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Re: FILLED kimisgirl May 30 2010, 16:11:15 UTC


“’M sick” Jensen moaned down the phone late on Friday night. He’d just gotten home from set and he felt like ass. He was pretty sure it was the flu, he fucking hated the flu. So he had called Jared, hoping his friend would come look after him. Jensen turned into a bit of a baby when he was sick.

“Aww poor princess, I’m sure you’ll live”

“Won’t” Jensen pouted stubbornly, “can’t get out of bed, too weak, gonna die all alone cause I couldn’t get a glass of water” he mumbled miserably, meaning every word of it.

“I really can’t come over tonight man, Gen’s parents are visiting and we’re havin’ family time. Look, I’ll call round, see if someone else can stop in and check on you ok?”

“Yeah ok, thanks Jay...” he replied weakly, wondering briefly who would be coming to nurse on him.


He tried to sleep, couldn’t so he gave up and tried not to feel too sorry for himself as he switched between burying himself in blankets when he was shivering and freezing cold and tossing them off in frustration when he was sweating and roasting hot. His head felt like lead, his stomach kept threatening him with revolt and every joint he possessed ached beyond was should be medically possible. And to top off his night, he looked like absolute shit when his nurse decided to show up, walking into the room like he owned the place. And of course it just had to be Misha. Jared was gonna die, slow and painfully just as soon as Jensen could get his sorry ass out of bed.

“Hey Jen, Jared said you were sick, so I came to check on you. He told me where your hidden key is, didn’t think you’d want to get out of bed to answer the door. You okay?” Misha said as he dropped a bag on the ground and walked toward the bed, a glass of water in his hand already.

Jensen was a little stunned, in all the months he’d known Misha, he’d never heard a normal sentence come out his mouth like it just had. He sounded concerned, mature, normal... and Jensen didn’t know what to make of it.

“’M fine” he mumbled, not ready to admit to Misha fucking Collin’s just how shitty he was feeling. He had some pride after all.

“Ah huh, that’s why you look so gorgeous at the moment” Misha replied as he sat down on the side of the bed near Jensen and handed him the glass of water. As Jensen raised his head to drink Misha gently placed a hand on Jensen’s forehead and winced. “Jesus Jen, you’re burning up, let me get some Tylenol for you, if that doesn’t help bring it down some we might need to take you to the hospital ok.”

Misha got up and got him the pills and then proceeded to help him swallow them down. Taking the water from him and putting it on the bed side table. He pushed softly at Jensen’s shoulder to get him to lie down again. “Sleep” he instructed and it sounded like a good idea to Jensen’s.

Misha started stroking a hand through his hair softly and humming under his breath as he sat beside Jensen. It should have felt weird and wrong, but it didn’t it felt amazing and the last thing Jensen remembers before he falls asleep is the thought that he could get used to this.


On Monday morning back on set, Jensen made his way to Misha’s trailer. He had some things he needed to say and now was as good a time as any. Knocking firmly he waited for the ok and pulled open the door.

“Hey man, you got a minute?” He asked as he closed the door behind him.

“Sure, what’s up?” replied Misha with a grin.


Re: FILLED kimisgirl May 30 2010, 16:11:52 UTC
“So ah, I just wanted to say thanks, you know for the weekend, you didn’t have to stay and look after me like you did. So yeah... ah thanks” he wash blushing he knew it, and stumbling through his words. Crap he was as nervous as a virgin on prom night and he knew Misha could see it.

“You’re welcome, wasn’t a problem” he smiled up at Jensen from the sofa and Jensen had to remember to breath because Misha was annoyingly gorgeous when he... well he was just about always annoyingly gorgeous.

“Dude I need to know though, what was that?”

“What was what?” Misha asked sounding confused.

“On the weekend, you were like... you were normal” Jensen blushed bright red and wanted to kick himself. Yeah that’s the way to get him to like you idiot, insult him by telling him he ain’t normal most of the time.

Misha laughed and shook his head. “Jensen, that was me you idiot, everything else, all the rest of what you’ve seen. Here on set and in interviews, conventions, it’s all part of the act that is Misha Collins Supernatural star. I have to be like that here, need to keep up with you and typhoid Padalecki. And let me tell you, that’s not so easy...”

Jensen slumped down in a chair and stared at Misha, “But why?” he asked trying to process everything.

“Do you pay any attention how often characters get killed off on this show? Man I like it here, and I like Castiel, and if I wanna stay then I have to sell not only him to the fangirls but also myself. They need to love me like they do you and Jared or I don’t have a chance!”

“So you created a Misha they would love so you could stick around?” Jensen repeated with a grin, finally getting the paradox that was Misha. “And now, why are you telling me this, why let me see the real you after months of the other Misha?”

“I had a little talk with Jared and realised I wanted to give you a Misha you might be able to love” Misha told him softly, eyes locking with Jensen’s, a small hopeful grin on his face. “That something you might be interested in?” he asked softly

“Misha...” Jensen whispered as he stared at the man. “yeah, yeah it would” he answered softly. “Am I someone you think you might be able to love?” he asked, breath caught in his throat as he waited for a reply.

“Think I might already be there” Misha said softly as he stood up and walked over to Jensen before straddling his lap and wrapping his arms around his back. “Gonna kiss you now” he murmured as his lips inched closer, finally landing on Jensen’s in a kiss Jensen had been imagining for months. And it was so much better than he’d imagined it would be. He moaned and kissed back like he was pretty sure he was already there too.



Re: FILLED timey_wimey_kid May 30 2010, 17:16:17 UTC
*Grins like an idiot* oh Misha, we'd love you either way. Especially as Jensen's boyfriend.


Re: FILLED kimisgirl May 31 2010, 00:59:45 UTC
haha so true!! thanks for reading :D


Re: FILLED aythia May 30 2010, 21:16:29 UTC
Oh that was so sweet!


Re: FILLED kimisgirl May 31 2010, 01:01:03 UTC
Yay thanks :D


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