Fanfiction || Amphierotic Bloodlines || Bellatrix/Narcissa || Part Sixteen

Jul 03, 2011 07:08

Title: Amphierotic Bloodlines
Author: Sapphire Smoke cuzimastripper
Beta(s): supershineygirl (chapter two), dolfynrider (chapter three & onwards)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: NC-17
Length Thus Far: 131,869 words
Main Pairing: Bellatrix/Narcissa
Sub Pairings: Narcissa/Lucius, Narcissa/OC, Bellatrix/OC, Bellatrix/Rodolphus
Summary: Growing up in the 1960s in a family that expected nothing less than perfection, anything less than such was deemed unfit for a young woman of their status and was punished severely. A house that was classified as 'noble' had dark secrets hidden within those walls, a fear that only the people within experienced. The confusion young girls have growing up was more than intensified in there: it bordered on practically unbearable. This is a story about growing up, about surviving abuse, and about finding salvation and love from anyone you can, even if it’s from the last person on earth you know you should ever hold a deep affection for.
Warning(s): Lesbian incest, graphic child abuse, dubcon, sex between minors, anorexia nervosa, character death (minor), first chapter is un-beta’d
A/N: For NaNoWriMo 2010. This story is entirely from Narcissa’s POV (though not in first person) and will only include up to her graduation from Hogwarts. I may do a sequel later to cover her adult years, but for now I think this is more than enough.


Narcissa fell asleep in Bellatrix’s arms, but only for a short while.

When she awoke, she could feel her sister’s slow, even breath on the back of her neck as she slumbered. Narcissa could feel her arm around her torso; her breasts snuggled firmly against her back. It felt as if they were two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle; a mess by themselves but together they fit perfectly within each other. The reality of what she had been missing came back to Narcissa in that moment and as she opened her eyes to greet the world, a single tear slipped down her cheek. She didn’t make a sound though, nor did she move. She just laid still, her eyes staring at the far wall, wondering how everything had become so utterly screwed up.

Her parents were dead. Andromeda was gone, possibly forever. Bellatrix was with another woman; a woman who… a woman who loved her, had always loved her.

It was all so horrible, all of it. Yet here in her sisters arms, everything felt right. It was a lie though; it always was. Bellatrix had been cheating on her. She may have pretended it was her when they were in bed together, but that didn’t excuse it. Narcissa knew that technically her having Lucius would be considered cheating, but she had always been up front about it. Bellatrix offered her no such favor. Maybe if she had known, maybe if she had been warned, it wouldn’t be so bad; it wouldn’t feel like she was suffocating.

Narcissa knew she had brought this all on herself though. Her parents were dead because she couldn’t suck it up and handle the beatings like a big girl. Andromeda was gone because of the rift in their relationship due to her immoral liaisons with Bellatrix. And Bellatrix was with Gwendolyn because Narcissa foolishly tried to find freedom.

No, that was a lie. Bellatrix was with Gwendolyn before that. But maybe it was less… before. Maybe it wasn’t as serious. But then again, did Narcissa even know how serious it was? No, not really. Part of her didn’t want to ask; didn’t want to know.

It wasn’t fair; Bellatrix was hers. She had always been hers. Sometimes Narcissa wondered if they were truly two different people, or if their soul was split between them. Their darkness and light, hatred and love… they complimented each other so well that it had to be more than just what appeared on the surface. So what did that mean, if it were true?

Narcissa closed her eyes again for a moment and let out a breath. She slowly untangled herself from Bellatrix before rolling over, looking at her sister sound asleep on her bed. She was, honestly, the most beautiful being Narcissa had ever laid eyes on. There was also something so fascinating about watching Bellatrix sleep; in deep slumber, she looked like an angel. Her face took on a more childlike appearance; an innocence that seemed long since lost. But there was proof right there in front of her that it was not lost at all. If only Bellatrix could see it for herself, maybe then she wouldn’t believe herself to be as damaged as she thinks.

Narcissa’s hand found itself on Bellatrix’s cheek then, tracing her jaw bone delicately. She almost found herself in some kind of trance like state until she remembered: Bellatrix was being touched by another now. Narcissa took her hand away from her as if she’d been burned. It made her sick; knowing that all the love and adoration Narcissa etched into her sister’s skin was slowly being replaced by someone else. Sooner or later, Gwendolyn’s mark on Bellatrix would burn much deeper than anything Narcissa had ever burned within her, or at least that was her fear.

