Fanfiction || Amphierotic Bloodlines || Bellatrix/Narcissa || Part Twenty Four

Sep 15, 2011 19:37

Title: Amphierotic Bloodlines
Author: Sapphire Smoke cuzimastripper
Beta(s): supershineygirl (chapter two), dolfynrider (chapter three & onwards)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: NC-17
Length Thus Far: 181,332 words
Main Pairing: Bellatrix/Narcissa
Sub Pairings: Narcissa/Lucius, Narcissa/OC, Bellatrix/OC, Bellatrix/Rodolphus
Summary: Growing up in the 1960s in a family that expected nothing less than perfection, anything less than such was deemed unfit for a young woman of their status and was punished severely. A house that was classified as 'noble' had dark secrets hidden within those walls, a fear that only the people within experienced. The confusion young girls have growing up was more than intensified in there: it bordered on practically unbearable. This is a story about growing up, about surviving abuse, and about finding salvation and love from anyone you can, even if it’s from the last person on earth you know you should ever hold a deep affection for.
Warning(s): Lesbian incest, graphic child abuse, dubcon, sex between minors, anorexia nervosa, forced miscarriage, character death (minor), first chapter is un-beta’d
A/N: For NaNoWriMo 2010. This story is entirely from Narcissa’s POV (though not in first person) and will only include up to her graduation from Hogwarts. I may do a sequel later to cover her adult years, but for now I think this is more than enough.


“I’m not going to fuck you, you moron.”

It was probably bad that Narcissa’s mind interpreted small acts of violence as sexual, but what else was she supposed to think when Bellatrix pushed her up against the wall after casting the Muffliato spell? She had her pinned there with her whole body and her eyes were dark, but not with lust as Narcissa previously thought; they were blackening in anger.

Fuck. This wasn’t exactly what Narcissa was hoping for on her last day of Christmas leave.

Bellatrix took a picture out of her inside pocket in her robe, shoving it against Narcissa’s chest angrily. “This is your doing, isn’t it?!”

“What the hell are you-?”

“This! I got an owl from her saying she can’t see me again because of this!” Bellatrix raged, shoving the picture in Narcissa’s face so she could see what the hell she was talking about. Narcissa felt like vomiting.

It was picture of Bellatrix and Gwendolyn kissing. It was no doubt from Christmas, as that was logically the only time Lucius could have gotten it and it was also very clearly happening in the Lestrange Manor. Narcissa didn’t ask him to take a sodding picture, but perhaps he just felt he had to go above and beyond the call of duty. Or maybe he just stumbled upon it happening and decided it’d make better blackmail material. Which, in all honesty, would have worked perfectly; except for the snag that Gwendolyn decided to tell Bellatrix about it.

“Get that out of my face!” Narcissa exclaimed, pushing it away violently. “Do you really think I want to see that?!”

“You’re saying you haven’t?” Bellatrix asked, though it sounded like she was mocking her. She didn’t believe her in the slightest.

“No! This isn’t my doing, Bella; so I’d appreciate it if you’d get the hell off of me!”

Bellatrix’s eyes flashed, but she did move back enough to allow Narcissa some movement. “You’re lying,” she accused, pointing at her angrily. “I know you had something to do with this. Why the fuck would the blackmailer only want her to ‘stay away’ from me, instead of money?!”

“I’m not lying!” Narcissa protested. “I didn’t take that picture and I certainly am not the one blackmailing you!” Which, technically wasn’t a lie since it was Lucius’ doing. “And you know what, maybe you should stay away from each other; clearly you two aren’t as low key as you thought. There’s a bloody picture of the both of you, Bella! Even with all the crap we’ve been though, we’ve never managed to let someone take our sodding photograph! You’re going to end up destroying your life if you stay with her; don’t you care?”

“Of course I fucking care, you dumb git! Why the hell else do you think I’m trying to figure out who knows?!” Bellatrix shouted, waving her hands in the air erratically. “Fuck,” she swore, collapsing on Narcissa’s bed. She put her head in her hands and it made Narcissa both angry and guilty to see her sister actually upset over this. Bellatrix slid her hands down from her face, looking over at Narcissa seriously. “Swear on my life that this isn’t happening because of you.”

