Fic: Lion and Lamb

Mar 16, 2012 23:04

Title: Lion and Lamb
Characters: Molly, Jim
Rating: PG
Words: 300
Warnings: darkish
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: If she were a character in a story, she wouldn’t be in such a mess. It would all be heartbreakingly romantic. (or: Molly/Jim Twilight style...)
Author's Notes: Originally written as a challenge entry for Challenge 103 at great-tales. The title isn't very creative - and I've been inspired by Twilight of all things! So this may contain dialogue originally featured by sparkly vampires... Thanks to my beta garonne. Comments and criticism are always very welcome! Enjoy! :)

If she were a character in a story, she wouldn’t be in such a mess. It would all be heartbreakingly romantic.

Molly barely knows Jim - only met him a few days ago in fact - and yet she has already fallen head-over-heels for him. She almost missed Sherlock asking her for coffee today.

Jim is nice. Really nice. Well, most of the time. Sometimes, though, when he thinks she isn’t looking Molly can feel an edge to him. Something about the way he holds himself just slightly straighter and watches her just a bit more intensely. Something almost predatory. Then it’s gone and he is plain Jim from IT again.

Once he suddenly appears in her bedroom in the middle of the night without her actually having invited him in. Well, maybe that can be romantic if she squints just a little? Molly closes her eyes and opens them again just a tiny bit. Jim is still there, obviously watching her. The darkness suits him, makes him seem taller. Molly tries not to breathe. When she blinks again, Jim is gone.

The next evening they have a quiet night in. Molly has almost convinced herself that nothing is wrong, when Jim suddenly snuggles up to her and whispers in her ear: "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..."

His voice gives her goosebumps. Molly swallows. "What a stupid lamb."

Jim smiles at her, a brilliant, toothy smile. "What a sick, masochistic lion."

If her life was a book, Jim would now turn out to be her secretly friendly, yet potentially deadly lover.

But since Molly isn’t a character in a story and her life isn’t a book, Jim only turns out to be a rather deadly killer. He isn’t secretly friendly, though. Nor does he sparkle.

sherlock (bbc), great-tales, fanfic

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