Narcissa wanted to erase Gwendolyn’s touch from her sister’s skin. She wanted to grab onto her and never let go; shake her violently until she realized that no one was ever going to replace the real thing. She needed her to know, she needed her to feel that no one would ever give her the pleasure Narcissa could.

Narcissa sat up in bed, feeling a lot better now that the sleeping draught Bellatrix gave her previously had completely wore off. Part of her was irrationally angry as she looked at her sister, or maybe it was jealousy that was coursing through her blood so violently. Whatever it was, it was probably the reason her decision making skills weren’t exactly peak. She grabbed her wand off the bedside table, her hand trembling just slightly as she pointed it at the door. “Muffliato,” she whispered. She knew Rodolphus was probably home by now and she didn’t want any interruptions for what she was about to do. Then she whispered, “Defigo,” properly locking the door so no one could get in.

Replacing her wand back on the bedside table, she turned to look down at her sister, who was still sleeping soundly. She swallowed, finding herself nervous for reasons she didn’t understand. But she needed to do this, she needed to show Bellatrix that she was the one she loved. No one else. No one else would ever come close to the connection that they shared, and that Bellatrix was an idiot for ever trying to find it within someone else.

Narcissa carefully removed the covers from them, pushing them down to bunch at the base of the bed. She licked her dry lips and hesitated for a moment, before she ever so carefully lifted Bellatrix’s robes, so as not to wake her. She knew what she was doing was probably wrong and could end up not being well received, but a large part of her didn’t care. Bellatrix was hers. She needed to remember that.

And Narcissa was going to make sure she did.

Settling down next to her, Narcissa lay on her side as she allowed her fingers to gently roam up Bellatrix’s supple thighs. She wanted to be rough with her to prove her point, but that time would come. For now, she was enjoying being able to do pretty much anything she wanted because her sister was asleep. It filled her with a sense of wrongdoing that in some twisted way made it sexier for her.

Narcissa bit her lower lip as she slipped her hand under the confinements of Bellatrix’s underwear. Bellatrix let out a small, sleepy sigh and turned her head to the side, but did not wake up. Narcissa swallowed her nerves and boldly slid her fingers over her sister’s clit, smirking a little when Bellatrix let out an out of character, pathetic sounding whimper. Her legs fell apart, allowing Narcissa more room. She still seemed fast asleep though; she probably believed herself to be dreaming.

But Narcissa found she didn’t like that thought much. For all she knew, Bellatrix could be dreaming about Gwendolyn. So Narcissa sat up a little, grasping her sister’s underwear, yanking it so violently that it ripped from the force of her grasp. Bellatrix’s eyes popped open and she made a cranky sound of protest as she looked around, confused and drowsy. “Cissy?” she mumbled, as if she wasn’t sure if this was even real. She looked so dazed.

Narcissa locked her jaw and threw the torn remnants of Bellatrix’s underwear to the ground before forcefully getting on top of her, pinning her down. “Who else would it be?” she asked, as if the very idea that Bellatrix had to ask offended her. Bellatrix looked up at her confused though, like she couldn’t even comprehend what she was saying, let alone what was going on.

“What’reyadoin’?” she mumbled, her words stringing together as she closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again she blinked a couple times, trying to make sense of everything.

“What do you think I’m doing, idiot?” Narcissa asked, becoming increasingly angrier the longer Bellatrix was awake. She needed to show her, she needed to prove this… and she needed to do this now before she lost her nerve, or realized this was probably a horrible idea. “Now stop talking; I don’t want to hear your voice right now.”

Bellatrix looked halfway between offended and perplexed, but she seemed to get the hint once Narcissa cupped her burning center roughly. Bellatrix made a small sound and closed her eyes for a moment, lifting her hips to Narcissa’s hand. The blonde didn’t waste much time with pleasantries; she was here to make a point. So without hesitation she slid two of her fingers deep inside Bellatrix’s hot core, making her sister gasp loudly, “Cissy!” Her hand grasped at the bed sheets, bunching them up within her palm.

Narcissa’s heart was pounding hard in her chest; she never strived to take this much control away from her sister. Usually, Bellatrix was the one calling the shots. But this time one of Narcissa’s hands was holding her down to the bed, grasping onto her so tight she was sure she’d leave bruises. Her face was a mask of domination and determination as she stared down at Bellatrix as her fingers moved within her more roughly than should even be considered pleasurable, and yet Bellatrix was obviously enjoying it by the sounds she was making.