Narcissa tried to say that, but the words choked up in her throat. She couldn’t swear on her sister’s life. She knew it was silly, but there was always that small paranoia in the back of Narcissa’s head that if she did, lightning would strike Bellatrix down on the spot.

She couldn’t be sure of when Bellatrix moved, but she found herself pinned up against the wall again, Bellatrix’s hand on her throat. She wasn’t pressing down, but being put in that position was still utterly terrifying. “Why would you do this?!” Bellatrix screamed. “Why are you trying to destroy my life??”

“She’s your life now?” Narcissa exclaimed, wounded. “She’s nothing but a means to an end, Bella! She’s a slag; nothing more! She doesn’t know the real you; not like I do. She wouldn’t stand by you if she did, you and know it! No one loves you like I do, Bellatrix. No one! I’m your everything. I am!”

Narcissa’s chest was heaving with emotion, her eyes dark with jealousy and anger. She knew she sounded exactly as Bellatrix did when she got jealous over Lucius, but it didn’t matter. They were both extremely, violently possessive of one another; that would never change. Bellatrix stared at her, looking torn between wanting to hit her and fuck her up against the wall for what she said. Narcissa hoped it would be the latter.

Instead Bellatrix merely smirked viciously. “Jealous, are we?”

“Obviously,” Narcissa hissed angrily, eyes boring into hers. “I don’t care if you have someone to fuck while I’m gone. But I will not stand by and watch you fall in love with her. Not just because of my jealousy, but because you’re going to end up getting hurt. You know just as well as I do that if she ever saw what you turned into then she wouldn’t want to have anything to do with you. She can’t handle your violence, your sadism; no one can, except for me.”

“She loves me!” Bellatrix shouted. “Why am I not allowed to have that, huh? Why the fuck are you allowed to have someone else who loves you, who takes care of you, but I’m not?!”

“Because she doesn’t take care of you!” Narcissa screamed, pushing Bellatrix’s hand off her throat before shoving her hard. “I take care of you! She couldn’t even if she tried!”


“The second she even sees you like that it’s going to scare her! She can’t handle it, Bella! So what the hell are you going to do when it finally takes you over completely, huh? She won’t stand by you, she can’t!”

“I KNOW! Okay? I fucking know that! Now shut up!”

The frustrated admission was followed by a long silence, both of them breathing heavily, angrily, as they stared at each other. Bellatrix turned away from her, crying out loudly in aggravation as she shoved the lamp off of the bedside table. It fell the ground with a crash and she flopped back down on the bed, suddenly looking like she was going to cry. Narcissa didn’t move, she didn’t say anything, she just watched her sister try to collect herself.

“I know,” Bellatrix repeated finally, in a soft voice filled with upset. “Gwen she… she saw it once. She…” But she shook her head as she got choked up, looking away from Narcissa. The blonde felt her stomach drop to the floor. Damnit, she didn’t want to make her cry.

“Bella? I’m… sorry.”

Bellatrix took a shuddered intake of breath, trying to hold back her tears. “No, you’re not,” she answered. “And you shouldn’t be, because you were right. I’m certainly never sorry when I’m right, no matter if I upset you or not.”

Narcissa pursed her lips, walking over to the bed. Bellatrix still refused to look at her, so she crawled in behind her, laying her head on Bellatrix’s upper back as she wrapped her arms around her torso. “What happened?” she asked softly. Maybe it was wrong, but she did want to know how right she really was.

Bellatrix stared out at the far wall. “She told me never to come around again when I was like that. She didn’t want to be near me when I was like that; said it frightened her.” Narcissa knew it was a shitty thing to do, but she couldn’t help but smile at that. There was a pause. “You’re such an arse,” Bellatrix told her flatly. “I can feel you smiling against my back, you know.”

“Sorry,” Narcissa apologized, feeling a little guilty. “I just don’t like her. I knew she would end up breaking your heart. She may love you, but she doesn’t love all of you. Not like I do.”

