
Nov 23, 2006 22:52

Updated April 20, 2010

Blanket fic disclaimer: I'm making no claims that what I write is true and it should not be taken as such. I'm making no profit off of these stories. They are just fiction.

If you find something in here that squicks you, or if you object to the content of the stories, please don't read them. Nobody's forcing you. Email me at if you have any concerns.

My Warning Policy

Comments are lovely and greatly appreciated. Constructive criticism is always welcome. :)

For recent updates, see my fanfic tag, or my fic tag.

[Bandom*: One-Shots]
[Bandom*: Series]
[Bandom*: Tigs]
[Lord of the Rings RPS: One-Shots]
[Lord of the Rings RPS: Series]
[Lord of the Rings RPS: Tigs]
[Lord of the Rings RPS: Prompt Drabbles]
[Lord of the Rings]
[Harry Potter]
[Original Fiction]
[Fic Recs]
*Bandom fics are all My Chemical Romance unless specifically stated

RPS = Real Person Slash
WIP = Work In Progress
OMC = Original/Other Male Character (for girls, it's OFC)
slash = homosexual relationships or sex
tig = a co-written story where one person writes a paragraph or two and then another person writes the next bit; different from an RPG (Role-Playing Game), where the story is co-written in first person, with each of the authors writing as their characters
D/s = Dominance/submission
non-con = non-consensual sex, rape
dub-con = dubious-consent, can be construed as rape
twincest = incest, specifically between twins
squick = something that grosses you out
AU = Alternate Universe
GSF = Group Sex Fic

My Fiction

Bandom: One-Shots

Frank+Gerard gen - PG
Frank Iero: an obnoxious little shit since birth
warning: kidfic

Birthday Candles
Frank/Dominic Monaghan - PG-13
Figuring out what to do for Dom's birthday. Written for Dom's birthday, '09.
note: bandom/lotrips crossover

Frank/OMC, Frank/Gerard - NC-17
Gerard feels like the breath has been kicked out of him. He stares down at Frank’s pink, wet lips and his hollowed cheeks as he goes down.
warning: public blowjob, voyeurism/exhibitionism, mentions of drug use

Frank/Gerard - PG
He can almost feel Gerard’s warmth from a few inches away, and he wants to huddle closer.

Comment/prompt fics and drabbles
Frank/Gerard, Bob/Frank, Brian/Gerard, MCR gen - PG to NC-17
warning: religious content, bloodplay, roleplay, tattooing, D/s, zombies

Frank/Dominic Monaghan - R
“What do you get out of it?” he asks, giving the cuff a gentle tug.
note: bandom/lotrips crossover
warning: handcuffs, D/s themes

Downtime is Our Time
Bob/Frank - PG
Being domestic on the bus. for curtainfic
warning: unrepentant fluff

Frank/Gerard - NC-17
Frank poses for a photoshoot for Gerard.
warning: photography, unprotected sex, mild D/s tones

Fair is Fair
Frank/Gerard - NC-17
Frank is an angel. Problem is, nobody believes him.
warning: religious content

Fight the Break of Dawn
Mikey/Alicia (Gerard/Lindsey, Frank/Jamia, Ray/Christa) - PG-13
“Can’t you stay one more night?” [Ghost of You AU]
warning: implied character death

For The Night
Frank/Gerard - NC-17
“I’ll do anything, within reason. As long as you pay me for it.”
warning: prostitution (in a positive light)

Frank/Gerard - NC-17
Frank has an obsession with Father Way. for bandom_hc
warning: religious content, underage sex, alcoholism.

