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Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 1/3 qthelights June 3 2010, 12:34:15 UTC
Jensen’s heading down the corridor of the empty production office, towards freedom, when Misha jogs up beside him.


Misha nods non-committaly in response. Hands in his pockets, he keeps in step with Jensen.

“Something up?”

“Mhmm,” Misha hums.

Jensen refrains from rolling his eyes. There’s often little point with Misha. It’s like pulling teeth, and it’s gonna be, no matter how frustrated he gets. He tries again, “Care to elaborate?”

Misha sighs. It’s heavy and belabored, like Jensen is deliberately making his life just so hard. “I’m supposed to distract you.”

Jensen snorts, “You seem to be doing a fairly good job of it so far.”

Misha shakes his head, “Not good enough.”

Jensen’s about to ask from whom or what he’s meant to be distracted from when Misha grabs his wrist and pulls him sideways with a sharp jerk, yanks him into a broom closet off the main corridor. The door shuts behind them with a snip and plunges them into darkness. Very dark darkness ( ... )


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 2/3 qthelights June 3 2010, 12:37:02 UTC

Misha turns back to him, eyebrows raised in question. “Do you have your phone?”

With a sinking feeling Jensen realizes he doesn’t. He shakes his head, “It’s in my trailer. It wouldn’t stay on vibrate.”

What he doesn’t add is that it wouldn’t stay on vibrate and it kept blaring out the opening refrain of ‘Like a Virgin’ every time someone sent him a text message. The director had laughed the first time it had happened, (for the very first time), and Jared had crowed victoriously over his mastery of technology. By the fourth time, however, Bob was getting twitchy and the schedule was running behind. When he'd growled that this particular cherry was well and truly popped, Jensen had shoved it at the nearest PA and requested it be left in his trailer. Under a couple of pillows. And a cone of silence ( ... )


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 qthelights June 3 2010, 12:41:04 UTC
Carefully, more carefully, he feels for the milk crate he knows was at his feet, finds it - checks that it's upturned - and lowers himself down.

"My ass is gonna be criss-crossed by the end of this."

Misha's voice comes out of the darkness, amused. "Your ass is gonna be just as fine as it always is, Jen. Quit complaining."

He stretches his legs out a tiny bit. Manages not to kick Misha in the knee. The silence is unnerving in the darkness. Jensen feels a bit like he's in a sensory deprivation chamber. He doesn't like it. All his actorly instincts are telling him that communication needs sight and sound, that an absence of both is sub-human.

He ends up talking just to break the silence. "This is like being locked in some psychopath's basement."

"Hmm?" Misha's response is querying.

"Like in Silence of the Lambs or something," Jensen clarifies ( ... )


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 blue_fjords June 3 2010, 13:31:18 UTC
Awwww. That was awesomesauce! I really enjoyed that, q! The banter, the hints of Jared, the brains vs. kissing debate. Sweet w/out being cloying. And bringing the funneh w/ the last line. :)


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 qthelights June 3 2010, 13:40:00 UTC
Yay! :) Thanks, bb! As you know, banter is not my forte, but it just seemed to come with this, so I let it. It is still nothing compared to your bantery goodness, but i'm pretty pleased nonetheless! *g*


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 angelic_x_demon June 3 2010, 14:27:47 UTC
I wouldn't eat his brains.




Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 qthelights June 4 2010, 12:16:37 UTC
*g* thank you!


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 veggie17 June 3 2010, 15:24:05 UTC

I really, really love this!


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 qthelights June 4 2010, 12:17:07 UTC
YAY!! :) I'm glad you liked it bb!


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 aythia June 3 2010, 16:11:59 UTC
Haha, so wonderful! And hot!


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 qthelights June 4 2010, 12:17:24 UTC
Thank you! :)


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 thegrrrl2002 June 3 2010, 16:16:44 UTC
Oh my gosh, I LOVE the way you write them. Misha is a crackpot, Jensen is adorably dorky, and this fic fills my heart with joy. Hee!


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 qthelights June 4 2010, 12:17:55 UTC
Thank you! :) I'm glad it brings you happys! ;)


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 io87 June 3 2010, 18:45:24 UTC
I love how the conversation flows between them, seems so natural. And the topic brains/kissing was priceless! Last sentence is perfect! Great job!^__^


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 qthelights June 4 2010, 12:18:32 UTC
Thanks! I have no idea where that conversation came from.. it just flew out of my head. I'm very glad it worked :)


Re: Filled - Jensen/Misha, broomcloset, first-kiss 3/3 kriari June 3 2010, 19:26:04 UTC
Perfectly perfect, m'dear. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for, but still surprising and wonderful and I wanted to cuddle grumpity!Jensen and devious!Misha to itty bitty bits. ♥


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