“She’s not even comparable to you, Cissy,” Bellatrix told her softly. “No one is. So I don’t know why you insist on doing it; you just end up sounding hysterical.”

“Oh, and you don’t? You compare yourself to Lucius all the time; or at least the love I hold for both of you.”

Bellatrix outright scoffed at that. “Please, that prat isn’t even worth half of me. I know you love me more. I just don’t like seeing you with him; there’s a difference.”

“Not really: jealousy is always green, no matter which shade.”

Bellatrix just shook her head, continuing to stare at the far wall. She idly picked at her fingernails; destroying the black polish they were covered with. Narcissa sighed softly, laying her chin atop her sister’s shoulder. “I’m not leaving her, Cissy. You need to respect that,” Bellatrix told her softly.

Narcissa pulled away from her suddenly. “But-!”

“But what?” Bellatrix interrupted angrily, turning around to face her finally. “But she’ll leave me eventually? But I’ll get my heart broken? Fine. That’s my choice to make, not yours. Maybe it escaped your fucking notice, but just because I’m crazy, that doesn’t mean that I don’t deserve to have anyone.”

“You have me!”

“We’re different!” Bellatrix shouted, trying to make her understand that. “We’re always going to have each other, Cissy; but that doesn’t mean that we don’t want something else, something normal!”

That hurt; more than anything else Bellatrix could have said. Narcissa knew what they had wasn’t normal, of course; she wasn’t bloody stupid. But… but it felt normal to her. The way they grew up, it was only natural that they would turn to each other for comfort, no matter what form it came in. And if their love were accepted in society, Narcissa wouldn’t need Lucius. She loved him of course, but she loved her sister far, far more. She would’ve married her, given the option. She would have made a life with her. What Narcissa had always wanted, more than anything else, was to have children… and she would have given that all up for her sister, if she could.

“Why can’t we be what’s normal?” Narcissa asked softly, knowing she sounded so much like a child in that moment. But she couldn’t help it; it was a question she often posed to herself.

“Because that’s not the way the world works, love.”

Narcissa wanted a better answer than that, but she supposed one didn’t exist.

“You know, I don’t even understand how you think she’s what’s ‘normal’ anyway,” Narcissa replied heatedly, not being able to wrap her head around the concept. “The only difference between her and me is that she’s not your blood. You can’t marry her, Bella. You can’t even go out on a date with her. No one can know about you two, just as no one can know about us. She’s just as much of a dirty secret.”

“Maybe,” Bellatrix replied, shrugging lightly; regrettably. “But it’s more natural for me to fall in love with her than to fall in love with you. I need something… a little more sodding sane in my life, Cissy. I’m sorry. I love you, you know I do. I’d walk through fucking fire for you, babes. But I just… need this, okay?”

Narcissa shook her head, looking down at the space of the bed between them. She started idly picking at the comforter as she asked, “If you had to make a choice-”

“Don’t give me an ultimatum.” Her tone was filled with warning.

“No, I didn’t… I mean, you said that you would always choose me. You told me over the summer you’d dump her if you could have me. Now you have me and it seems you want everything. I just don’t see how that’s fair.”

“Why can’t we have everything, Cissy? I mean it. You have Lucius, you’re happy with him. Why can’t I have her and be happy too? And we’re… I don’t know, sometimes happy with each other. So where I’m standing, if we stop pitching bitch fits at each other about the other people we fuck in our lives, then maybe we can actually be sodding happy for once. Not just with each other but with everything.”

Narcissa scoffed. “Don’t get logical on me.”

“Why? Because you know I’m right?”

“No, because I know it’s a load of crap,” Narcissa replied bluntly. “You say this now, but come tomorrow you’ll be flipping out about Lucius again. You’re trying to be the bigger person when, let’s face it, you aren’t ever going to be capable of something like that. You’re dominated by your emotions and emotions aren’t logical.”

Bellatrix narrowed her eyes at her. “At least I’m trying. When have you ever come up with a good solution? Never, that’s when,” she answered for her, before Narcissa even had a chance to open her mouth. “Your idea of a solution is fucking blackmailing the woman I’m seeing.”

