Jensen/Misha Dean/Cas Schmoop/Fluff/Cliche/H/C CommentFic Meme!

May 30, 2010 21:05

original fabulous picture credit to jiiaffa

So. We all have that guilty secret. We won't admit it. We certainly won't comment on it but um.. we kinda sometimes really like some tooth-achingly sweet, fluffy, domestic, hurt/comfort filled cliché SCHMOOP. Yes. That's right. Boys being loving. Touching, kissing (dare I say it? cuddling) Being adorable and sweet (and okay.. sometimes downright girly), looking after each other when one is sick or injured. But it's mainly bad!fic. And so we read the snippets here and there.. have the fantasies but never share.

Here's your chance. A one stop shop of schmoopiness. Write it, roll around in it, feed it peeled grapes. Make it terribly sweet, but oh so terribly good. Most importantly? Don't feel guilty about it. Write that OOC fic you always wanted. Have them being adorable. Give them puppies and hugs and snuggles. Go to Town. There will be No Guilt here (and no shame either). Remember, it's sometimes good to write really bad fic. All ratings welcome, warn for extreme kinks etc. Basically? Play nice.

That said, there are BONUS POINTS if you make your schmoop fic GOOD :)

1. Leave Prompts - Jensen/Misha and Dean/Cas are the main focus, but if you wanna have others paired with Jensen/Misha/Dean/Cas, go for it - I ain't gonna stop you. All's good in schmoop and war. (Put the pairing and whether its rps/rpf in the subject line)

2. Fill the prompts! Y'all know the drill.. reply to the prompt post in question with your fic, or if it's really long, a link.

3. Lather, Rinse, Repeat (and pimp it bb!)">">

Filled Prompts!

- Jensen/Misha Proposal by mitsuki_shizuka
- Jensen/Misha Proposal by colazitron
- How Dean first says "I Love You" to Cas by devilsduplicity
- How Dean first says "I Love You" to Cas by pyrebi
- Jensen/Misha accidentally outing themselves at a con by ru_salki99
- Jensen/Misha accidentally outing themselves at a con by kimisgirl
- Dean accidentally falls on Cas' lips by blue_fjords
- Jensen accidentally falls on Misha's lips by blue_fjords
- Dean/Cas Hypothermia fic by melfice
- Dean/Cas Impala sex by thegrrrl2002
- Dean/Cas bubble bath fic by aesc
- Jensen discovers Misha is just acting by kimisgirl
- Dean/Cas Sleeping by mitsuki_shizuka
- Jensen/Misha Sleeping by kadiel_krieger
- Dean/Cas Adopting a kitten by devilyouwere
- Cas/Dean Cuddling by blue_fjords
- Jensen/Misha Holding Hands by moonlettuce
- Jensen/Misha Decorating their House by mitsuki_shizuka
- Dean/Cas Swan Song Coda - Dean catches Cas watching him by wandersfound
- Dean/Cas Being claimed as a mate by heavenlyxbodies
- Jensen/Misha Holding Hands by cloudyjenn
- Misha borrows Jensen's clothes to fuck with fans by darksilvercat
- Dean/Cas Cuddling Sam be damned by thegrrrl2002
- Jensen/Misha Night after regrets by phoenixangel13
- Dean/Cas car washing by mitsuki_shizuka
- Jensen/Misha icestorm, Jensen has a car accident by devilsduplicity
- Dean/Cas forehead or non-mouth kissing by x_shadowwings_x
- Misha in beret, fake moustache and with baguette by blue_fjords
- Dean/Cas Undercover at a gay bar by angelic_x_demon
- Jensen/Misha Drunken Sexting by painted_pain
- Dean/Cas Hot fudge syrup and kissing by blue_fjords
- Jensen/Misha Practical Joke by blue_fjords
- Dean/Cas Proposal by dachinchilla
- Dean/Cas Up!-style adventure by wandersfound
- Dean tries to tell Cas he loves him, Cas gets impatient by ginfairy
- Misha starts a petition to make Dean/Cas canon by blue_fjords
- Dean wakes up in Future!Cas' bed with Cas wrapped around him by janie_tangerine
- Dean/Cas Pregnant by x_shadowwings_x
- Dean wakes up in Future!Cas' bed with Cas wrapped around him by eretria
- Misha starts a petition to make Dean/Cas canon - Continued by blue_fjords
- Jensen/Misha Broom closet, first time by qthelights
- Jensen's reaction to Misha's twitter pics by angelic_x_demon
- Cas' mouth is covered by a demon, Dean doesn't like it by angelic_x_demon
- Post 5x22 Cas comes back. Cas wearing Dean's shirt by angelic_x_demon
- Dean being Clingy, Cas letting him by hugglewolf
- Misha is stuck in the Changing Channels duct tape by angelic_x_demon
- An injured Cas goes to Dean to heal by hugglewolf
- Jensen/Misha sharing a tent during filming by wolfrider89
- Teen Jensen/and older Teen Misha bffs by blue_fjords
- Dean/Cas with puppy!Sam by hugglewolf
- Jensen is bought by Misha at a charity auction (wip) by aumbry
- Dean jealous of Crowley's attention to Cas by melfice
- Dean/Cas adopting a kitten - ART for devilyouwere's fill by spacefragments

meme, dean/cas, fanfic, jensen/misha

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