
Sep 17, 2015 17:40

The ultimate Masterlist for my fanfic, reviews and whatever else there is to come. They are mostly listed in anti-chronological order (sometimes within categories). Asterisks (*) mark my personal favourites.


Sherlock (BBC)

light-hearted and funny

Angels - a Sherlock / Discworld crossover, 538 words, PG, slight conceptual spoilers for "Going Postal", feat. Sherlock Holmes and Lord Vetinari: “It is of angels that I wish to speak with you, Mr Holmes.”

Clot - a Sherlock / Cabin Pressure crossover, a fanvid, a great_tales challenge entry, 17s, G, feat. Mrs. Hudson, Sherlock and Mycroft: A short and silly fanvid. Because that coincidence was just too good to resist! :-P

Eighty-Nine Days - a Sherlock / Cabin Pressure crossover (*), written for Sherlock's Summer Vacay at sherlockmas, 1500 words, PG, warning for mention of dead bodies and Molly's work at the mortuary, feat. Molly Hooper/Captain Martin Crieff, Douglas Richardson, Arthur Shappey, Carolyn Knapp-Shappey: Martin suddenly acquires a lot of knowledge about dead bodies and decomposition patterns. Worried, Douglas decides to investigate.

At the Zoo, 350 words, G, mild spoilers for "A Scandal in Belgravia", feat. Jeanette (John's girlfriend from ASiB), John and Sherlock: Days at the zoo always were great fun.

This Must Be Thursday, a watsons_woes challenge entry, 43 words, G, feat. John and Sherlock: Just a normal morning in 221b...

Of Secret Gifts and Mistletoe (*), written for the sherlockmas fic exchange, 2900 words, G, feat. Sherlock, Lestrade, John and Molly with hints of Sherlock/Molly: As far as Sherlock is concerned, Christmas is one of the worst seasons of the year. And to make things worse, this year he is included in the Yard's Secret Santa against his will...

At Christmas You Tell The Truth, 221 words, G, warning for Christmas fluff, feat. John/Sarah and John/Sherlock: On Christmas Eve, John receives a series of surprising texts.

Five times Molly lost her heart … and one time she found one, a thegameison_sh challenge entry and slight Cabin Pressure crossover, 785 words, G, feat. Molly/Sherlock, Molly/Jim, Molly/Martin Crieff, Molly/OC: The first time Molly falls in love, she is still too small to understand that concept properly.

Mister Undercover, a thegameison_sh challenge entry, 756 words, G, feat. the whole Sherlock ensemble: „Never, Sherlock, never! I am not going to be your undercover agent at ‘Britain’s Next Top Model’!”

The Coat (*), 233 words, G, feat. Sherlock, Mycroft and Mummy: How Little Sherlock Got His First Coat.

Macadamia Nut Pancakes - A House/Sherlock crossover, 1180 words, G, light spoilers for both series, feat. John, James Wilson, Sarah and Sherlock: John is introduced to a guest from Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital and it turns out he and Dr. Wilson have more in common than anyone could ever have thought.

The Detective Club, 1129 words, G, warnings for crackfic and Japanese high school AU, feat. Sherlock, John and ensemble: Written for the prompt: Sherlock Japanese highschool AU. Sherlock/John. With "Sherlock-kun" and "John-kun" and "Mycroft-san". They could be part of the student council or some other stereotypical Japanese club.

Cat lovers - a Sherlock / Discworld crossover (*), 321 words, PG, warning for crossover and character death, feat. Sherlock and death: “Well, you are trying to give the impression of being the grim reaper. But you are not.”

The Cheese Case / The Mouse of Bakerstreet, ~1500 words, G, feat. John and Sherlock: Food is mysteriously disappearing from John's fridge. Is Sherlock involved? And if yes, will John be able to solve that case alone?