“I didn’t blackmail her!”

“Well someone did, and you knew about it!” Bellatrix shouted. It takes all of two seconds before realization hits her. “You told Lucius, didn’t you? You fucking-”

“Well you told Rodolphus that I was pregnant!”

“That was different! He lives here, Cissy; he would have found out eventually. And what do you think he would have done if he found out on his own? It was better for you this way, believe me. You on the other hand, told Lucius something that was none of your business to tell! You weren’t thinking of, of my well-being; you were thinking about you.”

“Fine, I’m sorry; okay?!” Narcissa shrieked. “I was pissed off. I hate her, Bella. I don’t care if you love her, if you think she’s good for you; I’m always going to hate her! She’s a worthless slag.”

“She’s never done a thing to you-”

“And Lucius has done something to you?”

“I hated him before you started dating him, Cissy. So yes, many things; would you like me to make a sodding list?” Bellatrix spat angrily. “You have no excuse; you know you have no excuse for hating her besides your jealousy. At least I have real reasons for despising Lucius.”

This was like déjà vu. Not that it mattered; they would always continue to argue the same things until they were blue in the face.

“I have real reasons!”

Bellatrix scoffed, “I doubt that; but whatever makes you sleep better at night.”

“I DO! She’s… fuck, damnit! SHE’S GOING TO TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!” Narcissa shrieked, far too pissed off by Bellatrix’s blatant scorn to regulate her own volume. She was angry; furious that Bellatrix thought it was something as trivial petty jealousy. “That’s why I hate her, okay? THAT’S WHY!”

Bellatrix stopped, staring at her. “What?” she asked, like the very idea was ridiculous.

“She was your first love,” Narcissa told her, her anger quickly turning to despair now that it was finally being said out loud. “Not me. You told me when I was twelve that if you were to marry anyone, you would have… you would have wanted to marry her.” He voice broke as she went on, knowing she was about to cry, “I remember, Bella; I remember that whole conversation. I remember how sad you were as you watched Gwendolyn leave the compartment, after you cut her from your life. You wanted her forever. You’ve always wanted her… and all I can see when I look at her is the woman you would have given up everything for, had you had the nerve back then. And… goddamnit.” She wiped away a tear before continuing, trying to keep her voice steady, “And I can’t help but fear that you’ll soon grow to have that nerve… that you’ll run away with her, somewhere far where no one can ever find you. Where I can never find you…”

“No, Cissy; hey…” Bellatrix responded softly, touching Narcissa’s cheek and wiping away the stray tear that had fallen with her thumb. “I would never leave you. Never. I swear it. If I was to run away with anyone, it’d be you; not her.”

Narcissa would like to believe that, but it was hard. Paranoia always won out in the end, it seemed. So she didn’t say anything, she just looked down, shutting her eyes tightly to try to stop the onslaught of tears that seemed to be coming with no remorse. Bellatrix could see her distress and disbelief however, so she slid her hand around to back of her neck, cupping it gently before pulling her sister towards her.

Narcissa allowed her sister to comfort her in the only way she knew how, but she knew no matter how much Bellatrix tried to convince her that she was the one she’d give up everything for, Narcissa couldn’t believe it. Because if that were true, wouldn’t she have done it already? Perhaps her sister wasn’t as brave as she made herself out to be though; maybe she was just as terrified as Narcissa was to leave. Or perhaps it was because she had responsibilities here that mattered more to her; she was, after all, extremely loyal to-

Narcissa jerked herself out of the kiss so fast that she smacked her forehead against Bellatrix’s. “Fuck!” Bellatrix exclaimed, pressing her palm to her forehead. “Damn, you have a hard head. Christ, Cissy; where’s the fire?”

“Voldemort,” Narcissa said quickly, fear all suddenly hitting her like a freight train. “I’m fifteen now -Bella!”

Bellatrix clapped a hand over Narcissa’s mouth quickly. “Shut up! Don’t say his name!”

