Master Post

Aug 30, 2015 12:48

Here's a list with all our fics, hope you enjoy them!


* SakurAiba, MatsuMiya, Ohmiya by 暗

* Junba

1.- Te odio [I hate you] by 軽
   Genre: Angst
     Rating: PG-13
     Summary: Jun gets in a dangerous game where he expects to have nothing but pleasure until he realizes he ended up losing more.

2.- It's all tears by B
    Genre: angst
    Rating: PG-13

One Shot:

*  SakurAiba

1.- My Paradise by 暗
  Rating: PG
  Genre: Fluff, romance
  After all the pain, all the tears, Sho finally found his calm after the storm, the light that saved him.

2.- Good Morning by 暗 & 軽
      Rating: G
      Genre: Fluff
    Sho has to be far away from Aiba, but he finds a way to make him feel closer

3.-Gokai (Misunderstandings) by 暗
  Rating: PG
  Genre: Fluff, Romance
    Sho is being distant with Aiba, who's sure Sho is cheating on him, but he doesn't know everything has an explanation.

4.- Movie night by 軽

Genre: Smut and a bit of Romance (?)
   Rating: NC-17 (Explicit language and sexual content)
  How a innocent movie night becomes one of the hottest dates ever

5.- Till the end by 暗
     Genre: angst
     Rating: G
     Everything has a breaking point, all has a limit. Is fighting worth it? Have you ever been trusted?  Is it even worth?

6.- There where we used to shout by 暗
    Genre: angst    Rating: G
    Do you remember that place? There where we used to shout...

7.- Disarm me by 暗
    Part 1 Part 2
     Rating PG
     Genre: angst, fluff
    Six months ago, if you'd ask Sakurai Sho about Aiba Masaki, he'd tell you he's the most annoying, childish and irrational person he's ever met.

8.- Study time by 暗 & 軽
     Rating: NC-17
     Genre: smut

9.- Stalkers by 暗
     Genre: Fluff, romance
     Rating: PG
     Summary: He has been obsessed with him for months, now he finally has the chance to win him over.

10.- Secret by K.
     Genre: angst, romance
     Rating: PG-13
     Summary: Sho had kept in secret for many years the feelings he had for his brother, until one day when everything changes.

11.- Supplementary lessons by B.
      Genre: pwp, smut... yeah, basically that.

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Since I suck at summaries, I will just say it's Sakuraiba teacher-student smut.

12.- Surrender by K
      Genre: Angst, Romance.

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Aiba is tired to filter his feelings towards Sho, but the older man is too scared of his own, as to react in a way he doesn't hurt, his friend.

*  SakuMoto

1.- Lost Letter by 軽
    Rating: PG
      Genre: Fluff
    Sho is getting ready to move in with Jun, when he found a letter that went lost in the past

2.- Summer Day by 軽
      Rating: NC-17
      Genre: Romance, smut
      Sho and Jun had a day to spend together, that ends up being the hottest day of their summer in more ways that you can imagine.

3.- Tonight by 暗
       Rating: NC-17
       Genre: Smut
     Inspired by "Tonight" by Enrigue Iglesias ft. Ludacris. 2 guys just met in the club and share some moments in the toilet

4.- Need by 軽
    Rating: G
      Genre: Romance, slight angs
    After a weekend away Jun realize that his feelings for his friend Sho are a little bit stronger of what he thought

5.- Distance by 軽
      Rating: G
      Genre: Romance, drama, slight angst
      Long distance Love

6.- Set Fire to the Rain by 軽
     Rating: PG
     Genre: Drama, Angst
    What happens when you love someone but it can't be? Will you let it go?

7.- Sacrifices by 軽
     Rating: PG
     Genre: Drama
    What happens when young Jun decides to confess his feelings towards Sho? Setted in the beginning of the " Ice Age"

8.- Surprises by 軽
    Genre: Smut

Rating: NC-17 (Explicit language and sexual content)

What happens when Sho let's out his kinky side?