Mind Heist (An Inception AU) (*), written for sherlockmas 2012, 5100 words, PG-13, warnings for some violence; drugging and mind-bending in the context of Inception!verse, feat. Irene, Molly, Sally, Kate and Jim Moriarty with hints of Molly/Jim: Jim Moriarty has stolen some very important bank codes. To extract them from his mind, Irene, Molly and their team have devised an intricate net of dreams that will not only make Moriarty give them the codes, but will also make him believe in the best distraction they can imagine - Sherlock Holmes, a consulting detective. An Inception-style AU.

Love is a Word I Don’t Understand (*), written for holmestice 2012, 2260 words, PG, feat. Mycroft Holmes / Irene Adler: You can't choose who you fall in love with. But you can choose whether to act on your feelings.

A Night at the Opera, written for the sherlockbbc comm fest 2012, 1480 words, PG, feat. Irene Adler and Jim Moriarty: Irene meets him at the opera of all places.

A Eulogy, 251 words, PG, warnings for major character death implied, spoilers for "The Reichenbach Fall", feat. Jim Moriarty: He was the wisest man I’ve ever known.

The Third Time Is The Charm, written for sherlock_remix 2012, 1924 words, PG-13, warnings for mythological / supernatural elements, near-death-experiences and spoilers for series 2, feat. Molly, John and Sherlock: If Molly ever worries about Sherlock Holmes, it’s not about helping him; it’s about Sherlock’s heart.

Just a Magic Trick, a great-tales challenge entry, 80 words, G, spoilers for "The Reichenbach Fall", feat. Sherlock and John: For any magic trick to work two basic components are required.

Facts (*), a thegameison_sh challenge entry, 704 words, G, feat. Sherlock: Sherlock contemplates all the facts he knows about stars and people and what meaning one of them could possibly have.


Safe and Sound (The Reason for the Fall), a fanvid, 3:43 min, PG-13, warnings for (fake) character death, violence and injury like in the show, spoilers for series 2, feat. Sherlock and John: Sherlock jumps out of concern for John's safety.

Melting the Ice, written for the Sherlocked fest at sherlockmas, 221 words, G, spoilers for series 2, feat. Jim Moriarty and Mycroft Holmes: Mycroft kept Moriarty prisoner, but who was really in control?

Lion and Lamb (*), a great-tales challenge entry, 300 words, PG, warnings for darkish-ness, feat. Molly/Jim: If she were a character in a story, she wouldn’t be in such a mess. It would all be heartbreakingly romantic. (or: Molly/Jim Twilight style...)

Locked In, a watsons_woes challenge entry, 43 words, G, feat. John: The desert makes you claustrophobic...

Reaction No. 42 (*), 1076 words, PG, spoilers for "The Reichenbach Fall" and especially "The Empty House", feat. Sherlock and John: Sherlock has imagined various scenarios for his return from the dead. It turns out they are all wrong.

I Am So Changeable (*), written for the sherlockmas fic exchange, 2900 words, R, warnings for dark!fic and rape/non-con, violence and drug-use by a viewpoint character, feat. Jim Moriarty with appearances by Molly Hooper and Sherlock Holmes and hints of Molly/Jim: Jim is a nice guy. He really is. He just has the unfortunate luck of sharing his body with another soul - Moriarty...

If Heroes Don't Exist... (*), a great-tales challenge entry, 1286 words, PG-13, warnings for kidnapping and imprisonment, some language, feat. John, Sherlock and Moriarty: John has been kidnapped - again. How is Moriarty involved this time?

An Elegy for Time, a thegameison_sh challenge entry, 606 words, PG-13, warnings for character death, feat. Sherlock/John: It was at the precise moment he realised he was dying that, for the first (and last) time in his life, Sherlock Holmes found himself running out of time.

Decisions, 3131 words, PG-13, warnings for (ambiguous) character death, emotional dependence and confusing mind games, spoilers for "The Great Game", feat. Molly/Jim: When Jim tells Molly that he trusts her, he can't possibly mean that, can he?

Frozen Feelings, ~1300 words, PG-13, warnings for character death and obsession with a dead body (nothing graphic or too obscure, though), spoilers for "The Great Game", feat. Molly/Jim and Molly/John: How does Molly deal with the consequences of the pool scene? It's not like Jim could leave her now...

missing scene

A friend of Molly's, 221b-fic, G, spoilers for "The Great Game", feat. Moriarty and OC: Meet the real “Mark from IT” or How Moriarty managed to get his job at Bart’s so quickly.