Narcissa didn’t understand what Bellatrix’s obsession was with not saying his name, but that wasn’t what was important right now. She pried Bellatrix’s hand off her and asked, “When…? I mean is he, or did you…?”

God, how could she have forgotten about that? Regardless of everything that was going on in her life, she should have remembered that. Though maybe it would have been better if she didn’t, because in the span of a second she went from kissing the woman she loved to being terrified out of her mind.

“This is important!” Narcissa shouted hysterically. “Tell me you did something! You told me you would fix it!”

“Cissy, relax!” Bellatrix exclaimed, holding up her hands to signal her to stop. “God, you have no idea how grating your voice can be when you’re shrieking.” She pressed her palm up against her temple, wincing a little bit. Narcissa glared at her; she wasn’t funny. This entire thing wasn’t funny.

But Bellatrix took a breath, possibly trying to clear her mind of Narcissa’s insanely loud decibel, before she spoke. “The Dark Lord will speak to you after school ends this year.”

That’s not exactly what Narcissa wanted to hear; she wanted her sister to tell her that he didn’t want to meet with her after all. “But-!”

“Did you really think I could stop Him?” Bellatrix interrupted, looking at her like the fact that she’s protesting this was ridiculous. “Just be grateful I was able to put it off! I reminded Him that your OWLs are this year; you’re lucky he finds education of purebloods important, otherwise I’m sure He would have been our Christmas guest.”

Narcissa was sure she wouldn’t have been able to handle that; especially with everything else that went on this Christmas.

“So you bought me time; now what?” Narcissa asked softly, knowing just how quickly time can run out.

“Now… I don’t know. Look, don’t worry about it; by the time you come back for summer vacation I’ll have figured something out. Okay? Hey,” she prodded gently, smoothing her sister’s hair out with her hand. “It’ll be fine. I promise. You’re not Death Eater material, if anything else doesn’t work in our favor; He must at least be able to see that. He’s an intelligent man, Cissy.”

‘Man’ isn’t quite what Narcissa would call him, but that was beside the point.

“I’m just scared,” Narcissa admitted in a whisper. She had no desire to become a murderer. No matter how much her sister protested that they were doing good for the pureblooded race, Narcissa couldn’t see anything but all the violence, the killings. Perhaps she was too young to stomach such a thing though. But still, Narcissa did not foresee her views changing on the matter. She understood their cause, supported what they were doing of course, but did not like how they went about achieving their ends. It was barbaric and purebloods should be held to a higher standard than that. Commoners and mudbloods are barbaric, not them.

Not that Narcissa would ever voice such a thing out loud to her sister though. She doubted her opinion would be well received.

“I know,” Bellatrix replied softly, her fingers tangling in her sister’s hair once more as she brought her forehead to lightly lie against Narcissa’s. She held her, one hand cupped around the back of her neck in a gesture meant to both comfort and possess. But that was her sister for her; nothing was ever worth caring about unless she owned it. “I’ll keep you safe,” she promised her. “Always.”

“They’re just words, Bella,” Narcissa whispered, voice barely audible even to her sister’s ears, who was only a breath away from her. “You know as well as I that you can’t control everything. You can’t promise something of that magnitude to me, no matter how much you wish you could.” She sighed softly. “No matter how much I wish you could.”

Bellatrix pulled away from her a little to look her in the eyes. “I can actually.” Off of Narcissa’s questioning gaze she answered, “Blood magic; I can tie my life essence to yours. The pain you feel, I’ll feel.”

“Bella, blood magic is forbidden!” Narcissa protested, though knew the second the words fell from her lips that her protest was rather ridiculous, given who she was speaking too; Bellatrix cared nothing for terms such as ‘forbidden’. But it was old; barely used in this day and age, even by dark wizards. In all honesty, Narcissa even wondered how she learned it. It was used in a time before magic was channeled through wands.

And wands were made for a reason.

“So? It’s the only spell I know of that will do that. Unless you’d rather me make the Unbreakable Vow.”