Hearts of Gold
Frank/Gerard - PG-13
The boys are a gang of Robin Hood-type criminals that steal from the rich when the poor are in trouble.
note: bandom/Leverage crossover

He Told Me I Could Never Go Back
Frank/Gerard - PG-13
Everything was fine until Frank disappeared.
warning: supernatural elements, time travel

Frank/Gerard - NC-17
Frank waits for Gerard to come home.
warning: 24/7 D/s relationship, bondage

If You Want It
Mikey/Gerard + Frank, Frank/Gerard (implied) - NC-17
“Gerard,” Frank says one night, as they’re all fixing their hair and make-up in the dressing room before the show. “Why won’t you fuck me?”
warning: incest, D/s

It Turns Me On
Frank/Jamia - NC-17
Frank wants to pierce his lip again, and he wants Jamia to come with him.
warning: piercing, biting

The Kids Are All Fucked Up
Frank/Gerard, Frank/Jamia, Mikey? - R
“I think I might be in love,” Frank says, and his voice is soft and quiet the way it always is after sex, like he's afraid to break the silence.

Much-Needed Comfort
Frank/Gerard - PG
Gerard helps Frank out. for giddy_london
warning: AU

Never Looked Better And You Can't Stand It
Frank/Gerard - R
For once, Frank is the self-conscious one.

New Year Baby
Bob/Frank - PG-13
“I was thinking of maybe getting rid of the beard. What do you think?” Written for Bob's birthday, '09.
warning: shaving

Gerard/Tony, Frank/Maxxie, Frank/Gerard (unrequited) - R
Gerard liked to eat lunch alone, his sketchbook propped on the table next to his plastic-wrapped sandwich. He liked to watch people. He liked to watch Frank.
note: MCR/Skins crossover

Pretty Picture
Frank/Gerard - R
Frank sinks gracefully down to his knees, arms crossed at the wrist
warning: D/s

Punk Kid
Frank (gen) - PG
The boys get ready for their Desolation Row video shoot.

Showers Are Evil
Frank (gen) - PG-13
Gerard tells him that showers are evil, but Frank doesn't listen

Time Out
Frank (gen), slight Frank/Gerard - PG-13
He's a menace to society, he's insane, he's dangerous. He's Frank.

Toys to Play With
Frank/Jamia/Gerard - NC-17
This show is only meant for an audience of one. for no_tags
warning: threesome, pegging, D/s themes

Untitled AU Ficlet
Frank/Gerard - PG
Gerard drags Frank to some fancy function at the University
note: part of an AU-verse in progress with giddy_london

Frank/Gerard - R
Gerard hits rock bottom, from Frank's point of view
warning: angst, depression, mentions of suicide

Untitled PWP
Frank/Gerard - NC-17
The night Gerard kisses him on stage, the nagging want in Frank’s heart overpowers everything else.

Frank/Gerard - PG-13
Gerard tries to vacuum. for fleurdeliser

Various Frank/Gerard Prompt Ficlets
Frank/Gerard - PG-13
Hi, I'm a Teenage Werewolf; For A Price; Audition; Pumpkin
warning: werewolves; con men

When I Met You, You Were On Your Back
Frank/Jamia, past Frank/Gerard - NC-17
Jamia has a surprise for Frank.
warning: pegging, handcuffs, mild D/s themes

When the World Stops Moving
Frank/Gerard (mostly gen) - PG-13
Frank and Gerard get stuck in an elevator.

You Were The First To Listen
Frank/Jamia, Gerard/Lindsey, implied Frank/Gerard - PG-13
Frank, Jamia, and the dogs spend the holidays at Gerard and Lindsey's house.
warning: mention of Bandit

Bandom: Series

Cover To Cover
Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Alicia, Bob/Brian; Frank/Jepha, Gerard/Brian - NC-17
You've Got Mail AU. Frank owns The Shop Around The Corner, which specializes in classic and rare books, and Gerard is opening up a large branch of Way Books & Café down the street. They meet online and fall in love. bandombigbang 2010. ~32,600 words.

Promises, Promises (Don't Send Me Back In 30 Days)
Frank/Gerard - NC-17
“Sources on our investigative team say this was a bank robbery gone wrong, and that, when faced with a police task force surrounding the building, the suspect grabbed the nearest person and is now holding that young man at gunpoint as he makes his getaway.” bandom_hc 2009. ~26,300 words.
warning: Strong non-con/dub-con scenes; potential squicks and triggers. Stockholm Syndrome; non-con/dub-con sex (oral and penetrative); Dominance/submission; bondage (handcuffs); forced cross-dressing/feminization; criminal activity; violence; blood/bruising; handwaving elements of the American justice system.