But her eyes were closed, and Narcissa hated that. She didn’t know what Bellatrix was thinking about when she closed her eyes so she demanded, “Look at me! Look at me or I’ll stop!” Bellatrix’s eyes flew open and she looked up at her, a kind of sexy vulnerability about her, but yet she still held this cocky little look in her eye that made it seem like Bellatrix thought she won. But she wasn’t going to win; this was Narcissa’s game, Bellatrix was just a pawn in it. “If you close your eyes for even a moment, I will stop and never touch you again for as long as you live, do you hear me?” Narcissa asked her, nearly spitting each word with the force of her anger. Her thumb slipped across Bellatrix’s clit then and her sister nearly closed her eyes, but forced herself to keep them open. “I said do you hear me?!” Narcissa asked again. “I’m doing this to you; me! Not some skanky two-bit hooker you picked up on the street; not that grotty little cunt that you had in your bed earlier! Me! I’m your everything, Bella! I AM! Do you understand?!”

“Yes,” Bellatrix gasped out, her fingers digging into her palm through the sheets that she held. “Fuck, Cissy…” she tried to reach for her then, maybe kiss her, or just bring her closer so as to feel more of her, but Narcissa wouldn’t let her. She slapped her hand away.

“No, you don’t get to touch me. You don’t get to move. You’re only to do what I say, when I say it. Understood?” Her voice broke a little on her last word as she allowed herself to get a little more emotional than she would have preferred. She was trying to harden herself to all the feelings, but Narcissa hadn’t touched her sister in so long. She hadn’t felt her writhing beneath her, hadn’t heard her gasp her name. She hadn’t realized how much she needed it until right then. “You’re the one who ruined everything, so you don’t get to call the shots. Not anymore.”

Bellatrix for a moment looked like she wanted to argue with that, but she seemed to reevaluate her priorities rather quickly. Instead she pushed her hips rather frantically against Narcissa’s hand, her mouth dropping open as she let out a low, primal moan. “Please,” she begged breathlessly.

“Please what?” Narcissa gasped out as she increased the pressure on her sister’s clit, loving the way she could see Bellatrix lose her train of thought for a moment.

“Make me cum… make me forget about every other sodding bitch but you. I want to only see you. Please, Cissy…”

Part of Narcissa knew Bellatrix was manipulating her. Bellatrix had always known how to push her buttons, and this button to push was a rather obvious one. But it didn’t matter; just hearing her say anything about those other women enraged her and Narcissa did feel the desperate need to prove that she was the only one Bellatrix should ever be thinking of.

So she sped up the pace of her fingers. Narcissa pounded into her sister mercilessly and Bellatrix struggled to keep her eyes open as she screamed. She stared at her, identical brown eyes boring into one another. Narcissa could see Bellatrix’s need to touch her written all over her face, but she still wouldn’t let her. She kept her pinned down, at what she believed was her mercy. “Say my name, Bella!” Narcissa demanded, needing to hear her say it. “I want you to remember who fucks you like this!”

Her words sounded foreign even to her own ears. She sounded like another person entirely. But she didn’t care; she embraced it. It had been far too long since she last felt powerful.

“Cissy! Narcissa, fuck, oh shit… I… fuckkkk. Cissy, I can’t!” she gasped out, right before the feelings overwhelmed her so much that she had to close her eyes. Narcissa had half a mind to stop because she disobeyed her, but it didn’t matter anyway because her sister was soon cumming so hard she nearly made Narcissa go deaf from her screams. Her body went rigid for a moment and the contractions from Bellatrix’s orgasm squeezed Narcissa’s fingers unbelievably tight as she continued to keep pressure on her sister’s g-spot.

As Bellatrix released, Narcissa felt her anger go with it. The reality of what she had just done seemed to sink in and she got off of Bellatrix quickly, wiping her soiled hand on the bedding. Her breathing was labored and she turned away from her sister, dangling her feet off the edge of the bed as she stared at the wall. She knew she had just made a mistake. Her hands grasped the edge of the mattress, holding on tightly as her arms went rigid, trying to not get emotional.