Narcissa shook her head violently. “No, no. I don’t want you to die. The Unbreakable Vow is too severe; I couldn’t bare it if you died because you didn’t uphold a promise. A promise is nothing compared to your life.”

“Then let me do this,” Bellatrix urged, taking her hands in hers. “That way you know I’ll always keep you safe. If I don’t, then I’m not either.”

Narcissa stared at her, not understanding why she would do such a thing. “You don’t even know how this spell could affect you,” she protested. “Not really. I know there isn’t much written anymore about blood magic anymore; you could end up feeling every little thing I feel, not just my pain. Magic without a wand can go disastrously wrong because we need something to channel our power; you know this. I mean for God’s sake, you could even end up tying not just your life essence to mine, but everyone else’s in this house - Rodolphus included, possibly even the damned house elf to mine as well. You don’t know how wrong this could go, Bellatrix! I don’t think you’re powerful enough to do it without any problems; you’re certainly not disciplined enough to.”

“Just because the world knows barely anything of blood magic anymore, doesn’t mean that I don’t,” Bellatrix retorted, which prompted Narcissa to outright roll her eyes. Bellatrix narrows her eyes at her, but explained, “I talked Professor Slughorn into letting me access a book in the restricted section while I was in school; you know how he is with learning. And, well, though I was never part of his little ‘Slug Club,’ I know he adored me ‘cause I kissed his fat arse. It was rather easy. All you have to do is tell him you want to write an essay for extra credit and he’ll practically shit all over himself with glee and give you whatever you want.”

Narcissa blinked, confused about one thing. “Wait, did you actually write the essay?”

“Necessary evil, Cissy,” Bellatrix replied, waving it off. “I do what I have to do to get what I want. I certainly didn’t want to write two rolls of parchment on ‘Why the Banishment of Blood Magic in the Twelfth Century was Detrimental to the Goblins’, but the dumb bastard gave me permission to look at every book in there that had to do on the subject.” She paused then added, “Look, the point is that I’ve read more than most people alive on blood magic, so can you please just trust me?”

Narcissa wasn’t sure that ‘most people alive’ part was really true, but it didn’t matter. “Why?” she asked, not understanding why her sister would want to dabble in such things. It was practically a forgotten art; banished centuries ago. “Why would you read about it? Don’t you know enough wicked things?”

“This isn’t ‘wicked’, Cissy,” Bellatrix replied, sighing softly. “There’s nothing evil about what I’m about to do… at least not when it comes to you.”

Narcissa knew there was more to that sentence than what was said. “What do you mean?”

Bellatrix waved it off, like it was nothing. “It once was forced upon one’s enemies; make them feel as you feel, that sort of thing. Important when you wanted to make sure someone wasn’t leading you into a trap… or something similar to that nature. It was like an extra protection; making sure someone wouldn’t screw you over.”

“So there’s a reversal?” Narcissa asked. She figured if someone were going to tie their life essence to their enemies just for the purposes of possible traps and whatnot, they would want a reversal later on down on the road.

“No. Well, I don’t know; I haven’t found it if there is.”

Narcissa stared at her. She couldn’t be serious, could she? It was one thing to attempt it if there was a way to undo the magic, but this seemed far too risky. But Bellatrix didn’t seem to sense her hesitation, because she reached into the top of her robes before pulling out a small dagger with a split handle. “Hold out your hand,” she instructed.

“Are you kidding me?” Narcissa asked, staring at her like she had four heads. “You keep weaponry in your breasts now? Don’t you think they’re dangerous enough?”

Bellatrix smirked. “They can never be too dangerous. Now come on, give me your hand.” She reached for her, but Narcissa pulled it out of her grasp automatically.

“No, Bella, we’re not doing this! Please,” she begged, taking her sister’s wrist in her hand that held the breast dagger. “I trust you to keep me safe, okay? I do. You don’t need to prove it to me. Please just…” Narcissa looked at her pleadingly before leaning in to kiss her sister soundly on the lips. When she pulled back she whispered, “We don’t have much time before I have to leave and I… I don’t want to waste it fooling around with dark magic. I want to spend it with you.”

