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Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping kriari May 31 2010, 00:27:48 UTC
Jensen wakes up with a shoulder trying to invade his ear canal. Thankfully, it’s unsuccessful because not only would that suck hardcore, but then he’d miss out on the symphony of soft snuffling noises that Misha’s making in his sleep ( ... )


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping timey_wimey_kid May 31 2010, 00:36:26 UTC

My face muscles are kinda stuck with my mouth corners somewhere behind my ears. I'm also making some stupid giggly squaky sounds. Should I be worried?


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping kriari May 31 2010, 00:40:28 UTC

Only if the neighbors report you! :) I'm glad you enjoyed. Q basically had to knock me about to make me post it. I wrote it a while back when she was feeling down in the dumps.


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping timey_wimey_kid May 31 2010, 00:43:33 UTC
Nah, I'm trying to keep it quiet. One of my neighbours gets really pissed when someone wakes her.


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping devilsduplicity May 31 2010, 04:04:18 UTC
Oh dear. I'm all warm and fuzzy and fluffy on the inside now! Cuddling fic really gets to me. <3


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping kriari May 31 2010, 16:00:22 UTC
Cuddle!Fic is a guilty pleasure of mine, so I feel your pain pleasure?


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping heavenlyxbodies May 31 2010, 06:08:03 UTC
Yummy! And "Hydrolectricflashlight" ROFL ...ya know it should really worry me that my best-friend would actually say that in his sleep, in fact I think he has, lol.


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping kriari May 31 2010, 16:02:13 UTC
*G* Thank you! I <3 them both and this is about as "cute" as I get without wanting to stab myself in the face.


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping colazitron May 31 2010, 08:08:45 UTC
This is awesome! So sweet and soft and funny <33


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping kriari May 31 2010, 16:02:43 UTC
Thank you!


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping qthelights May 31 2010, 08:54:13 UTC
Muahahahaha. I am evol. But with good reason, because this makes me SO GRINNY HAPPY! *cuddles it so hard*


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping kriari May 31 2010, 16:05:00 UTC
You are. :P I'm glad it makes you happy, bb. I'm going to try to think up some prompts and maybe fill a couple if my muse cooperates.


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping crimson_antics May 31 2010, 16:08:21 UTC
I giggled. Flat out giggled in the middle of a conference on child abuse. CAN I BLAME IT ON THE SCHMOOPINESS THAT FIC IS MADE FROM? &hearts!!!


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping kriari May 31 2010, 19:06:45 UTC
MEEP! I'm so sorry! Except, thank you :)


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping blue_fjords June 1 2010, 04:27:51 UTC
D'awwwwww! You can write wicked sweet fluff! This is very warm-fuzzy-inducing and tender and lovely.

(And marshmallow Peeps are the vilest of vile holiday treats. The very sight of them gives me the willies.)


Re: D/C or J/M - Sleeping kriari June 3 2010, 19:20:46 UTC
Thank you! I am trying to expand my horizons, fighting it all the way. :) Am sort of tumbling one of the other prompts over in my head to get my gears oiled and turning properly before I launch into the daunting undertaking of penning both DCBB and Boardingfic at the same time.

I'm glad you liked it!

Oddly enough, I'm the only one in my family that will touch a Peep. Their faces are creepifyin'.


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