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Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 1/3) blue_fjords June 6 2010, 06:04:45 UTC
Damn, I have 1000 other things I have to get done, but I love this prompt. So here's a start, and I hope to make a proper story of it at some point:

Jensen stared unblinking at the clock. He swore the minute hand was moving backwards. Finally, finally the clock struck 3:00 on the nose and Mr. Sgriccia was drowned out by the bell signaling the end of school. Jensen was the first out the door. He flew to his locker, tossed in his American History textbook and grabbed his math assignment, and hightailed it down the hall and outside ( ... )


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 2/3) blue_fjords June 6 2010, 06:06:29 UTC
All summer long, Jensen climbed down the oak tree and into the Magnet (the passenger door didn't actually open) and directed Misha on back roads and highways, to places like Black Rock ("It's haunted by Native Americans," he'd told Misha, and Misha had looked around at the litter and used condoms dotting the ground and said, "Iron Eyes Cody?") and Wendigo Pond ("There's skeletons at the bottom, from people who've jumped in and never been seen again," Jensen had said. "You just want to take your shirt off again," Misha had replied.). They sat on the hood of the Magnet and ate ice cream, chasing the drips down their cones with their tongues. Misha turned seventeen that summer, and Jensen debated long and hard over what to do to celebrate. Finally he'd suggested an overnight camping trip at Wendigo Pond. His parents had been a little leery about giving their permission, but finally they'd relented ( ... )


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) blue_fjords June 6 2010, 06:08:14 UTC
Jensen went to bed that night, sick with worry. What had he done? Misha was supposed to be his best friend. They’d even cut their palms and slapped their hands together, pledging their eternal devotion. Had Misha decided those things were childish? That Jensen was too childish? He’d turned fourteen recently, was that too young to be seventeen-year-old Misha’s best friend? Jensen turned his face into his pillow and silently cried ( ... )


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) qthelights June 6 2010, 10:42:23 UTC
*makes high-pitched squeally noises into her fist*

omg honey. i ADORE THIS.


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) blue_fjords June 6 2010, 10:58:20 UTC
Thanks, q!!!! I LOVED that prompt and I'm supposed to be writing a few other things, but all week I've been thinking about it. So I had to get something down in order to be able to finish the other stuff. I do plan to come back to this.


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) io87 June 6 2010, 12:40:21 UTC
Oh,so cute!There will be a sequel? *puppy eyes*


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) blue_fjords June 6 2010, 16:33:34 UTC
I am planning to write more at some point! Thanks!


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) timey_wimey_kid June 6 2010, 14:28:26 UTC


TBH I thought if anyone wrote this it would just be friendship!fic cuz, uhm, teens much? But Jensen falling for Misha = awesome (and inevitable xDDD)

Oh and I never wrote this but Misha climbing up the tree to Jensen's window is exactly what I imagined when I was thinking about this fic. Dunno where that came from. Hmmm.

If you ever write a sequel to this I'll just have to start building you a monument. :D


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) blue_fjords June 6 2010, 16:32:44 UTC
I hadn't been thinking of sex when I started to write it, honestly, but I had thought "14 = wet dreams" and it, uh, followed from there. Young, yeah. I'm glad it worked out, though!

The climbing the tree to the window image would not leave me ever since I read the prompt and it FORCED me to write this. FORCED, I say! Very awesome prompt, thank you so much for it, and I really want to continue it after I finish up some other stuff!


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) timey_wimey_kid June 6 2010, 16:46:02 UTC
Yeh, well, 14 y.o., that totally makes sense. It just seems like a lot of people in fandom have problems when sex is involved in fic about teenagers. Yeh, I don't get that either.

It worked out awesome. :D Felt like such a perfect mix of modern teenage dramas and something classic, IDK, Tom Sawyer-style. Glad you liked the prompt. :D And I say I can't wait to read a sequel.


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) aythia June 6 2010, 18:52:20 UTC
Omg, I so loved this and oh I want more. I am greedy like that.


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) blue_fjords June 6 2010, 20:08:05 UTC
Aww, thanks so much! I definitely want to write more, as soon as I get the time!


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) kaylbunny June 14 2010, 11:23:09 UTC
I have to join in the cries of MOAR PLEASE, because this is sweet and touching and usually I hate underage sex but it completely fitted this story and I JUST LOVE IT ♥


Re: Teen!Misha&Jensen AU (Part 3/3) blue_fjords June 16 2010, 04:27:11 UTC
Oh, thank you! I usually find underage sex can bring the squick factor, but this was such an awesome prompt and the sex just kind of flowed from it. I really liked writing the coming-of-age angle and will pick it back up again at some point!


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