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Hot fudge sauce & kissing (Part 1/2) blue_fjords June 1 2010, 16:04:32 UTC
Sam popped the top on the bottle of Hershey's syrup and squirted a long arc of chocolate into his mouth. Cas watched intently as Sam then shook the can of whip cream, unpended it over his gaping jaw and sprayed a large dollop of cream into his mouth ( ... )


Re: Hot fudge sauce & kissing (Part 2/2) blue_fjords June 1 2010, 16:05:37 UTC
Cas ate very slowly, thankfully with his mouth closed. His eyes were also squeezed shut, as if concentrating super hard on all the sweet flavors combining into a gooey, drippy river of fudge and cream down his throat. Dean felt some drool escape his lips, and he surreptitiously wiped it away before Sam noticed. Cas’s eyes flew open when he encountered the cherries. “Oh!” he exclaimed ( ... )


Re: Hot fudge sauce & kissing (Part 2/2) heavenlyxbodies June 1 2010, 16:36:23 UTC
*flails madly and glomps you* Yay!!!! This was perfect, and you could just see it and the emotion around the Poor Man's Sundae the perfect added touch (like that cherry on top)! Yeah, just love, lots and lots of wonderful love- THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


Re: Hot fudge sauce & kissing (Part 2/2) blue_fjords June 1 2010, 19:14:26 UTC
Awww, thank you for your enthusiastic response! I saw that prompt and had to get in on the chocolate, and the Poor Man's Sundae was basically b/c I heart the brotherly affection, and I love having a side order of Sam w/ my main dish of Dean/Cas.


Re: Hot fudge sauce & kissing (Part 2/2) painted_pain June 1 2010, 20:32:24 UTC
Cas tasted like Dean’s childhood, and the backseat of the Impala on a hot summer day, and everyone in a good mood and singing along to the radio, with the promise of chocolate and cream just around the corner. *flails* That was amaaaaaazingly perfectly sweet and lovely and I want to cuddle Dean. It was definiely tender. Oh, Dean... *pets him*

*smishes you*


Re: Hot fudge sauce & kissing (Part 2/2) colazitron June 2 2010, 23:03:04 UTC
Somehow this: Cas tasted like Dean’s childhood is my favourite line. So sweet <3


Re: Hot fudge sauce & kissing (Part 2/2) mulder200 June 3 2010, 04:16:13 UTC
Mm. Now I want a sundae too!


Re: Hot fudge sauce & kissing (Part 2/2) zanyrainey June 3 2010, 07:14:48 UTC
*flails again*
*attempts to compose witty comment*

That was gooooood!


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