Stepping Up
     The first time Frank and Gerard have sex, from Gerard's point of view.
     warning: the same warnings as Promises, Promises apply to this ficlet

Three Cheers for Tyranny
Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Alicia - NC-17
AU: Loyalty - Respect - Honesty: values Frank takes to heart when he steps into position as Gerard Way's bodyguard and confidant. bandombigbang 2009. ~57,700 words.
warning: violence, character death

Always [friends-locked]
     “This is our place, Gerard, just you and me. Always.”
     warning: implied character death

That Empty Place
     He lifts the gun up to his face, tilts it until the desk lamp reflects off the gleaming silver barrel and flashes into his eyes. He’s kept it in pristine condition since it came into his possession.
     warning: violence, past character death

Bandom: Tigs

A Double Bed and a Stalwart Lover at bestdamndress
with giddy_london
Frank/Gerard - NC-17
Gerard usually considers himself above petty violence, but sometimes you just have to put people in their place.
warning: D/s, violence, blood

University AU tig (coming soon)
with giddy_london
Frank/Gerard - NC-17
Gerard's a professor at a University, and Frank is a bartender and musician.
warning: WIP, angst

with wonder_walldbc
Frank/Gerard - NC-17
When Frank was in the other band and used to go watch early MCR gigs.
warning: not!fic, rough sex

with wonder_walldbc
Bob/Frank/Jamia - NC-17
“Frank’s always the fucking sub, always getting on everybody and being a brat, and when Jamia gets actually annoyed, she starts slapping him around a bit and Bob just pushes him to his knees like HELL NO.”
warning: D/s, pegging, double-penetration, handcuffs, threesome

Lord of the Rings RPS: One-Shots

A Nick In Something Smooth
Billy/Dominic - R
Dom needs a shave; Billy helps with that
warning: D/s themes, mentions of blood and cutting

Billy/Dominic - PG-13
Dom's parents fight.

An Ending
Billy/Dominic, Billy/Ali - NC-17
Billy has a decision to make, and someone’s going to end up hurt. Originally posted here, for monaboyd_month
warning: angst, anger, set several years in the future

Billy/Dominic, Dominic/? - NC-17
"There was this one time that, in the heat of the moment, I sort of admitted to a fantasy that I've always had about anonymous sex."
warning: voyeurism, blindfold, anonymous sex, mildly D/s themes

Billy/Dominic - NC-17
It’s almost Billy’s birthday. They celebrate. Written for Billy's birthday, '06.
warning: mild D/s

Birthday Candles
Dominic/Frank Iero - PG-13
Figuring out what to do for Dom's birthday.
note: bandom/lotrips crossover

Beg Me
Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Dominic begs.
warning: D/s, bondage, blindfold, gag

Billy/Dominic - PG
Four things that leave Billy breathless. A series of four drabbles.

Bricks & Blood
Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Dominic baits Billy.
warning: D/s, violence, mentions of blood

Billy/Dominic/Elijah - R
Dom waits for approval.
warning: mild D/s

Billy/Dominic, Elijah/Dominic - PG-13
What did Dom say to Billy when Billy asked whether Dom had been cheating on him with Elijah? 200 words for the1elf

Billy/Dominic - R/NC-17
Inspired by shaenie's fic Chocolate. PWP
warning: mild D/s

Dominic/Frank Iero - R
“What do you get out of it?” he asks, giving the cuff a gentle tug.
note: bandom/lotrips crossover, handcuffs, D/s themes

Billy/Dominic - PG
Step, step, turn, step, spin. Kinda for morwensiriel

young!Dominic, Merry, Pippin - G
Dom daydreams about Merry and Pippin while on a car trip. for bloodrayveness

Ian/Dominic - NC-17
Ian gives Dominic a choice.
warning: D/s, bondage

Billy/Dominic - G
One-word descriptions.