She felt Bellatrix move after a moment, sitting up and coming over to sit behind her. Narcissa could hear her breathing; it was loud, like she was still turned on. Narcissa closed her eyes, trying to block it out. She needed to think. But Bellatrix’s fingers ran through her hair; softly, delicately. Then she placed her lips upon her neck, kissing her gently. Narcissa allowed it for a moment until Bellatrix wrapped her arms around her torso, sliding her hands up to her breasts before she traced the shell of Narcissa’s ear with her tongue. Then she pushed her away.

“You don’t have to do me,” Narcissa whispered, refusing to look at her. She bit her lower lip, trying to stay completely still. She didn’t know what she was going to do; what they just did didn’t fix everything. It didn’t fix anything at all.

“But I want to,” Bellatrix breathed in her ear as she leaned into her once more, trying again to ignite the spark in Narcissa. But the flame refused to burn and Narcissa shook her off of her again gently.

“I don’t want you to,” she told her softly. Bellatrix’s hands froze for a moment on her hips, before she finally took them off of her. She sat back on her heels and looked at Narcissa for a moment. Narcissa didn’t have to see her face to know that she was both confused and a little upset; she could hear it just in the way her sister’s breathing changed.

“You…?” she tried, but Narcissa interrupted her quickly.

“It was once,” she told her. She paused for a moment as her hands picked absentmindedly at the bed sheets. “It was only once.”

Bellatrix let out a scoff of disbelief. “But you just fucking said-”

“I do want you to forget about her,” Narcissa told her honestly, bringing her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. She rocked back and forth slightly, just needing to feel herself move. She continued to look at the wall, knowing the second she looked at Bellatrix it could all crumble apart. “But what we did doesn’t fix anything, Bellatrix. We’re still so incredibly screwed up, and you know it. It made me feel better for about a second, but that was it.”

“So then we never stop shagging, yeah? Just stay in bed for the rest of our lives and always feel good,” Bellatrix suggested, but it held a hit of sarcasm. She sighed though, knowing already she wasn’t going to convince her sister of anything. She sat back a little in defeat and ran her fingers through her hair, staring at Narcissa. “So what; that’s really the last really great orgasm I’ll ever have? Because it’s a bit fucking ridiculous that you didn’t at least warn me of that first so I could at least savor the moment.”

Narcissa rolled her eyes slightly in annoyance, placing her chin on her knees before she shrugged. “I didn’t say it would be forever. I think I’d be fooling myself if I believed that it would be.” She let out a breath, turning her head a little so her cheek was pressed against her knee. She held onto herself tighter. “You need to understand something, Bella,” she told her softly. “Being with you, it’s like…” she searched for the right simile and though it took a moment, she found it, “it’s like being a mother. I’m just not ready for that kind of responsibility yet; I’m too young to deal with such things.”

“I’m fine now, Cissy! I’m taking my potions. I’m-” but she’s cut off by a bitter laugh from her sister.

“Yes, and I saw firsthand how well that was working out for you earlier,” Narcissa told her, clenching her jaw as she remembered it. “And you… I’ve never seen you act that way when you lost control,” she whispered, remembered Bellatrix’s screams. “That was the most horrible thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life. It’s getting worse, Bella. I… I don’t know, maybe you can ask to increase the dosage; stall the permanence a little longer?” She turned her head then, finally looking her sister in the eyes. Her lips were turned down into a worried frown.

“No, I can’t do that,” Bellatrix told her quickly.

“Why?” Narcissa asked, putting her legs down and turning so she could fully face her. “If it’ll help you get better, why not?”

“Because the pain didn’t start happening until I started taking them!” Bellatrix exclaimed, frustrated. Narcissa’s eyes went wide, but Bellatrix didn’t give her a chance to comment. “They’re helping, yeah… I don’t fuck off and go mental every other day now but I still do sometimes. If I get too emotional, I just… I explode or something. Anger, jealousy, bitterness, sadness, guilt, fear… they all fuck me over in the end. It feels like my head’s being ripped apart and my brain is being put in backwards and I can’t stand it. But I don’t know what to do; I need to take them and I can’t avoid an intense emotional situation forever, that’s impossible.” She let out a breath and ran her fingers through her hair as she looked away from Narcissa, her nails scratching at her skull.

Narcissa felt sick. She had told Bellatrix to take her potion last night. Did she just poison her indirectly? Whatever it was, it didn’t sound safe if the side-effects were that bad. What if it was only serving to deteriorate Bellatrix’s brain more? She did say it was an experimental treatment.

