Title: A friend of Molly's
Rating: G
Pairings: none
Characters: Moriarty, Mark from IT (original character), Molly mentioned
Words: 221 (221b-fic)
Warnings: none
Spoilers: “The Great Game”
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: Meet the real “Mark from IT” or How Moriarty managed to get his job at Bart’s so quickly.
Author’s notes: Because that job fact always seriously bugged me. And because I thought it would be cute if someone had a small crush on Molly for a change. ^^
Comments and criticism are always very welcome! Enjoy! :)
Mark usually enjoyed his job at the IT department of Bart’s. But right now, he was furious and seriously desperate. Despite having asked for these holidays almost two month ago, it seemed that with two colleagues being ill and the new security system ready to be installed he could not take them. Again. And he had been so looking forward to role-playing game sessions with his friends.
“Hey, are you the friend of Molly’s who has got problems with his holidays?”
Mark wouldn’t have called himself her friend, but if she thought that of him… well, it wasn’t that he didn’t like the thought.
“Yes? You know Molly, too?”
“I am kind of a colleague of that detective she helps sometimes. Actually, I used to work for an IT department until last year. So, if you still need a holiday replacement, maybe I could help you.”
That was almost too good to be true. Mark looked that guy over intensely. But he looked friendly and genuinely eager to help him out. And he was a friend of Molly’s, too. So what harm could he possibly do?
After some short and unnecessary instructions for his new job, Moriarty leaned back in the chair and sighed. Five minutes listening to gossip in the kitchen and people thought he was their best buddy. Boring.
Note: Mark is a homage to Mark the Red from the incredibly funny movie
"The Gamers" who almost never makes it to the gaming sessions.