia moved in front of her and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“If I had some magic I could fix…” Natalia lowered her head and stopped talking.

Sighing Olivia sat down next to Natalia and took her hand. “Fix what? Me?” I know we’ve done everything to avoid talking about Jeffrey and San Cristobal but I know we can’t pretend it didn’t happen.

Natalia looked and turned toward Olivia, “Not you… just…” She let go over Olivia’s hand and gesticulated, “just everything! I’d take your pain away… Emma’s, mine… ” For the invasion… for everything.

Olivia extended her hands and took Natalia’s pulling the younger woman’s body toward her and wrapping her in strong arms. “You’re already fixing everything, just being here... you make everything better.” You can’t take away all of it but you are a balm to my soul making everything more bearable.

Natalia pulled back and looked up into Olivia’s eyes then back down toward her lips.   I want to kiss you so badly. Giving in to her feelings Natalia angled up and moved in toward Olivia.

Momentarily shocked Olivia hesitated for only a second.  Is she coming in for a kiss? Olivia’s hand came up to rest on Natalia’s cheek and she lowered her own lips toward Natalia’s.

A hairsbreadth away from touching, Olivia’s blackberry sounded startling them both. Looking into each other’s eyes, disappointment showing in both, Olivia reached over to pick up her phone. Looking at the screen she announced, “It’s Phillip, I have to take this.”

“I know.” Natalia smiled as she watched Olivia answer the phone.

“Phillip, hello.”

Natalia stood up and walked over to the fridge for another bottle of water. Oh my God we almost kissed… damn Phillip, not a good time.


“Well, I’m glad you’re having fun Phillip, I’m sure it means a lot to Emma to have this time with you. Is she there, I’d love to talk to her?”

Olivia watched Natalia’s back as she bent to get a bottle out of the fridge. I think we’re going to have to find a way to talk about what we’re becoming here… A happy little voice sounded on the other end of the phone and Olivia’s face lit up, “Hey baby! How are you? Are you having fun?”

Twenty minutes later Emma was still telling her mother about what she and her father had been doing all day while Natalia straightened up the bed before sitting down with the laptop to check her email.

“Oh okay Jellybean, Natalia?”

With a wink Olivia angled the phone toward Natalia as she looked up, “Emma was hoping she could tell you about her day.”

Happy to talk to Emma, Natalia took the phone and barely said ‘hello’ before Emma started to recite the story of her day.

Several minutes later Emma was still in mid-recitation to Natalia when there was a knock at the door.   Olivia answered it to find Anthony standing there with bags from Towers in hand.

“Perfect! Thank you for picking that up, it was a great help.”

“Oh it’s my pleasure Ms. Spencer.”

Olivia accepted the food and slipped Anthony a big tip. Looking back toward the bed to find Natalia still engrossed in Emma’s story, she took it upon herself to set the food out, going so far as putting a tall candle and some flowers from one of the bouquets in the room in the middle of the table.

When the lights started to dim Natalia looked over to find Olivia standing in front of the made up table, food steaming on top of it. A huge grin spread across Natalia’s face until she was drawn back into the conversation on the phone. “Oh… no… I’m here honey. Yep, we’re talking about your pony every chance we can get.” Natalia looked over at Olivia, both sets of eyes rolling. “Is that daddy calling you? Okay, I love you too. We’ll see you tomorrow sweetie. Bye.”

Disconnecting the call Natalia rose from the bed, “I tell you that little girl of ours is having a wonderful time with her daddy.” Shaking her head and chuckling Natalia added, “We are going to have to get her off this pony idea though.”

A warm happy feeling spread through Olivia’s chest at the use of ‘our daughter’ just as it did every time Natalia acknowledged Emma as her own. “We’ll figure something out. I’m glad she’s having fun with Phillip. It was the right decision to let him take her for the weekend.”

Natalia nodded then noticed the table behind Olivia, extending her arms out on either side she asked, “What’s all of this?”

“I… umm… well I just thought we could have a special dinner. I just wanted a step up from how we normally… umm… ya know… eat… or whatever.” Olivia swallowed the lump in her throat afraid maybe she was being a bit too obvious.

