mini-lost-rant and my finals schedule

Jun 04, 2007 16:35

i was listening to the greatest hits lostcast and there was an audio comment about desmond not appearing when charlie was playing his guitar, and i've heard some people say that before, and i'm just like WTF? because it was obviously a different location and charlie was even wearing different clothes (i think) and what, they don't believe that it rains in england?? they don't think it's possible (or probable) that charlie would've been playing on street corners MORE THAN ONCE? >.< when i saw that scene, thinking it was supposed to be the SAME scene as desmond's flashback-like-thing was the LAST thing on my mind. and people are thinking that that flashback was evidence that desmond actually did change the future/past/whatever, and WTF. >.< the only thing that connected them for me was the "oh, it started raining on him again, poor charlie." and yeah, the scenes are SIMILAR, but omg are people just not WATCHING?


ok, so anyway. last week of classes is this week and next week is finals (of which i only have one, i think), so OMGYAY.

my schedule:
     - quiz in psychology
     - essay due for english
     - essay due for media & messages
     - presentation due for media & messages
     - something involving art for the art show, i think? or maybe it's tuesday instead? or maybe i don't even hafta go? no idea. >.<
     - graduation/completion party for biology/lotr lit no, i think the days were changed around. no idea when that is now. lol
     - painting exhibition at the fair
next thurs
     - final for psychology

also, my mom and i looked at my grades so far for psychology and media & messages and if i can pull out a high-B or (hopefully) an A, i'll get an A in both of those classes. \o/ i got a 97/100 for my research project in psych, but none of the other students commented on it, which makes me sad. >.< and i have no idea where i'm at for english, because i can't even stomach looking at all the things i've missed...

i'll talk about my film shoots later, because OMG I HAVE TO STUDY NOW. and i know i say i'll do stuff later ALL THE TIME, and then never do, but it's the last week of classes, so after this, i'll have about ten years of free time. LOL

class: comm 103, tv: lost, class: psych 100, co-op: biology, class: comm 291, school, rl, co-op: art, co-op: lotr lit

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