Title: Follow You Home - California Tin (16/42)
Author: Erin (
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: Cain stayed in LA. But can he survive on the Other Side?
Warning: post-series, directly after California Queen. Blame
n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;)
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine.
Prologue |
California QueenCalifornia Tin:
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Part Four |
Part Five |
Part Six |
Part Seven |
Part Eight |
Part Nine |
Part Ten |
Part Eleven |
Part Twelve |
Part Thirteen |
Part Fourteen |
Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen |
Part Seventeen |
Part Eighteen |
Part Nineteen |
Part Twenty |
Part Twenty-One |
Part Twenty-Two |
Part Twenty-Three |
Part Twenty-Four |
Part Twenty-Five |
Part Twenty-Six |
Part Twenty-Seven |
Part Twenty-Eight |
Part Twenty-Nine |
Part Thirty |
Part Thirty-One |
Part Thirty-Two |
Part Thirty-Three |
Part Thirty-Four |
Part Thirty-Five |
Part Thirty-Six |
Part Thirty-Seven |
Part Thirty-Eight |
Part Thirty-Nine |
Part Forty |
Part Forty-One |
Part Forty-Two California Sun Five |
Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) |
Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) |
An Hour and 45 Minutes |
Hava Nagila |
Unexpected Cain had been on the dance floor for almost two minutes before Josh spotted him and shot him a look of panic. Cocking his head slightly, Cain wasn't sure what Josh was trying to say as the young man's face screwed up in frustration.
Josh nodded to the woman he was dancing with, then to Coop and mouthed: "COOP." Cain shot a glance to Missus Cooper and raised and eyebrow. From all Josh's stories about the woman, Cain wouldn't have guessed it was the same person.
Five seconds later, however...
After about ten minutes, DG worked her way back around the crowd to find Cain and Josh standing off in the far corner. "Boys," she said with a smile. "Did Coop find a rich sugar daddy yet?" DG asked Josh with a smile, glancing over her shoulder.
"I think Mister Lyndon has her eye, at the moment." Josh nodded toward the two in question and pointed to the glass in Cain's hand. "Refill?" Cain glanced down to the empty glass and shook his head. "Dee?"
DG shook her head as Josh stepped away and both of them watched as he disappeared into the crowd. "And how are you enjoying yourself, Mister Cain?" DG asked in a professional tone.
Cain sighed, but smiled. "I think I'd rather be cornered by Papay," he remarked with a shrug.
"Wouldn't we all," DG responded, seeing Mister Lyndon headed their way without Coop. Wincing slightly, DG put on her Princess-face and turned to Mister Lyndon.
"DG, my dear. There you are."
"Here I am," DG remarked, instinctively taking a step back toward Cain. Which he noticed.
"Care to take a spin with me?" Mister Lyndon asked, motioning to the crowd behind him as a jazzy tune played. DG gave him a polite smile and was just about to shake her head when Cain took a step closer.
"I'm sorry, but I just beat you to it." DG turned to Cain with a look of surprise and he gave her a slight nod. She turned back to Mister Lyndon quickly and nodded.
"Yes. Just before you stepped over. Later, perhaps?" DG asked apologetically.
"Of course," he said with a nod and stepped aside. DG rocked on her heels slightly and breathed out slowly.
"Thank you," she said with a nod to Cain. "I didn't deserve that."
"Probably not," Cain replied with a smirk. DG raised her eyes at him and they both smiled. Cain shot a glance toward the crowd dancing and cleared his throat. It probably wouldn’t kill him to dance twice in one night, he figured.
Besides, he doubted DG would have roaming hands.
DG glanced up at the sky and laughed slightly at the similarities between parties on this side and in the Zone; always avoiding center stage, standing on the sidelines.
At least a dance with Cain wasn't risking a royal engagement.
Both of them turned at the same time and started to speak, but stopped to let the other finish. Looking away, each of them smiled and laughed. "DG," Cain started a moment later. She turned to face him and the both turned as Sasha rushed to DG's side.
"Oh, DG. I need you like now!" DG nodded and shot a look to Cain, who nodded for her to go. She gave him an apologetic shrug as Sasha pulled her away and Cain looked down to his empty glass with a frown.
When DG returned from helping Sasha deal with her drama - which turned out to be an entire rack of hors d'oeuvres being the wrong ones - she needed a drink. She moved over to the bar and gave the man a nod. He gave DG a 'be right with you'-nod and moved some empty bottles.