Sherlock - Drabble Bingo

Various short drabbles based on prompts from this Bingo Card:

Double Drabble: Exams (prompt: panic), 200 words, G, feat. Molly and Sherlock: Molly meets Sherlock Holmes and it is exam time all over again.

One Sentence Fic: Iaido (prompt: knack), 120 words, G, feat. Mycroft: Mycroft had had a knack of exercising Japanese sword fighting since early adolescence.

Drabble: Mathematics (prompt: deposed), 100 words, G, feat. Moriarty: Moriarty never thought of it as his retirement, not as such.

221b Fic: Think Of Me Long Enough To Make A Memory (prompt: flesh), 221 words, PG-13, warning for Molly's work at the morgue: dealing with death, feat. Molly: Someone had to remember, after all, or else these people were nothing more than flesh.

Drabble: Despise (prompt: despise), 100 words, G, feat. Sally Donovan: Why Sally Donovan despises Sherlock Holmes?

Drabble: Hunkered (prompt: hunkered), 100 words, PG, feat. Sally Donovan: A normal work day for Sally contains at least one explosion.

Drabble: Breathing the City (prompt: exhilarate), 100 words, G, feat. Sherlock: He knows all methods of getting around the city, although he prefers some over others.

Drabble: Another broccoli-related death (prompt: undetected), 100 words, G, feat. Sherlock and Lestrade: “So I figure you are at complete loss detecting the cause of death yet again?”

Drabble: Phone (prompt: phone), 100 words, G, feat. John and Sherlock: John tries analysing a phone.

Drabble: Something Wicked (picture prompt), 100 words, G, feat. Sherlock: Sherlock had always known the police officers gossiped about him.

Double Drabble: Blazing Fire (prompt: burn), 200 words, PG, feat. Sally Donovan, Anderson: It was hot, so awfully hot. (follow-up to Hunkered)

Sherlock Holmes (ACD canon)

The Adventure of the Mad Scientist, written for the holmestice fic exchange, 2550 words, PG-13, warnings for dead bodies and some violence (but not in graphic detail), feat. Sherlock Holmes, John Watson and Lestrade: A mad scientist threatens London's citizens with all the dangers electricity can hold, and for once, Holmes may not be able to solve the case entirely on his own...

Go and Catch a Falling Star (*), written for the holmestice fic exchange, 2500 words, PG, warnings for mention of death and magical elements, spoilers for “The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez”, feat. Sherlock Holmes and John Watson: “Watson, do you not fancy a little night stroll? It must almost be time for the Perseids meteor shower. Let us go out and catch a falling star.”

The Big Bang Theory

Fanboys, a great-tales challenge entry, 142 words, G, feat. Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj: Fandom is Love. Or: Do you ever wonder if there’s something wrong with us?

Quantum Leaps, a great-tales challenge entry, 101 words, G, feat. Sheldon, Amy, Howard, Bernadette and Penny: Contrary to popular belief quantum leaps are actually pretty small.

Hiccups - an experimental physicist's view (*), 561 words, G, warnings for physics, crack and general craziness, feat. Leonard and Sheldon: Hiccups are universal constants.

The Ghost Discrepancy, a great-tales challenge entry, 348 words, PG, warnings for (very brief) mention of violence and death, feat. Penny and the boys: “But we agreed I should tell a ghost story!”

The Dagger and the Coin

Spread Your Wings, a great-tales challenge entry, 300 words, PG, spoilers for the first two books of the "Dagger and Coin" series, feat. Marcus Wester: With Cithrin gone, Marcus isn't sure what to do with the rest of his life.

The Ghosts of Vanai, a great-tales challenge entry, 200 words, PG-13, warnings for (implicit) mention of slaughter and mass murder and heavy spoilers for the first book of the "Dagger and Coin" series, feat. Geder Palliako and Cithrin Bel Sarcour: The ghosts of Vanai visited Geder every night.


