truth, truth, truth. except for the lies.

Nov 24, 2006 19:09

I listened to Sexie today, and now I understand why everyone's so crazy about Eddie Izzard. ♥ Nearly made me snort my drink out of my nose. LOL!


those options make me sound kind of sluttish. LOL! I'm not really. Only in my mind. *giggles* Aaaaanyway, the dog trial today was close to hell, except frozen over. My dilemma: my fingers get very cold, but if I wear gloves, I can't use the cameras. People suggested fingerless gloves. But then, the part of my hand that's cold doesn't get any of the warmth. >.< *loves the handwarmer thingies* Anyway, my sis got a few ribbons and is very excited, this being Daz's first trial and all. So we went out for dinner and both my mom and my dad had a couple margaritas, so I had to drive home. At least there isn't really any ice on the roads yet...

Oh, speaking of ice, my sis and my dad went skiing on Thanksgiving, then we had Chinese food for dinner (ahahaha, no turkey feast!) and afterward we went to see Casino Royale. BUT, my point in telling you this story is this: my fortune cookie says "Good news will come to you from far away." So, somebody on my flist who lives far away, give me good news. Anything, as long as it's good. I want my fortune to come true. LOL

I know there was something else I wanted to say, but (as seems common with me) now I've forgotten. >.<

besides that, I'm very very sorry about not posting chapters this last week. I just got too busy to finish writing them, let alone post them. But next week I should have an extra one or two to make up for the delay.

oh, in regards to the poll/quiz: I'll post the correct answers after the weekend. :D

poll, posting, writing, rl

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