“I’m right here, Cissy.”

“You know that’s not what I meant,” Narcissa breathed before placing her lips on Bellatrix’s neck, her hands sliding across porcelain skin as she began to push her sister’s robes down her shoulders. As the material slid from her body, Narcissa allowed her nails to follow lightly in their wake as she placed hot, open mouthed kisses underneath Bellatrix’s ear, the sensation emitting an involuntary shiver from her brunette counterpart.

Bellatrix silently allowed Narcissa to undress her; allotting the younger Black a small slice of control until she no doubt took it away from her again. Bellatrix stayed completely still, her eyes closed as Narcissa’s grabbed the side of her face, her lips covering her sister’s jaw line as her left hand roughly pulled down the strap of Bellatrix’s bra. But when their lips connected again; a mess of clashing teeth and probing tongues, Bellatrix’s patience flew out the window. She pushed Narcissa down on her back, hovering over her. The dagger in her hand was pointed at Narcissa’s chest, something that probably should have filled her with fear, yet instead filled her with an arousal that made her knickers damp.

“Bella, I like this dress…” she tried to plead, knowing her intentions without having being told. All she was met with was a smirk, though it was hardly unexpected. Bellatrix always did what she wanted to do; it was just part of her personality.

“I’ll buy you a new one.”

Even though Narcissa protested before, she couldn’t deny the erotic sensation of Bellatrix cutting her dress from her. She watched her sister intently as she sliced slowly; tauntingly, between her breasts and down her stomach. Narcissa closed her eyes, her breath hitching as suddenly she felt the coolness of the knife against her flesh. Her sister slid the flat side of the blade around the curve of her breast, like she was threatening her, and Narcissa could hear how pronounced her breathing had become; it was turning her on.

And because Narcissa felt safer with Bellatrix than she did with anyone else in the world, it turned her on too. Immensely.

“Don’t hurt me…” Narcissa pleaded with her, opening her eyes again to connect to her sister’s. She was playing with her and Bellatrix recognized it immediately. A grin spread across her face and she rolled her hips into hers roughly before pointing the knife at Narcissa’s throat. The blonde whimpered softly, slipping into the role of the victim. It was entirely too easy for her, given her past.

Bellatrix’s lips were against her ear as she hissed, “Shut up; I’ll do as I please with you, and you’ll like it.” She grabbed a fist full of her breast then, her teeth latching onto the tender spot of Narcissa’s neck. She cried out loudly, thrusting her hips against her sister’s. She didn’t move to grab her though; no… it was much too fun being at Bellatrix’s mercy, if only in this moment.


“Please what?” Bellatrix hissed in her ear as she grasped Narcissa’s dress, roughly ripping the rest clean in half. Narcissa moaned beneath her as Bellatrix’s fingers cupped her burning center through her knickers. She was soaked and she knew her sister could feel it. "Please fuck you?”

“Yes!” Narcissa gasped out desperately. God, she wanted it. Needed it…

But Bellatrix stopped then, looking down at her with an amused, yet disbelieving look. “I thought we were playing, Cissy. You’re supposed to say no.”

Narcissa let out a sigh of impatience and looked up at her. “Oh for Christ’s sake. Fine then, no!” She had forgotten about their game. It was always so easy for Bellatrix to get her all riled up; her brain liquefying and her body humming with need. She didn’t want to think, she wanted to feel.

Bellatrix smirked; glad they were back on track. “Well too bad,” she barked before colliding her lips with hers. Narcissa pretended to struggle beneath her, but when she opened her mouth to protest Bellatrix’s tongue slipped against hers and all thought went out the window. She returned the kiss passionately; at least that was until she felt the knife slip under her knickers. She broke the kiss just as her sister sliced through her underwear.

“Bella!” she protested, for real this time. “Jesus… that was far too close. Don’t put that thing anywhere near there!”

“Oh relax, I know what I’m doing,” Bellatrix replied breathlessly, looking down at her. She looked slightly annoyed that her methods were being questioned; doubted. “I did it without cutting you, didn’t I? Take a pill.”