9.- The guy next door by 暗
    Genre: Smut

Rating: NC-17 (Explicit language and sexual content)
    After some time of innocent games between Sho and his neighbour, today is the day when all gets clear (Bad summaries will be forever bad)

10.- New experiences by 軽
      Genre: Smut

Rating: NC-17 (Explicit language and sexual content)
   Jun wants to try new things and then he meets Sho who's about to make him try things he never imagined

*  AiMiya:

1.- Forever and a day by 軽
     Rating: G
     Genre: Romance, Fluff
    How your first love can become you're one and only

2.- To make you possible by K
    Genre: Romance, fluff

Rating: G

Summary: When you least expect it, you can meet someone that can change your life.

*  JunBa

1.- Desire by 軽
     Rating: NC-17
     Genre: Smut
    What happens when Aiba invites Jun to spend the night as his place?

2.- It all started with a call by B
    Genre: angst
    Rating: NC-13

Summary: Why he wouldn’t realize that he was better? Why it wasn’t possible? And, why he couldn’t stop hurting himself like that?

3.- Fanfics by K
  Genre: Smut / PWP

Rating: NC - 17

Summary: What happens when on a boredom night, Jun discovers a bunch of fanfics, featuring him and Aiba?

* SakurAibaMoto (Sho/Jun/Aiba)

1.- Haunted house by 軽
     Rating: NC-17
     Genre: Crack/Smut
    Nino is a real estate agent with problems to sell a house, so he looks the help of "Tennen paranormal agency" and the world wide paranormal expert to get rid of the ghost hunting his property without suspecting how things will turn out.


* Sakuraiba

1.- Rien de Plus by 暗 [On hold]
     Rating: PG with some NC-17 chapters
     Genre: Romance, Drama
    A crash, a a sudden thing can change your life, any moment you can meet that person specially send for you...
      Chapters:| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |

2.- Invinsible Series by 暗 [Completed]
      Rating: PG
      Genre: Romance
      The story about a boy who has zero confidence in himself, until one day a boy comes and help him to overcome his complex and to be able to talk with the boy he likes
       Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Invinsible part II: Make me see you  by 暗 [Completed]
     Genre: Romance, friendship
     Rating: G
    Part of Invisible series from Aiba's POV. Sho's been in love with Aiba for a while, always observing him... but what about Aiba?

Invinsible part III: I see you by 暗 [Completed]
    Genre: Romance, friendship
    Rating: G
    Third part of invinsible series. They finally got over their fears but... what'll happen next?
    Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 |

3.- My first love by 暗 & 軽 [Completed]
    Rating: PG, NC-17
    Genre: Romance, drama, some angst
  Can you forget the person you loved the most once? Can you forget the person whose existence marked you? Could you forget your first love? 
    Chapters: | Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Bonus |

4.- Breaking Hearts by 暗 & 軽 [Completed]
    Genre: Drama, angst
    Rating: PG
    After a long time relationship they didn't expect that the success of one of them could also meant the end of the relation.
    Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

5.- Three steps over heaven by 暗 & 軽 [completed]
     Genre:Drama, Romance, Friendship
     Rating: G (normally)
     The red thread of destiny always manage to join 2 distant things. Even when those things seem to have nothing in common... call it coincidence, we'll call it destiny.
   Chapters: | Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Epilogue |

6.- Mr. Nothing by 暗 [Completed]
     Genre: Drama, angst.
     Rating: From PG to NC17. Depending on the chapter.
     (...) he was Mr. Nothing. But for Sakurai Sho, he would become Mr. Everything.
     Chapters: | teaser | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |

Mr. Nothing II: I'll waste my time, and I'll burn my mind by 暗 & 軽 [completed]
    Genre: Drama, angst.
    Rating: From PG to NC17. Depending on the chapter.
    Aiba's pov of Mr. Nothing.
    Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |

* Sakuraibamiya

1.- Kinks by 軽 [in process]
     Genre: Smut
     Rating: NC - 17
    Summary: Aiba is a naughty boy with very naughty desires.
    Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

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