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FILLED kimisgirl May 30 2010, 16:10:43 UTC
“You met the new guy yet?” Jensen asked Jared on their way to set one morning.

“Who Misha? Yeah met him the other day after the read through, seems nice enough, why?” he replied.

“He just seems... weird you know, or I don’t know, maybe I just caught him on a bad day. Guy was talking about shit I didn’t even know people talk about... I mean, what is a yak and why do I care?” Jensen was half grumbling by the end of it. Truth was, Misha was just weirding him out, the guy made him uncomfortable and off balance. And he’d only just met him...


Three months later - Misha’s first Con (I have no idea if Misha’s first Con was 3 months into season 4 but just go with it yeah? ;) )

~*~“Jensen! How’s it goin’ man? Had your first panel yet? Man I just had mine and seriously, why was I not told about the slash fic obsession and the questions about you and Jay? Course I just told them all that I read slash fic religiously and that I didn’t know about you guys but that it would be hot...” With that Misha smirked, winked and strutted off down ( ... )


Re: FILLED kimisgirl May 30 2010, 16:11:15 UTC


“’M sick” Jensen moaned down the phone late on Friday night. He’d just gotten home from set and he felt like ass. He was pretty sure it was the flu, he fucking hated the flu. So he had called Jared, hoping his friend would come look after him. Jensen turned into a bit of a baby when he was sick.

“Aww poor princess, I’m sure you’ll live”

“Won’t” Jensen pouted stubbornly, “can’t get out of bed, too weak, gonna die all alone cause I couldn’t get a glass of water” he mumbled miserably, meaning every word of it.

“I really can’t come over tonight man, Gen’s parents are visiting and we’re havin’ family time. Look, I’ll call round, see if someone else can stop in and check on you ok?”

“Yeah ok, thanks Jay...” he replied weakly, wondering briefly who would be coming to nurse on him.

~*~He tried to sleep, couldn’t so he gave up and tried not to feel too sorry for himself as he switched between burying himself in blankets when he was shivering and freezing cold and tossing them off in frustration when he was sweating and roasting hot ( ... )


Re: FILLED kimisgirl May 30 2010, 16:11:52 UTC
“So ah, I just wanted to say thanks, you know for the weekend, you didn’t have to stay and look after me like you did. So yeah... ah thanks” he wash blushing he knew it, and stumbling through his words. Crap he was as nervous as a virgin on prom night and he knew Misha could see it ( ... )


Re: FILLED timey_wimey_kid May 30 2010, 17:16:17 UTC
*Grins like an idiot* oh Misha, we'd love you either way. Especially as Jensen's boyfriend.


Re: FILLED kimisgirl May 31 2010, 00:59:45 UTC
haha so true!! thanks for reading :D


Re: FILLED aythia May 30 2010, 21:16:29 UTC
Oh that was so sweet!


Re: FILLED kimisgirl May 31 2010, 01:01:03 UTC
Yay thanks :D


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