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Filled. Car wash with an angel mitsuki_shizuka May 31 2010, 23:48:09 UTC
"See? It's easy, this is soap water, you just wash wash away all the dirts and then you rinse," Dean explains as he adds water to the soap in the bucket and hands a sponge to the angel.

"I see," Cas replies, "But why are you giving me this sponge?"

"So you can help me! It's fun, and it'll be faster this way," Dean encourages him with a smile for good measure. "You should take off your coat and suit though, I don't even know you can stand that heat."

They are out in Bobby's yard, it must be at least 95 degrees, Dean is wearing old jeans and his black teeshirt and sweating like a pig. The cold water will greatly help, he is sure. Seeing Cas wet too, for that matter. That is, after all, his main objective here.

The sun is hitting hard as he works on the impala with Cas on the other side, now only wearing his white shirt, a few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. Dean sees a lot more skin than he is used to, and Cas is wet, really wet, and Dean can't stop staring, completely mesmerized ( ... )


Re: Filled. Car wash with an angel mulder200 June 1 2010, 00:32:28 UTC
LOL! Busted!


Re: Filled. Car wash with an angel kiltyk June 2 2010, 00:28:55 UTC
Aww, I just melted at our guys bonding over Dean's *baby*. Loved Dean chucking the water over them both when he realises his 'get Cas wet' plan is busted !
So Dean, going for broke, then elated when it pays off. Yes ! \o/

You got these boys hot, sweet & WET !
Thank you, this was perfect.


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