Is this a date Ms. Spencer? “Well this is lovely.” Natalia said as she moved to one of the chairs.

“Here… allow me.”

Natalia hesitated until Olivia pulled out the chair and guided it back into place.

Just about to take her own seat she mentally slapped her forehead.   Unavoidably, she quickly walked over to the nightstand and retrieved their necessary meds.

With a flourish Olivia made a show of presenting Natalia’s pill bottles, “I think you’ll appreciate the vintage ma’am.”

Natalia laughed, “Why thank you, it will be lovely.”

After a joint laugh Olivia’s smile faded.

“What’s wrong?” Natalia asked.

“I wanted this to be a bit special, just different but we can’t really get away from reality right now can we?”

“This is special and no we can’t escape reality but maybe for just a little while… after we take our pills… we can just pretend everything is okay and just have a nice meal together.”

Olivia nodded quickly and fighting back tears dropped into her chair across from Natalia. I wish I could make it all go away, just sweep you up into my arms and take you away from your pain… from my pain, get back to our lives then maybe get to have a real date.

Pouring each of them a wine glass full of Perrier water, Olivia offered a toast, sparing a brief wish that it was a real drink. Natalia responded by lifting her glass. “To a new beginning. We can’t change certain realities but we can adapt and we can hold on to new opportunities.”

Looking over the top of her glass into Olivia’s eyes, Natalia reached out to clink their glasses together, “To new opportunities.”

Over dinner both women spoke of trivial things, after the previous twenty-four hours neither were ready to delve into the difficult topics they had been wrestling with.

They finished their entrees and, after much eating and laughing, Olivia rose to clear the plates and pull out the large piece of chocolate cake.   Setting it on the table between both of them she sat down and they dove into the cake. Sounds of ‘mmm’ and ‘oooh’ escaped with each taste of the heavenly chocolate masterpiece. When it came down to one last bite both women looked at each other over the plate. “Uh oh.” Natalia said.

“Hmm, only one more bite. How are we going to do about this?” Olivia questioned with her eyebrow cocked and a hint of a smile on her face.

“I don’t know… a hand of poker?” Natalia offered with a laugh.

“Yeah right, how about something you can’t hustle me at?” Olivia challenged.

“Fine, how about rock/paper/scissors?”

“You’re on.”

The round of the children’s game ended with Natalia winning the last bite of cake until Olivia cried, “Wait! It’s best two out of three!”

“Oh come on, I won fair and square!”

“Nope, sorry you can’t call a challenge like this on just one match up.”

Groaning Natalia agreed and they played again. This time Olivia won.

“Okay this is it.” Olivia proclaimed while Natalia shook her head and laughed.

The third round lasted four tries until they stopped choosing the same option. With a triumphant cheer Olivia declared herself the winner, “Paper covers rock! It’s all mine!”

“Oh fine. Enjoy the cake, I didn’t want it anyway.” Natalia jokingly pouted.

Olivia loaded up her fork with the last of the cake and brought it to her lips fully intending to make a big show of enjoying it but seeing even a fake pout on Natalia’s face she couldn’t go through with it so instead she leaned her fork to her friend’s mouth. “You won this fair and square.”

Natalia opened her mouth accepting Olivia’s forkful of cake and closed her eyes, moaning at the decadence. When Olivia’s brain re-engaged, swallowing audibly, she slowly pulled the fork out of Natalia’s closed lips.

“Umm… did you enjoy that?”

Natalia opened her eyes and smiled, a chocolate smudge in the corner of her mouth, “Oh yes. That was the best bite of all.”

“Uh huh.” Olivia reached over and with her thumb wiped the smudge of chocolate from Natalia’s face before bringing the thumb to her own lips to suck the sugary treat from it, adding her own groan for good measure, “You’re right that was the best bite.”

Eyes locked across the table and dual hearts raced. Olivia lowered her hand to lay it on Natalia’s. “Is this okay?”

Natalia nodded, “Yes.” To punctuate her acceptance she turned her hand over and linked her fingers with Olivia’s gently caressing the skin under her thumb.

