Drabble + 1: Quantum Leaps

Feb 16, 2012 21:45

Title: Quantum Leaps
Rating: G
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Characters: Sheldon, Amy, Howard, Bernadette, Penny
Words: 101
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: Contrary to popular belief quantum leaps are actually pretty small.
Author's Notes: Originally written as a challenge entry for Challenge 102 at great-tales. Thanks to my beta garonne. Comments and criticism are always very welcome! Enjoy! :)

When Amy came to him crying because her laboratory monkey had died of lung cancer, not only did Sheldon offer her a hot beverage, he even let her hold his hand all evening.

It wasn’t Valentine’s Day, it wasn’t her birthday, it wasn’t even a holiday - but Howard had gone shopping, cleaned his room and cooked dinner for two without Bernadette having to order him to.

Despite the cold, the horde of weirdly dressed people and the fact that she had to work tomorrow, Penny didn’t complain about standing in front of the cinema the whole night waiting for “The Hobbit”.

the hobbit, big bang theory, great-tales, nerd stuff, fanfic

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