Fic: Macadamia Nut Pancakes

Aug 28, 2011 18:33

Title: Macadamia Nut Pancakes - A House/Sherlock crossover
Rating: G
Pairings: implied John/Sarah
Characters: John, James Wilson, Sarah, Sherlock
Words: 1180
Warnings: none
Spoilers: light ones for both series, although nothing too serious
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: John is introduced to a guest from Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital and it turns out he and Dr. Wilson have more in common than anyone could ever have thought.
Author’s notes: I love both series and figured John and Wilson both deserved another friend. ^^
Comments and criticism are always very welcome! Enjoy! :)

On some very rare occasions, John manages to surprise Sherlock. This breakfast seems to be one of them. After having taken the first bite, Sherlock stops to stare at him, eyes wide open.

“What is this? This may be the best food you have ever made me.”

John smiles. “Macadamia nut pancakes. I got the recipe from…”

But Sherlock has already recovered from the initial shock and cuts him off: “From a work colleague (middle-aged, probably American, not here for very long) with whom you had lunch yesterday, I know.”

1 day earlier

It was one of these days where John felt left out of something important. Sarah hadn’t shown up in the morning, most of the staff was missing as well and the rest was talking about some lecture he couldn’t even remember having been invited to. If Sherlock had been there, he would have solved that mystery immediately, but John wasn’t in the mood for a guessing game. Well. He was nice to his patients, anyway, and managed to work through most of the morning without giving it too much of a thought. Eventually, he decided he would have lunch without Sarah today. But just as he was on his way to the canteen, he bumped into her, accompanied by a middle-aged brown-haired man in a fashionable suit. Sarah smiled at him. “John, good to see you. You really should meet James.”

John decided he didn’t like her calling this stranger by his first name. Then he found out he disliked it even more when she started giggling and quickly corrected herself: “Um, I mean Dr. James Wilson, our guest from Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital.”

Suddenly things fell in place. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Wilson. My name is John Watson. I am sorry I didn’t attend your lecture yesterday evening, but I was so busy, um…” He didn’t know how to tell the man what he had really been up to without sounding like a freak. Unfortunately, Sarah could apparently guess just from looking at him.

“Busy chasing criminals with Sherlock?”, she volunteered and giggled again. John had never heard her giggle before and he really wished she would stop now. Or just disappear altogether without making this meeting even more awkward. He could think of no clever response to that so he just rolled his eyes and grinned as if that had just been a joke. To his surprise, Dr. Wilson didn’t make any snide remarks, but instead smiled and answered sincerely: “That does sound like more fun than my lecture. In fact, had you told me before, I probably wouldn’t have been at the lecture either.”

It turned out lunch with Dr. Wilson and Sarah wasn’t as boring as John had feared. In fact, it wasn’t boring at all. Dr. Wilson was pleasant company and knew how to tell interesting stories. Sarah, however, giggled far too much for John’s liking, so he was kind of glad when she had to leave for work. When she was gone, Dr. Wilson apparently decided time for small talk was over.

“You know, it is no coincidence that we have lunch together today.”

John cursed inwardly. How could that man have lulled him into such a false sense of security? “What are you then?”, he asked sharply. “CIA? FBI? If you work for Mycroft, please tell him, he could just call me.”

The man whose name tag claimed he was Dr. Wilson sighed and pinched the back of his nose. “You misunderstood. Or perhaps I should have been clearer. I heard you used to have bad leg pain and walk on a cane and then from day to the next, you were healed. And obviously your leg is perfectly fine now and you can walk without needing any help. So I was just wondering if you could tell me how you did that.”

John relaxed a bit. So it did come down to some medical question. After taking a deep breath, he started explaining. “It was only psychosomatic pain after all. I mean, I had known that before, but then Sherlock just made me forget my pain. He made me run and simply forget about my cane and I only realized afterwards. From that day on, the pain was gone.”

“Made you forget your pain?”, echoed Dr. Wilson and sighed again. “Well, I am very sure that won’t work for him.”

“A patient of yours?” Dr. Wilson had sounded rather disappointed, as if he had hoped John would tell him a new universal cure of leg pain.

“A friend. My best friend, actually.” For a second, John could see a deep sadness showing on Dr. Wilson’s face, then the other doctor hid it behind a smile that made him seem 10 years younger. “So, this Sherlock is the one you are usually chasing criminals with, then?”

“Well, yes, I suppose you could describe him like that. My friend and flat mate, as well. I have never met anyone as intelligent and observant as him. He can deduce everything about everyone in a second and even helps the police when they are out of their wits, you know. Only consulting detective in the world”, John mentioned not without pride, then added almost as an afterthought: “Not very nice to most people, though, and not the easiest flat mate to live with.”

To John’s utter surprise it turned out Sherlock might not be as unique as everyone (including Sherlock) had thought when Dr. Wilson smiled and answered: “That sounds quite like House. That is my friend with the leg pain. He runs the only Diagnostics department in the world, created specifically for him because he figures out all the cases nobody else can. And I can second the not easy to live with part.”

After the first disbelieve, they ended up comparing their two geniuses and found they had a lot to talk about. Sherlock was voted the more intelligent one (because he didn’t need a team to work with), while House was voted the more social one (because he could actually work with a team). Of course, they had agreed on never telling them.

The conversation went on to discover the best takeaways in London and New Jersey (Chinese for both) and then to personal matters (“Don’t ever get married, John, if you can’t put your relationship with Sherlock behind that with your wife. It will only end badly, believe me, I have tried.”).

After talking for what felt like hours, John was just about to ask James if he wanted to go somewhere else, when his mobile phone buzzed.

New case. Need you back at 221b asap. SH

John wasn’t sure whether to smile or sigh and opted for a shrug. “Sorry, James. I need to go back to Sherlock right now. New case with new criminals that probably need someone to chase them through London.”

“I think I detect a pattern there.” James smiled and John found himself grinning back.

Now, John hesitates for a moment before he corrects Sherlock. “Actually, I was going to say ‘from a friend.’”

sherlock (bbc), house, fanfic

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