Billy/Dominic - G
Dom doesn't like washing dishes

Dominic's Kisses
Billy/Dominic - PG-13
Billy describes Dom's kisses

Don't Be Afraid
Billy/Dominic - PG-13
Dom comforts a little girl
warning: implied death

Feel Better Bear
Billy/Dominic - PG
Billy takes care of Dom when he's sick. For surreality_fan

First Kiss
Billy/Dominic - G
Dom kissed Billy. (Dialogue-fic)

Ali/Billy/Dominic - R
Dominic's finally ready
warning: D/s, bondage

Billy/Dominic, Elijah/Dominic - PG-13
Dominic's caught in between them. He's not sure of the rules of this game they're playing. Remixed by dizzydame for lotrips_remix 2008: Misunderstanding The Rules.

Healing Powers
Billy/Dominic - PG
Dom’s sick and Billy gives him a call. For jillo_loves_dom

The Hobbits Exchange Rings!
Billy/Dominic - PG-13
Dom and Billy do an interview together at the LotR 10th Anniversary convention. For bloodrayveness
spoilers: slight spoilers for the Lost Season 3 finale
warning: crack/humour, interview format

Home in a Hotel Room
Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Dom’s been waiting for Billy to come home. Originally posted here, for monaboyd_month

Hotel AU
Billy/Dominic - PG-13
They work at a hotel in the middle of nowhere. Various things go wrong right before an important guest is scheduled to arrive.
warning: unfinished/abandoned WIP, shifting point of view

Billy/Dominic - NC-17
"A bit of MonaBoyd filth involving the porch of a house (because they are both so desperate they can't get wait to get inside) and almost getting caught by a random passer by." for imogen_star_dom Originally posted here, for monaboyd_month

In the Dressing Room
Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Dom was at Billy's concert on 3-9-07. I imagine Dom was waiting in the dressing room...

I Want To Lay Like This Forever...
Billy/Dominic - PG
Dom realizes something. Inspired by Savage Garden's song Truly Madly Deeply.

Just a Cut.
Billy/Dominic - R
It’s just a cut on the wrist…
warning: death/suicide

Billy/Dominic - PG-13
It's all about the illusion...
warning: mentions of D/s and bondage

Billy/Dominic - PG
A study of contrasts.

Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Dom finds something interesting in the wash.

Letters from Heaven
Billy/Dominic - PG-13
Dom contacts Billy from the afterlife

Long Distance
none - PG-13
Dominic gets some bad news
warning: written for the prompt Trauma, so...

The Night Before
Billy/Dominic - PG-13
Dom can't remember what happened the night before
warning: mild references to drug use

Not the First Time
Sean Astin/Dominic - R
It wasn't the first time for a lot of things, but this one time, it was
warning: cross-dressing

Dominic/Elijah, implied Elijah/Hannah - NC-17
The progression of emotions from hatred to obsession. Written for lotrips_remix 2008. Remix of v_angelique's In This Place Called Heavenly.
warning: implied incest, suicide

Of Sonnets and Poetry
Billy/Dominic - PG-13
"How can you not like Shakespeare?" For rainbowcobweb

On Display
Billy/Dominic - NC-17
"Elijah's coming over today," Billy said suddenly.
warning: heavy D/s, spanking, exhibitionism

One Last Time
Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Billy and Dominic are trapped, facing death in some form or another. Originally posted here for monaboyd_month
warning: violence, pain, heavy angst, implied death

Oral Fixation
Billy/Dominic - PG
"Thumb Sucking" for babybrothalova

Passing By
Billy/Dominic - PG
Dom watches Billy perform.
warning: unrequited love, angst
spoilers: reference to the Lost S3 finale

Photo Shoot
Viggo/Dominic - NC-17
Secrets come out when Dominic has some pictures taken.

Phototropic-Thigmotropic; Gravitropic
Billy/Dominic - G (gen), R; G (not gen)
Billy always knows what to do; Dom experiences a roller coaster.

