Fic: The Detective club

Aug 18, 2011 11:50

Title: The Detective Club
Rating: G
Pairings: can be seen as John/Sherlock
Characters: John, Sherlock, Sarah, Molly, Lestrade, Mycroft (so, basically everyone has a short appearance ^^)
Words: 1129
Warnings: crackfic, Japanese high school AU
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: Written for this prompt: Sherlock Japanese highschool AU. Sherlock/John. With "Sherlock-kun" and "John-kun" and "Mycroft-san". They could be part of the student council or some other stereotypical Japanese club.
Author's notes: Comments and criticism are very welcome. Enjoy. :)

It was John’s first day at the new high school. He was nervous as always, but Okaasan had made him a very special bento today (John supposed it contained a lot of chicken karaage which were his favourite) and told him to be nice to the other students so they would be nice to him too. So he tried very hard. He smiled and bowed at everyone he saw and greeted as politely as he could. But then a terrible thing happened: He couldn’t find his classroom. And class was almost about to start. John looked around, starting to feel unwell. Everybody else already seemed to be in their classroom. But then he spotted a tall boy with wild hair, yet spotless uniform who was about his age.

“Excuse me”, he said. “Would you be kind enough to tell me where class 2B is?”

The other boy turned to give John an intense look. “Good morning, John-kun. I didn’t expect you to be late with your father being in the military. But since you have slept poorly, no doubt nervous about yet another school change, you may be excused.”

John felt terribly rude to ask: “I’m sorry. Have we been introduced yet?”

“No. I am Sherlock Holmes, same class as you, so just follow me.”

John followed him through the school corridors. “But then”, he pressed on, “how do you know all this stuff about me?”

Sherlock-kun smiled at him for a second, then quickly suppressed the smile and rolled his eyes. “Easy. Your name and father’s profession is simple background information. You are the only new student arriving today, so finding you was easy to. Everyone who gives you more than a quick look can see how tired you look and since you seem rather confident in an unknown environment and haven’t asked for any help except for now, I can guess this isn’t your first school change.”

John realized he had been standing there listening instead of following Sherlock-kun, so he hurried on to keep up with the other boy. “That is amazing, Sherlock-kun! I have never met anyone who could do that before! No doubt, you are the most popular boy in your - our - class!”

But when they entered the classroom, Sherlock-kun didn’t greet anyone, but quickly sat down at his desk, not sparing John another glance. John was taken aback, but then decided he would find plenty of other friends if that boy wasn’t interested. He found his seat next to a pretty girl who greeted him with a smile.

The first days went by fast. John was friendly to everyone and in return everyone was friendly to him. That was, except for Sherlock-kun, but then it seemed he wasn’t friendly to anyone and hardly anyone ever approached him. Sarah-chan, his desk neighbour, said Sherlock was a loner. But John wasn’t and he got along well with almost everyone else. Sarah-chan and a group of her friends took him to the badminton club after school and it was fun.

However, the next Friday when class was finished and he wanted to leave for badminton club, someone grabbed his arm. John gasped and turned to find Sherlock-kun holding his shirt sleeve.

“John-kun. Badminton is boring. Come with me for something more fun.”

John shrugged Sherlock-kun’s hand off. He heard Sarah-chan and the girls giggle madly behind him, so he turned to give her an apologetic smile, before Sherlock-kun got hold of him again and dragged him off. Hopefully it was to something as much fun as badminton.

He found himself in an empty classroom with nothing of apparent interest in it. But a moment later, the door opened again and two other students entered. A small girl with a ponytail and a cute smile who was so busy looking at Sherlock-kun that she didn’t even notice John and a robust, yet friendly looking student from one year above Sherlock-kun and him. John was just opening his mouth to ask their names and introduce himself, when a smooth voice came from the door.

“Lestrade, Hooper. And Sherlock, you have brought someone new. The Watson boy, I presume?”

John turned to find an immaculately dressed young man striding into the room, looking at him with as much curiosity as Sherlock-kun had before. John nodded, anxious to make a good impression.

“Welcome to the Detective club then. Now, what have you others been doing?”

It turned out Molly-chan had found some rotten meat in the cantina’s curry and Mycroft-san (who seemed to be a substitute teacher of sorts) made notes to notify the department of health. Lestrade-sempai had seen a boy steal another’s homework and had made him return it. Mycroft-san noted down the thief’s name and class. Sherlock-kun just smiled. “I have something big.”

The next half an hour John didn’t really understand what was going on. Something about computers, though, and finding data of sorts, he guessed. He wasn’t really that good in technology, happy enough to know how to handle his mobile phone. But obviously it was something all the others got very excited about.

Soon after that the meeting was over with Mycroft-san giving out small assignments to everyone. John was scheduled to eat in the cantina for the next week and watch the food. He sighed secretly. He liked his bento so much better. But he was going to be a good student in Detective club. When he was just getting his things ready to go home, Sherlock-kun caught up with him again.

“You can meet me tomorrow for lunch. I will pick you up from Kyobashi station at noon.”

John had been too startled to react before Sherlock-kun had dashed off again, so the next day he could do nothing else but have lunch with him. Sherlock-kun was already waiting, texting vigorously. But when he saw John, he pocketed his phone and smiled. John followed him to some small okonomiyaki-ya-san hidden behind many corners. The okonomiyaki were surprisingly good. Sherlock-kun seemed to know where to find good restaurants. After a while, John thought it would be polite to engage in some small talk. Besides, he really wanted to know more about Sherlock-kun. He thought about something nice he could ask.

“So, Sherlock-kun, that Molly-chan from the club really likes you, eh? Is she your girlfriend?”

Sherlock looked at him, almost shocked. “That is rather private, don’t you think, John-kun?” John blushed. “But to your information, she is not. I don't have any girlfriends.” He studied John thoroughly. “And before you ask, no boyfriends either. Too busy studying.”

John smiled. Sherlock-kun suddenly seemed just like him.

“Tell me one thing, though, Sherlock-kun. What were you talking about in the end, in the Detective club, you know?”

“Getting the results for next month's exams, obviously.”

1.) Usually one wouldn’t use “kun” and “chan” and so on in a narrative. But since it is John’s point of view (and in his thoughts he would probably use them) and they were specifically asked for, I decided to use them anyway.
2.) Also, of course the names are totally not Japanese. But I thought it would be too confusing if I gave everyone a new Japanese name.
3.) For what they are eating, here are recipes and pictures in case anyone is interested. I have made both, although I haven't used these exact recipes, but they sound just as good. :)
Chicken Karaage
Okonomiyaki (an Osaka specialty)

sherlock (bbc), fanfic

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