Nodding her head to the music, DG turned and looked down over the dance floor where she could see Cain dancing with a woman she didn't recognize. His expression was pleasant, but DG knew he was wishing for a gun.
Whether for himself or for her, she hadn't decided.
Knowing she owed him, DG nodded once and headed down the few steps to the edge of the laminated platform. As she neared the two of them, Cain noticed her and sighed. "Excuse me," she said with an apologetic nod.
As the woman turned to look at her, DG realized that it was her boss' wife, Lynn. As Lynn pulled away from Cain and took DG in a hug, DG smiled, relieved that Cain was in safe hands.
Well, safer than Coop's, anyway.
"DG, you look lovely."
DG nodded and smiled. "Thank you. So do you."
"Have you had the pleasure of dancing with Wyatt, here?" Lynn asked, waving to Cain. DG glanced at him and smiled.
"I was just about to, but we had a slight issue with the caterers," she replied honestly.
"Oh dear. Has it been-" Lynn asked with a frown.
"No, everything's fine," DG assured her with a smile.
"Well," Lynn said with a sharp nod. "I'll go check on Michael then, just in case." She gave each of them a squeeze on the arm and stepped away, leaving Cain and DG on the dance floor.
"For the record," DG said, leaning toward Cain. "You were safe with her."
"No, I’m safe with you," Cain nodded in agreement.
"Still having a good time?" she asked with a hint of sarcasm.
"Better than Josh," Cain replied with a wave toward the other side of the dance floor, where Josh was standing with two couples and his mother, listening to the two men brag about something. His eyes were on Coop, who was slowing inching closer to their huddle.
DG smiled and looked down as Cain took her hand and pulled her toward him. "Mister Lyndon is looking this way," Cain stated. DG nodded in understanding and had to fight the urge to roll her eyes a moment later when the band stopped playing the upbeat tune and started playing a song that would make a turtle move like Speedy Gonzalez.
'Just like a cheesy movie,' she thought as some of the couples took their leave of the dance floor. DG's hand rested on Cain's forearm while his hand rested high on her waist. They moved in silence for a few moments before both started talking again.
"What was the emergency?"
"Did you meet everyone?"
Both of them laughed again and DG waved to Cain. "You said there was a problem with something?" Cain asked, nodding in the direction DG and Sasha had disappeared.
DG laughed and turned away slightly as she nodded. "The caterers brought the wrong box of hors d'oeuvres. She freaked out a little."
"What did you do?" Cain asked, turning his head to face DG.
Shrugging, DG replied: "Told her to tell everyone 'the shrimp puffs are on another tray. Try the spinach quiche until the other one makes it around.'"
Cain smiled and shook his head. "Deceiving your subjects... Well, I think you're ready to rule." DG nodded and gave him a slight curtsey.
They fell silent again and moved with the music for a few moments before DG pulled back and looked at Cain. "You can dance, Tin Man."
Cain chuckled and nodded, giving DG a slight nod. "And I didn't have half the palace to teach me," he said quietly with a wink.
DG made a face - which soon became a smile - and leaned forward to rest her chin on Cain's shoulder. "I'm so tired."
Cain smiled and turned slightly. "You've been up since five, Princess. I'm surprised you’re still standing."
"I had a good trainer," she replied, moving her hand to poke Cain in the shoulder blade. As the two of them continued to move around their little piece of the dance floor, both considered their situation in silence.
DG was currently in the arms of her best friend and finding it very hard to concentrate on other thoughts. It was Cain. He was her only link to the Zone. She found him broken and had to watch as he broke even more when they found the cabin past the white elm. He had a son and a wife he loved dearly, yet here he was: suffering through life on the Other Side because she had run off.
She had lied to him in November: he was being kept.
Kept by a stubborn princess who was acting like a selfish child.
Wyatt Cain was, on the other hand, feeling rather guilty. Guilty because he loved his wife, yet here he was, holding another so close. Guilty because she was nearly half his age and not much older than his son. Guilty because he was supposed to be protecting her; taking her home to her family.
Guilty because he wanted to keep dancing with her.
Guilty because he realized he was falling in love with her.
song is
That's All by Michael Buble
It is made of epic!WIN and I really need to stop listening to it.