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FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] angelic_x_demon June 4 2010, 18:49:29 UTC

The next day, Dean wakes up sore but sated in ways he hasn't been in a long time, satisfied and wanted. He turns around, staring slack-jawed at the messy-haired body in his bed, full lips curved into a gentle smile.

His face is so peaceful and child-like, pretty in its quiet dreams and he doesn't have the heart to wake him up.

Stretching lazily, he climbs out of bed, walking silently to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. If Cas is sleeping now, he can surely eat, he figures.

He's almost done when he hears soft padding and strong arms circling around his waist, an unshaven cheek pressed to his back.

He turns around in those arms and sees a sleepy Cas in his black Metallica t-shirt, at least a size or two too big. The loopy, good-natured smile the angel gives him makes him flush, but seeing him in Dean's own shirt makes him want to pull the angel towards him and never let go.

So he does, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple and breathing a soft, "Good morning."

Castiel tightens his hold, tucking his chin underneath Dean's and murmurs a drowsy, "It is."

A/N: Oh my goodness, I've never been so schmoopy in my life. Hope this is what you were looking for!


Re: FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] janie_tangerine June 4 2010, 20:09:58 UTC
... I prompted you with Keith Urban inspired stuff, IT CAN'T EVER BE TOO SCHMOOPY. *flails*

That said omg I loved it, thank you so much!!! This was just so sweet and totally hot at the same time and YES FOR CAS COVERING HIS EYES AT THE BEGINNING (well, I asked for it but YES, I'll reiterate). The sex scene was so good and OH YES CAS IN THE METALLICA SHIRT. BYE, brain is short-circuiting atm. And awwwwwwwwww at the last line I just melted for good, this was great. Again, I LOVED it, thanks so very much!!! <3333


Re: FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] angelic_x_demon June 4 2010, 20:16:40 UTC

I love the flailing incoherentness of this comment IT MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY :D


Re: FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] colazitron June 7 2010, 18:38:58 UTC
Oh, wearing each other's clothes is in itself already so cute but this was exceedingly so! <3 Lovely.


Re: FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] angelic_x_demon June 9 2010, 05:12:19 UTC
Eeeeep. Thank you!


Re: FILLED: Alpha, Omega [2/2] jalan_love April 15 2013, 02:40:23 UTC
this is so cute and hot ! I LOOOOVE it !


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