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FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam hugglewolf June 6 2010, 07:35:26 UTC
Castiel arrived barely a moment after Dean’s summons. He didn’t know what was wrong; Dean had sounded about to laugh or cry or both.

“Get back here!” he heard Dean yell, and was about to follow the sound of the hunter’s voice when something touched his foot.

Castiel looked down to find a puppy sitting in front of him, with one paw on his shoe. It was black, with floppy ears and a sad face.

Cas, it pleaded. Cas, save me!

Frowning, Castiel bent to lift it. “Sam?”

Dean burst out of the bathroom and pointed at the dog. “He is...bring him over here, would you, Cas?”

Sam wriggled, forcing Cas to hold him in his arms or drop him. He shoved his nose between Castiel’s elbow and side. Don’t let him get me, Cas!

Cas looked over to Dean. “What happened to Sam? And what are you trying to do?”

He’s trying to drown me“I’m trying to bath him. Bobby said if we can get the potion off his fur it’s as good as getting it off his skin; he’ll change back quicker ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam blue_fjords June 6 2010, 11:06:20 UTC
OMG, so cute!!!! Save me, Cas! Awww, I think I melted a bit. Cas was so wonderfully in charge in this, mmmm.


Re: FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam hugglewolf June 6 2010, 11:57:31 UTC
:) The cuteness nearly ran away with itself, but seeing Sam as a puppy is probably the least weirdness Cas has experienced since he met the Winchesters.

Dean should totally end up in the same predicament though. Ooh or even better...puppy!Cas!

With wings, y/n?


Re: FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam click_panda June 7 2010, 14:48:18 UTC
This was so freaking cute! >w< I loved puppy!Sam he was just adorable! and asking Cas to save him was just perfect n.n Great job!


Re: FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam hugglewolf June 7 2010, 21:30:11 UTC
Thank you! He needed somebody to save the ickle puppy from his nasty big brother. About the only time Dean will actually be bigger than him.


Re: FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam wolfrider89 June 7 2010, 15:06:18 UTC
OMG, the cuteness! *smishes* Puppy!Sam was just about the most adorable thing ever. Imma gonna go melt now.


Re: FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam hugglewolf June 7 2010, 21:28:31 UTC
*scoops you up* *smishes back* Of course puppy!Sam does not use his powers of cuteness for evil.


Re: FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam colazitron June 7 2010, 18:25:44 UTC
Oh God, the interaction between Cas and puppy!Sam nearly killed me! So effing cute!!

Also: yes to puppy!Cas with wings <3


Re: FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam hugglewolf June 7 2010, 21:26:05 UTC
*g* And of course Dean isn't jealous at all.

There might be puppy!Cas in my future.


Re: FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam lillyg September 2 2010, 01:00:07 UTC
Awww! Adorable!


Re: FILLED: Dean/Cas & Puppy!Sam hugglewolf September 2 2010, 22:47:37 UTC
*hugs* thank you!


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