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(1/2) Dean/Castiel, "I love you" devilsduplicity May 30 2010, 13:58:28 UTC
The first time was a slip of the tongue and a lack of real sobriety.

"I love-- uh..."

Dean was sitting in a ratty old booth across from his brother; another back-roads, family-run diner to add to the never-ending list of déja vu-induced attractions the Winchesters could tick off their list of Been There, Done That. He'd been talking to Sam about their latest hunt; had jolted in surprise when the air beside him had shifted, parted, and made way for the presence of the trench coat-clad member of their little ragtag group. The smile that flit across his lips was sudden and irrepressible.

'Hey, Cas,' his mind had supplied, but his mouth had different plans, and before he knew it, 'love' -- the heaviest word known to man -- had been flung out into the ether.

Sam raised an eyebrow, curious, and Cas merely tipped his head to the side and regarded Dean with a warm, neutral air.

The waitress came in about that time, set a plate with a giant slice of pie down in front of Dean, and the subsequent clatter jolted him into action.

"Pie," he ( ... )


(2/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" devilsduplicity May 30 2010, 14:02:27 UTC
"Not with you hanging over me, breathing down my neck."

The body behind him, though already still, somehow froze even further.

"Why not?" There was no insult there, simply curiosity and confusion.

Dean closed his eyes, opened them again.

"As much as I love having you as my personal stalker, Cas, it's... kinda distracting."

There was that word again. 'Love'. But it was okay when his voice was laced with heavy sarcasm, right? It was acceptable then. Didn't matter if it might or might not be true... or not. No one needed to know that, even if the one not knowing was the only one who really knew.

... God, his head hurt.

Dean shifted, went to lay his head down, but Castiel pressed a hand to his side, slid an arm against his pillow, pushed it out of the way, and before Dean could help it, he was laying his temple against the suit jacket of said personal stalker. He sighed, deflated, thought about complaining, but eventually let his eyelids flutter shut in silent defeat.

"I'm not a woman," he said, voice smooth, no longer tight, but ( ... )


(3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" devilsduplicity May 30 2010, 14:06:40 UTC
"Here, take it," Dean said, pressing the firework closer. Cas flinched back.

The moment pinpointed to a single beat of time, then; like a clock tick-tocking away until the second-hand struck the top, and the hour went careening into the unknown.

Dean pulled the stick back, watched as it fizzed out, then gave a little shrug.

"Don't know why you're so afraid," he said. "It reminds me of you -- the first time we met. Remember?" His grin was wide, nostalgic. "The floodlights didn't agree with you."

"You stabbed me in the chest," Castiel pointed out.

"Yeah, well, you had this look of imminent rape on your face. I was justified."

Cas blinked, and Dean waved him off.

"Go get another one."

He did as told, blinking out of existence only to come striding back with another sparkler in tow. This time, Dean made him hold it; wrapped one hand around Castiel's for support, then flickered the flame across the top and pulled away when the sparks went flying. The angel was still a little stunned at first -- not necessarily afraid, but rather ( ... )


Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" blue_fjords May 30 2010, 14:35:33 UTC
Awww, that was awesome! His soul's been screaming it. Indubitably.

Also, this:

"These are my favorite," Castiel said with a solemn tone, as if passing God's divine judgment onto a trifle such as this.

You're my favorite, Dean thought

I just loved, for Cas being so in-character and Dean allowing himself to be sweet for a moment.


Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" anniehow May 30 2010, 15:35:09 UTC


Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" devilsduplicity May 30 2010, 21:09:02 UTC
Thank you!


Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" devilsduplicity May 30 2010, 21:08:45 UTC
Dean's soul tends to know what's best for him, even when Dean himself is clueless~


Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" timey_wimey_kid May 30 2010, 14:40:43 UTC
Dean and Castiel declaring their love to each other literally surrounded by sparkles.

You win an International Schmoop Award. :D


Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" devilsduplicity May 30 2010, 21:10:40 UTC
Dean/Cas is naturally ~*sparkly*~

Oh my! I must set this on my mantle!


Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" ginfairy May 30 2010, 14:49:27 UTC
"Yeah, well, you had this look of imminent rape on your face. I was justified."

1. It's a good job I work from home.
2. It's a good job I didn't read that line while in the middle of asking a customer if the lights on their router are on or not

because I howled out with laughter at that line. Yeah Dean, even back then love. lol


Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" devilsduplicity May 30 2010, 21:12:01 UTC
Haaa! The explanation for your laughter would most certainly been worth the outburst. ♥♥


Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" dotfic May 30 2010, 16:16:16 UTC
<3<3 I love this, and how it was shmoopy and yet not *too* shmoopy, hee.


Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" devilsduplicity May 30 2010, 21:13:06 UTC
Heee, thank you! I'm a big fan of manly!Dean -- it makes the schmoop more fun to write. :3


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Re: (3/3) *coughs* Dean/Castiel, "I love you" devilsduplicity May 30 2010, 21:13:41 UTC
Thank you! *flails hands with you*


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