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Vortex 1/2 eretria June 2 2010, 22:23:04 UTC
Dean wakes to the bite of hands into his upper arms, to legs clamping around him, to the smell of sour sweat and anise and the gusts of fast, panting breath against the side of his neck ( ... )


Vortex 2/2 eretria June 2 2010, 22:24:53 UTC
His heart has slowed down and his mind cleared enough that he can think straight again and step closer to the bed again. Lightning illuminates the room every once in a while, and he gets a glimpse of the figure of a guy on the bed - scrawny, in baggy clothes.

It takes a set of two more lightning strikes for Dean to realise that it's Cas. Cas, who is curled in on himself with his eyes open, staring into the darkness. Shivers wrack his body.


The lightning reflects in Cas' eyes, making them impossibly blue. Impossibly wide. Thunder cracks; the boom of it all but shakes the hut. Glaring panic rolls off Cas in waves as he curls in on himself even tighter, knees coming up to his chin, arms around them. He shudders so hard the bed creaks.

Dean inches closer but stops when his knees hit the mattress. "What happened?"

The room is plunged into darkness again, and Dean barely hears Cas over the sound of the rain lashing against the window. He thinks he hears absinthe and mushrooms and Dean wants to reach out and shake the ( ... )


Re: Vortex 2/2 devilsduplicity June 2 2010, 22:51:56 UTC
.... *shivers* That was absolutely beautiful. Just-- just your writing, how you framed the words, the frantic need buzzing beneath the syllables...

Being there for him now feels like an active apology without words. An attempt to mend something his other self had broken.

I loved this whole story. Thank you!

Also, I'm totally friending you. Damn, I am in a stalker-ish mood.


Re: Vortex 2/2 eretria June 2 2010, 22:55:52 UTC
I'm really glad you liked it. Your prompt was with me for two days, it was the last thing I looked at before I went to sleep last night and this morning, on the train, there was just no more stemming the flow of writing.

No need to be afraid of stalking (which this really isn't): Friend away!

And thank you for the lovely compliment.


Re: Vortex 2/2 devilsduplicity June 2 2010, 22:59:52 UTC
Ah, well, I'm very glad the idea caught your eye! Two days ruminating, eh? I'm somewhat unreasonably flattered. It's hardly a compliment when it's wholly the truth. ♥♥

Done and done!


Re: Vortex 2/2 janie_tangerine June 2 2010, 23:16:10 UTC
aaaaaaaaaaaah YES THIS SO MUCH. God, f!Cas never fails to make me go ;________; but here you totally did an outstanding job with him. I just, this was so freaking beautiful I can't even, and the writing itself is gorgeous, too. And Dean wanting to apologize by being there, oh my heart. *sniffles* And the dialogue was so spot on for everyone. (And btw, Cas tripping and saying what he said was totally IC too, eeee. ;__;) In conclusion, I loved it. <33


Re: Vortex 2/2 eretria June 3 2010, 05:42:23 UTC
Thank you so much for the lovely comment. I was a little afraid this piece would be too angsty for a fluff meme, but I'm glad you liked it anyway.

You can't help but wonder what would have happened to 5.04!Cas if his Dean had been a little less cold, a little less occupied with his own grief to see what was happening to Cas.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Vortex 2/2 eretria June 3 2010, 05:44:39 UTC
Thank you so much!


Re: Vortex 2/2 thegrrrl2002 June 3 2010, 13:19:08 UTC
Aw, sweetie, this is lovely and sad. ::sniffles:: And beautifully done. Future Cas is heartbreaking, and you captured it perfectly here.


Re: Vortex 2/2 eretria June 3 2010, 13:40:46 UTC
Thank you, dear! I have to admit that he broke my heart a little while writing this, too. I still cannot get over just how ... fragile he looked in that episode. Fragile, and a like a candle burning at both ends.


Re: Vortex 2/2 timey_wimey_kid June 3 2010, 20:24:11 UTC
*Sobbing quietly* OMC, I don't even know what to comment. You and Janie broke me with those fic.
Brb hugging a teddy bear since the world is cruel and I don't have a Cas to hug.


Re: Vortex 2/2 colazitron June 7 2010, 18:22:07 UTC
Oh, future!Cas. He's so heart-breaking. I think you rendered what Dean was feeling at seeing him like that very well.


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