Billy/Dominic - PG
Dom broke his arm and is loopy on drugs. For babybrothalova

Billy/Dominic - PG-13
Billy and Dom take Billy's new (but used) car for a drive.

Elijah/Dominic, Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Dom cheats on Elijah and Elijah finds out.
warning: D/s, bondage, borderline non-con, violence, blood

Billy/Dominic - NC-17
“Going to hurt you, Dom. Gonna fuck you up inside and out.”
warning: BDSM: D/s, somewhat mild S&M; blindfold, bondage, topical chemical irritant

Billy/Dominic - PG-13
Billy and Dom sort some things out

Billy/Dominic - PG
Dom is self-conscious about his glasses. For the1elf

Billy/Dominic - PG
Dom is a star, metaphorically speaking.

Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Billy's a bit tense, so he goes out to a strip club.
warning: light D/s, AU

Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Dom’s arse is bright red, so fucking hot, feels like it's burning... and he's squirming away from Billy’s hands but at the same time begging for Billy to continue, harder, more, everything. For bloodrayveness
warning: BDSM, bondage, spanking, pain

The Talk
Billy/Dominic + Elijah - NC-17
Elijah sees something unexpected.
warning: BDSM

The Talk (Take 2)
Billy/Dominic + Elijah - NC-17
Dom's side of the story. (Follows The Talk)
warning: BDSM

The Talk (Take 3)
Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Billy finally gets his say. (Takes place immediately after The Talk and The Talk (Take 2))

Two Against One
Billy/Dominic/Eddie Izzard - NC-17
Billy and Dom meet up with Eddie after his show; for bloodrayveness and wonder_walldbc
warning: very much PWP; metal handcuffs, D/s, threesome, references to blood and beating

Untitled Drabble
Billy/Dominic - R/NC-17
A drabble for bloodrayveness
warning: D/s, bondage

Untitled Ficlet
Billy/Dominic - R
Written off the cuff; almost-porn; Dom tries to convince Billy to go out with the boys

Wake Up
Billy/Dominic - PG
A fluffy kissing drabble

Warm Winter Birthday
Billy/Dominic - PG
Dom feels a bit melancholy in Hawaii. Written for Dom's birthday, '06.

Wednesday Night
Billy/Dominic (unnamed) - R
Billy's thoughts on an encounter at a strip club. (follows Striptease)

While We Were Sleeping
Billy/Dominic - PG
Dom just wants a taste.

Winding Road (coming soon)
Billy/Dominic - R/NC-17
A disastrous road trip has interesting results.

Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Billy interrupts Dom's yoga session. For dashery
warning: bondage

Lord of the Rings RPS: Series

The Citadel
Billy/Dominic - R/NC-17
AU: Several decades in the future, Dominic, Billy, and the rest of the boys have to save a space station from disaster. Written for NaNoWriMo 2007
warning: science-fiction, WIP

De Divinatione
Billy/Dominic - R/NC-17
AU: Dominic is sent across the desert to another city; naturally, he needs an escort.
warning: WIP, angst, made-up religion and universe

Escaping Blame
Billy/Dominic - R
AU: Dom and Billy struggle to escape with their lives and their reputations intact.
warning: D/s, bondage, non-con, violence, blood, graphic situations

The rocking...
     (Escaping Blame-related Dom-centric drabble)

Billy/Dominic - R/NC-17
AU: With the help of his friends, Dominic stands up to fight for his country.
warning: major angst, heavy violence, character death, non-con

Rebel (ficlet)
     Geoffrey tries to rally the townspeople. (Geoffrey = Dominic, William = Billy)
     references to violence

Billy/Dominic, Dominic/OMC - R/NC-17
Billy and Dom's relationship ends badly enough to send Dom running from his life.
warning: major angst, non-con, drug and alcohol abuse, violence, attempted suicide

Written Truth
Billy/Dominic (implied) - R/NC-17
AU: Dominic, a teenage writer, spies on Billy and tries to control Billy's life. Written for NaNoWriMo 2007
warning: voyeurism, WIP