“You need to stop taking them,” Narcissa told her, looking at her worriedly. Bellatrix’s eyes snapped up to meet hers.

“Excuse you?”

“They could be giving you a - I don’t know - a brain tumor or something!” Narcissa burst out, voice a little frantic. “What’s happening to you, that isn’t normal! It could be seriously damaging your brain further. What if you die?!”

“Don’t be dramatic, Cissy. I’m not going to die,” Bellatrix told her, brushing off her concerns like they were nothing. “And what’s been happening to me even before the damned potions wasn’t normal either. No one else goes through the crap I go through. No one else hears voices in their head or sometimes isn’t able to think because the only thing they know is feeling in those moments. No one else grows down, Cissy!”

“Grows down?” Narcissa asked, confused.

“Yeah; like instead of growing up, I’m growing down. Ageing backwards in my head or something.”

Narcissa narrowed her eyes a little, as if scrutinizing her sister. She didn’t know how true that statement was. But she decided to answer based on her own judgments. “You’re not… growing down, Bella. You’re just impulsive when you get like that. That’s really all it is, in a nut shell; you lose the ability to control your impulses.”

“It’s more than that and you know it.”

“You lose your conscience,” Narcissa added, looking up at her in a way that almost apologizes because she had to voice that out loud. “You don’t understand right and wrong; only pain and pleasure it seems.”

Bellatrix’s eyes connect with hers and she lets out a small breath before she admits, “More than that.”

Narcissa furrowed her eyebrows, trying to think of more things. But then she stopped, realizing she shouldn’t have to be the one to play guessing games. “Are you ever going to tell me?” she asked her sister. “What it’s like for you, I mean.”

Bellatrix stared at her for a moment before averting her eyes, shrugging a little as she leaned back on the bed on her elbows. “It doesn’t matter,” she mumbled.

“Of course it matters,” Narcissa told her, astounded she would even say something like to her. “Bella,” she prodded, furrowing her eyebrows a little and reaching over to cover her sister’s hand with hers. Bellatrix looked at Narcissa’s hand on top hers for a moment before she looked up at her, face unreadable. “Please tell me,” Narcissa requested softly.

“It…” Bellatrix started, but then sighed. She slipped her hand away from Narcissa’s and folded her arms into herself, looking out the far window. She shrugged again and then shook her head like she didn’t even know where to begin. Narcissa stayed silent; patient, waiting. “Everything is brighter,” she told her softly. “Louder; more intense. Whispers sound like screams. It’s like… it’s like being on drugs; I’m over stimulated by everything. It’s like the world is coming at me fast and hard and my brain can’t keep up with it enough to process it correctly. I can’t… I can’t fucking focus on anything; it’s too much. So I have to look at details; the leaves on the tree instead of the whole thing, you know?” She chewed on her bottom lip, looking pained. “I don’t want it to be like that all the time…”

Narcissa pursed her lips together, looking at her sister sympathetically. She hesitantly reached up, cupping Bellatrix’s cheek with her hand, watching the brunette’s eyes close from the touch. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. It was the only thing she had to offer. She wished more than anything else in the world that she had a solution, but maybe one didn’t exist.

Her thumb traced her jaw line softly, her fingers brushing back the small pieces of hair that framed Bellatrix’s face. It took a moment before Bellatrix let out a breath, opening her eyes and looking at her with an expression filled with longing, guilt, and love. It made the breath catch in Narcissa’s throat, but she suppressed her feelings. One look didn’t change anything, nor did one shag for that matter.

But Bellatrix seemed to think it did because she leaned in, pressing her lips to Narcissa’s firmly. Her hand tangling in her long blonde hair, fingers massaging her scalp, and Narcissa let out a soft moan. But she didn’t want to lead her sister on so she pulled back gently, turning her face so Bellatrix couldn’t get to her lips any longer. She stared at the comforter and Bellatrix moved away from her, sighing loudly in annoyance.

“I’m sorry. I just… I can’t,” Narcissa told her softly.

“Why the bloody hell not?” Bellatrix asked, voice reflecting her anger and hurt. “I don’t understand you, Cissy. You wake me up by fucking me, by making sure I know I’m your sodding property, but then once I tell you I am you no longer want me? What the fuck kind of mind game are you playing?”

