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FILLED: Alpha, Omega [1/2] angelic_x_demon June 4 2010, 18:46:07 UTC
Two hands cover his eyes, and Dean stiffens, hands immediately going to a his belt buckle for his trustworthy knife.

Except it's not there. Because he lives a normal life now. And normal people don't carry knives around on a daily basis.


"Guess who," a soft voice whispers, filled with dark intentions. Dean shivers, his body reacting in ways he never thought would happen again. It hadn't done this with Lisa--who is away for the week--but this, this low, gravel-voiced man is apparently doing it for him just fine ( ... )


FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] angelic_x_demon June 4 2010, 18:49:29 UTC
The next day, Dean wakes up sore but sated in ways he hasn't been in a long time, satisfied and wanted. He turns around, staring slack-jawed at the messy-haired body in his bed, full lips curved into a gentle smile ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] janie_tangerine June 4 2010, 20:09:58 UTC
... I prompted you with Keith Urban inspired stuff, IT CAN'T EVER BE TOO SCHMOOPY. *flails*

That said omg I loved it, thank you so much!!! This was just so sweet and totally hot at the same time and YES FOR CAS COVERING HIS EYES AT THE BEGINNING (well, I asked for it but YES, I'll reiterate). The sex scene was so good and OH YES CAS IN THE METALLICA SHIRT. BYE, brain is short-circuiting atm. And awwwwwwwwww at the last line I just melted for good, this was great. Again, I LOVED it, thanks so very much!!! <3333


Re: FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] angelic_x_demon June 4 2010, 20:16:40 UTC

I love the flailing incoherentness of this comment IT MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY :D


Re: FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] colazitron June 7 2010, 18:38:58 UTC
Oh, wearing each other's clothes is in itself already so cute but this was exceedingly so! <3 Lovely.


Re: FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] angelic_x_demon June 9 2010, 05:12:19 UTC
Eeeeep. Thank you!


Re: FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] jalan_love April 15 2013, 02:40:23 UTC
this is so cute and hot ! I LOOOOVE it !


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