Angels - a Sherlock / Discworld crossover, 538 words, PG, slight conceptual spoilers for "Going Postal", feat. Sherlock Holmes and Lord Vetinari: “It is of angels that I wish to speak with you, Mr Holmes.”

Coal, 203 words, G, feat. Mr Cabbage (OC) and Granny Weatherwax: What every farmer in Lancre needs to learn about witches...

Plus One, a great-tales challenge entry, 101 words, G, spoilers for "Thief of Time", feat. Ronnie Soak: You think there are only four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Cat lovers - a Sherlock / Discworld crossover (*), 321 words, PG, warning for crossover and character death, feat. Sherlock and death: “Well, you are trying to give the impression of being the grim reaper. But you are not.”

Lord of the Rings

Even the Smallest Person, 100 words, G, feat. Frodo Baggins: Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

Cabin Pressure

An Irresistible Force of Cheerfulness, 240 words, G, feat. Arthur Shappey and Carolyn Knapp-Shappey: The real reason polar bears are brilliant.

Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines (*), a Doctor Who / The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / Cabin Pressure crossover, a great-tales challenge entry, 2400 words, G, feat. The Doctor (Eleven), Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Arthur Shappey, Martin Crieff, Carolyn Knapp-Shappey and Douglas Richardson: At the end of the world the Doctor has to team up with some unlikely allies.

Eighty-Nine Days - a Sherlock / Cabin Pressure crossover (*), written for Sherlock's Summer Vacay at sherlockmas, 1500 words, PG, warning for mention of dead bodies and Molly's work at the mortuary, feat. Molly Hooper/Captain Martin Crieff, Douglas Richardson, Arthur Shappey, Carolyn Knapp-Shappey: Martin suddenly acquires a lot of knowledge about dead bodies and decomposition patterns. Worried, Douglas decides to investigate.

The Hunger Games

Of Kings and Queens, written for the December Drabble Exchange 2012 at great-tales, 250 words, G, spoilers for the first two "Hunger Games" books, feat. Katniss and Prim Everdeen and Peeta Mellark: Katniss doesn't believe in Peeta's stories about the old days. Prim does.

She's A Rebel, a great-tales challenge entry, 7 songs, PG, spoilers for all three "Hunger Games" books, feat. Katniss Everdeen and others: A Katniss-centric playlist.

On Fire, a great-tales challenge entry, 443 words, PG-13, warning for mention of war (well, more than mention, but nothing graphic), spoilers for all three "Hunger Games" books, feat. Katniss Everdeen: Since the bombing of her district, Katniss has had a hard time determining what is real.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines (*), a Doctor Who / The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / Cabin Pressure crossover, a great-tales challenge entry, 2400 words, G, feat. The Doctor (Eleven), Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Arthur Shappey, Martin Crieff, Carolyn Knapp-Shappey and Douglas Richardson: At the end of the world the Doctor has to team up with some unlikely allies.

Basically: Run!, written for yuletide 2012, 200 words, G, feat. Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect: Somehow, Ford and Arthur end up in some kind of galactic Hunger Games.

Doctor Who

Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines (*), a Doctor Who / The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / Cabin Pressure crossover, a great-tales challenge entry, 2400 words, G, feat. The Doctor (Eleven), Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Arthur Shappey, Martin Crieff, Carolyn Knapp-Shappey and Douglas Richardson: At the end of the world the Doctor has to team up with some unlikely allies.

Pushing Daisies

Truth, Justice, Freedom and a Hard-Boiled Egg, a great-tales challenge entry, 214 words, G, feat. Emerson Cod, Ned, Charlotte "Chuck" Charles and Olive Snook: Sometimes Emerson Cod wonders why on earth he actually works as a detective.



Jasper Fforde: Lost In A Good Book, Thursday Next series, book 2 (German)

Gail Carriger: The Parasol Protectorate series


Sherlock S02E01: A Scandal in Belgravia or Sherlock and Love


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

review, masterlist, drabble bingo, fanfic

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