Lord of the Rings RPS: Tigs

El Fuego
as Dom, with babybrothalova as Billy
Billy/Dominic - NC-17
Billy is a vampire, Dom is his prey.
warning: WIP, vampirism, blood

What SHOULD Happen at ORC
with bloodrayveness
Billy/Dominic, Elijah, Fangirls - NC-17
What would happen if Billy dedicated Kick The Door to Dom

with babybrothalova
Billy/Dominic - NC-17
(no summary yet)
warning: WIP

Lord of the Rings RPS: Prompt Ficlets

Billy, Dominic - PG

Billy, Dominic - PG (gen)

Billy, Dominic - G (gen)

Billy/Dominic - PG

Billy/Dominic - PG Double-Drabble

Lord of the Rings

Gollum/Smeagol/Ring - PG
Written for a LotR Lit assignment.

Merry/Pippin - G
Written for a LotR Lit assignment. Includes a song.

Harry Potter

Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny - PG
Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny go into battle and learn how much they need each other. Inspired by the song Broken by Seether and Amy Lee of Evanescence

Never Noticed
Fred/George - PG-13
The twins have something to hide.
warning: twincest

Live For Me
Fred/George - R
Fred is always first....
warning: twincest, death

The Mission
Fred, George, Ron - G (gen)
The twins give Ron a mission.

The Party That Wouldn't End / A Story of Rescues and Revenge
Ron/Hermione, slight Harry/Ginny - PG-13
Um... This fic is inexplicable.


Charlie/Claire + Desmond + Hurley - R
“You were supposed to save him!”
warning: death, torture
spoilers: episode 3.21 - Greatest Hits


The Riches - Cal/DiDi - PG-13
"You don't care what these buffer idiots think, deep down, 'cause you're a traveler, Dee."
warning: incest

Ficlet of Ridiculousness
Art History - Pablo Picasso/Georges Braque - PG
The inventors of Cubism like to hang out.

House, M. D. - implied House/Chase, implied Chase/Wilson - PG-13
Wilson stands up to House.
spoilers: episode 3.9 - Finding Judas

Original Fiction

A Concert Day
A typical day, getting ready for a concert

A Not-So-Chance Meeting
Alexis gets caught spying, and not for the first time. From the very same slightly-AU-untitled-novel universe.
warning: violence

A slightly-AU ficlet from my untitled-novel universe.

Character Biography: Nick Williams
A character biography for my scriptwriting class - 1-10/17-07

A thane, William, is sent to a fiery cave to battle a dragon.

Forever Marching
There's only one pace.

Gregory Hunter is like the ocean...
Another slightly-AU ficlet from my untitled-novel universe, written for a LotR Literature assignment.

I'm Here Now
Written as a sort-of sequel to Don't Be Afraid, but with original characters.
warning: implied death

Midday Tryst
Charlie and James have something to discuss
warning: implied violence

Sinking Fears
Ron comforts his sister.

Slow Motion
Mark sees things in slow motion.
warning: death

Uncle Charlie
Jack's nervous about meeting Charlie. A very thinly veiled fic about lotrips characters.

Untitled School Fic
Written for NaNoWriMo 2005; Jason and Anna have a fight.
warning: unfinished

My Non-Fiction

Film, TV, and Book Reviews
ETA Feb ‘09: I’ve pretty much stopped updating this list, and haven’t done so in quite some time. I’ll leave it linked here, though.
warning: spoilers

My Visuals

I'm no longer uploading pictures to the LJ albums, but they will stay up for the moment because I'm too lazy to go back through my entries and re-link the pictures. I'm now using Photobucket albums for all of my new pictures, icons, and drawings.

My Artwork (LJ album)
My Graphics (LJ album)
My Icons (Photobucket album)
My Photos (LJ album)
Other (LJ album)

My Recs

The All-Time-Favorite, You-Simply-Must-Read-This Rec List
I tried to limit myself to only really long or series fics. [This does not include Bandom recs] You can see this tag for rec updates in my journal posts, or you can visit my... page, where I keep all my fic bookmarks.



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