“Okay, no; now you’ve lost your knife privileges,” Narcissa told her, swiping the blade from her sister’s hand. In all honesty she has no idea how she managed to pull that off, but she threw it across the room as Bellatrix’s jaw dropped; pissed that Narcissa had the nerve to tell her what she could and could not do.

“Cissy, that was mine! You can’t just fucking take-!”

“Oh for the love of God, please shut up,” Narcissa requested breathlessly as she grabbed the back of Bellatrix’s neck, pulling her forward to collide their lips. Bellatrix’s protests were cut off as Narcissa slipped her tongue against hers, taking one of her hands in hers before guiding it between her legs. They didn’t have much time and if she didn’t get her sister to start paying attention to what was actually important, they’d spend their last few hours together arguing.

Bellatrix groaned once she felt Narcissa guide her fingers through her folds. “You’ve forgotten, haven’t you?” Narcissa breathed against her lips. “That there are no longer any barriers from keeping us from truly being together…” It seemed Bellatrix really had forgotten, because when she was reminded her breathing shallowed and she practically growled with approval. Narcissa smirked against her lips before requesting softly, “Please… I need you inside me, Bella. I need you to fuck me; to fill me. I need you to make me yours, properly.” She stroked her cheek softly, all the love in the world being poured out between each word as she finished in a whisper, “I want to be yours, Bellatrix. Always…”

“You are mine,” Bellatrix told her in heated whisper before she quickly, impatiently slipped two fingers inside of her scorching heat. Narcissa cried out, burying her face in her sister’s neck as Bellatrix told her, “Until the sun burns out and the world freezes over, you’re always going to be mine…” Her words were like a song whilst she milked the symphony from Narcissa; delicately stroking her inside in a way that made her head spin and her body fly.

“Oh god…” Narcissa breathed, tangling her hands in her sister’s hair as she shut her eyes tightly. The sensation of Bellatrix being inside of her, finally, was complete and utter perfection and it overwhelmed her senses. “Yours…” she promised between gasps as she felt her sister slide in an out of her, fingers curled at just the right angle that it made her vision blur and her head cloud. “Oh, Bella…”

“Say it again,” Bellatrix demanded softly, her breath tickling her lips as her thumb slipped over her clit. The sensation shot sparks to Narcissa’s core; a fire that raged through her veins and poured out of her soul. She wanted to grab onto her and hold her forever, keep her close so that Bellatrix never had to think of Gwendolyn again. It hurt, oh God it hurt so bad to think that even with everything they’ve been through together, she still wasn’t enough for her. But maybe it wasn’t fair of Narcissa to wish Bellatrix only had her, when she herself was splitting her affections between her sister and Lucius. Still, logic didn’t heal her crumbling heart.

“Yours!” Narcissa cried out desperately, her grip tightening in dark curls as she thrust her hips against her hands. She wanted to scream it, wanted Bellatrix to feel it. She needed her to know, she needed her to understand that everything was better than just the sliver of love and acceptance that that slag could give her. “I’m yours! Oh fuck, mmpphfff…” The rest of her moans were cut off by Bellatrix plunging her tongue in her mouth, kissing her with such passion and yearning as she - quite literally - went to work on fucking her raw.

Bellatrix fucked her until she had tears in her eyes; until she could see stars behind her lids and feel the earth moving beneath her body. She fucked her until Narcissa could no longer scream her name, until she no longer had the breath to speak; God, she fucked her until she had no more orgasms left in her to give. It was glorious, fulfilling, perfection in its entirety. Narcissa’s heart beat tenfold, her eyes shut tightly as the last of her orgasms poured out of her silently, unable to even voice an expression of how she felt in that moment. It was too much; it had always been too much, for better or for worse.

All she could do, all it seemed Narcissa could ever do, was hold onto her sister and pray that she would never have to let her go.


character: narcissa malfoy, character: andromeda tonks, books: harry potter, character: voldemort, writing: fanfiction, genre: femslash, genre: het, character: druella black, character: bellatrix lestrange, character: lucius malfoy, character: rodolphus lestrange

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