“This was a great dinner. Thank for you suggesting it and well… for making it special.” Natalia offered.

“It’s the least I can do. I know I haven’t made things very easy and…”

Natalia leaned over the table and placed her index finger over Olivia’s lips, “No… I know we have so much to talk about still,” Olivia tried to look away but looked back as Natalia continued, “what you told me earlier, things we still have to deal with but not tonight okay? Tonight is you and me and new beginnings and opportunities right? Please, there will be plenty of time for serious chats but right now I just want us to walk out on the terrace and look up at the stars and just enjoy this moment… together. The world is going to rush back in tomorrow whether we like it or not but right now we can hold on to this…” Hesitating she then added, “Whatever this,” Natalia squeezed the hand in hers drawing their eyes to their physical connection, “is.”

“Okay.” Olivia smiled and said through Natalia’s soft finger still pressed to her lips. After a quick kiss to the finger, she took Natalia’s hand and stood then helped her friend up and lead them out onto the terrace. Neither woman spoke for a few minutes before Natalia admitted with a chuckle, “Okay it’s colder than I expected, maybe we should go back in?”

“Wait here.” Olivia let go of Natalia’s hand and ran back into the room to pull a blanket from the closet and took it out to lay across Natalia’s shoulders. She then, from behind, wrapped her arms around Natalia’s waist and whispered in her ear. “I’ll keep you warm.”

The result was the exact opposite to what she had intended as the hairs on Natalia’s neck stood on end and she felt a chill through her body save her stomach where warmth spread through her as the butterflies began their dance.

Both women looked up at the full moon and the stars and spoke of constellations they could barely see for the city lights. For a moment it reminded each of them about home, sitting on the porch at the farmhouse together drinking hot chocolate, talking and laughing about anything and everything. Content to stand there together forever the moment was only broken when Natalia reluctantly yawned.

“You’re tired.”

“I feel like I’ve slept most of the day already, I’m fine.”

“I know you are but we both need our sleep especially if we’re going to move Emma back in tomorrow night.” Olivia’s face exploded in a huge grin. I can’t wait to have my Jellybean home. She looked thoughtful for a moment. These moments though… they may become few and far between when Emma returns but I know if we both want this, we’ll make it work.

Natalia smiled in reaction, “Okay, so… does that mean you’re coming to bed too?”

“Absolutely!” Olivia’s smile grew even larger.

“Uh huh.” Natalia said with a wink and she turned fully so she was held in Olivia’s arms. “Thank you again… for tonight.”

“It’s my pleasure. Always.”

No phone calls to interrupt, no knocks at the door to interfere, Olivia leaned forward and gently pressed her lips to Natalia’s. The kiss was a step above chaste but with no desire to rush anything that might scare her friend off, Olivia pulled back to watch Natalia’s eyes flutter open. “God you’re so beautiful.”

Natalia turned her head shyly away so Olivia put her finger under her chin and angled it back toward her. “I mean it. You are beautiful, inside and out and I’m such a lucky woman to be here with you.”

“You make me feel beautiful when you look at me like that.” Natalia leaned forward and claimed Olivia’s lips in a less than chaste kiss. This time when they separated both woman were breathing heavily.

“I guess we should go to sleep, eh?” Natalia asked breathlessly. Or you could just keep kissing me like that.

I’m supposed to sleep next to you now? “Ah… yeah let’s try that, shall we?”

Both women couldn’t help the giggles that rose up. They still hadn’t talked very much about what was happening but it was pretty clear in which direction things were moving.

“Yeah let’s go to sleep.” Olivia said as she shook her head then lead Natalia back inside.

Shyly they got ready for and slipped into the soft bed. As with days and nights before their bodies gravitated toward each other until Natalia’s head was on Olivia’s shoulder and they were pressed up against each other.

“Good night.” Olivia whispered as she kissed Natalia on the head. Both women smiled at the sentiment and though sleep didn’t come easy eventually they both fell into a deep slumber, content to be settled next to the woman each loved.

To Be Continued...

guiding light

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