title: Needle
pairing: Billy/Dom
rating: PG
wordcount: 100
disclaimer: this is completely untrue.
note: Another drabble, prompted by
this word generator. The titles of these drabbles are the word I was given, by the way.
“Fuck!” Billy cried through gritted teeth as the needle pierced his skin. Dom curled his hand around Billy’s shoulders and leaned down to kiss Billy’s cheek.
“Shh, it’s alright, Billy. It’ll be over in a second.”
“I’m never letting you talk me into anything ever again for the rest of eternity,” Billy moaned, trying not to flinch. The artist tightened his grip on Billy’s foot, keeping him still.
“I’m not bloody looking!”
“He’s almost done, though! This is so perfect. We still have to convince Sean and… the other Sean, though.”
Finally, it was done. Billy looked.
“It’s perfect.”