That made Narcissa angry; she wasn’t playing any games. She turned her head to look at her and retorted, “You can’t just have everything you want, you know!”


“You always get whatever you want without even working for it, Bella! People just fall to their sodding knees around you and I’m sorry but I’m sick of doing that!” Narcissa exclaimed. “You tell me you love me, yet you rarely show it outside of fleeting orgasms. Then I find out you’re fucking that… that tart… and you…” she took a breath, trying not to become emotional, “you broke my fucking heart, Bella. I know how you feel about her and what’s worse is I know how she feels for you! I can’t deal with that, I won’t. I can’t just look the other way knowing you’re off shagging her-”

“Then I’ll dump her, if that’s what you want!” Bellatrix told her hastily, without even a moment’s hesitation. “She’s nothing compared to you, you know that. You have to know that…” There’s silence for a moment between them and Bellatrix knits her eyebrows together, looking a little desperate. “You’re the one I’m in love with, Narcissa. It’s you I need in my life.”

Narcissa sighed, feeling awful. Part of her wanted more than anything to fall into Bellatrix’s arms and forget the world, but nothing was ever that simple. “I wish it could be that easy, Bella, but it’s not. You have such pretty words all the time, but no actions to confirm their meaning. Words are meaningless on their own.”

Bellatrix looked offended. “You don’t believe I love you? Are you kidding me?”

“No, that’s not…” Narcissa tried, sighing. This was giving her headache. “I do know you love me, Bella. But sometimes I just don’t… feel it, you know? Sometimes I think you believe you don’t even have to try with me; like I’m your property by default.”

Bellatrix looked at her, confused. “So you want me to what; court you?” She made it sound like the very idea was ridiculous and it didn’t help that after she said it she laughed, like it was absurd.

Narcissa’s cheeks flushed with anger. “Is that so wrong? To want someone to earn the right to call me theirs?”

“Cissy, you already are mine. I don’t know why you insist on fighting it,” Bellatrix told her bluntly. “I’ll leave Gwen if you wish, but I won’t be reduced to groveling to get you back. That’s degrading.”

“I didn’t say grovel!” Narcissa exclaimed, getting angrier. “God, do you really see showing acts of love as a weakness? You wonder why you hurt me all the time; that would be a big indicator as to why. Love may be weak to you, but it’s what makes me stronger. You don’t give it to me and yet you wonder why I search for it in others?” she asked, referring to Lucius. Bellatrix’s face darkened.

“And you don’t fuck me, yet you wonder why I find myself in bed with others?” she retorts.

“Please,” Narcissa scoffed scornfully, “I had sex with you all the time! Don’t blame this one on me, Bella. You cheated on me not out of necessity, but out of selfishness. Just based on that alone, yes, I do think you should have to earn back my love. You’re the one who threw it away in the first place! But if you’re not willing to then…” she trailed off, making her point silently.

Narcissa waited for Bellatrix to say something, anything; maybe that she would try, or even just tell her to go to hell, but her sister stayed silent. She was staring at her, halfway between disbelief and anger.

“Fine,” Narcissa said, standing up and gathering her things. She tried not to look hurt, instead putting much more effort than what was normally needed to stay composed. “If that’s the way you want it, then I guess we’re done here. I need to get ready anyway; Lucius is stopping by to take me shopping in an hour.”

“I hope he gives you chlamydia,” Bellatrix responded flatly, turning away from her and curling up in Narcissa’s bed angrily, practically throwing the pillows around to get comfortable. Clearly she wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon. Narcissa sighed.

“I’m surprised you haven’t gotten it already,” Narcissa retorted before she grabbed her wand off the bedside table. “Slut,” she muttered before storming out of her bedroom.

God, Bellatrix was so bloody intolerable sometimes! Was it really so hard to put forth some kind of effort? Narcissa didn’t know how her sister could sit there and tell her she loves her when she barely cares enough to show it. It just… it wasn’t fair. Narcissa loved her sister with every inch of her being and had tried time and time again to show it, but apparently she wasn’t worth enough in her sister’s eyes for her to reciprocate the gesture.

And that devastated her.


character: narcissa malfoy, character: andromeda tonks, books: harry potter, genre: femslash, genre: het, character: druella black, character: bellatrix lestrange, character: lucius malfoy, character: rodolphus lestrange

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